Hillary has taken the lead over Obama in the daily opinion polls over Obama, again.
- 49% Hillary Clinton
- 42% Barack Obama
- 47% John MCain
- 43% Barack Obama
- 48% John McCain
- 45% Hillary Clinton
Methodology: Gallup is interviewing no fewer than 1,000 U.S. adults nationwide each day during 2008.
The general election results are based on combined data from March 14-18, 2008. For results based on this sample of 4,376 registered voters, the maximum margin of sampling error is ±2 percentage points.
The Democratic nomination results are based on combined data from March 16-18, 2008. For results based on this sample of 1,209 Democratic and Democratic-leaning voters, the maximum margin of sampling error is ±3 percentage points.
In addition to sampling error, question wording and practical difficulties in conducting surveys can introduce error or bias into the findings of public opinion polls.
To receive Gallup Poll Daily tracking reports each day as soon as they are published, please register here and add Gallup Daily to your e-mail subscriptions.
Source: Gallup
It appears to me that the longer this intra-mural fighting goes on in the Democrat Party, the better off it is for the GOP in the fall. I have a source that tells me that this firestorm over Obama'a Preacher is nothing compared to what the Clinton Campaign has in store for the lead-up to Pennsylvania and North Carolina. We'll see. I happen to think that the Reverend Wright stuff is a campaign killer. I just do not see how Obama can carry the south after that material has gotten into the wild.
One good thing about this whole affair is that it has gotten the poison that is Black Liberation Theology out into the general public. That is a theology that is just as wrong as some other offshoots of Christianity.
The man recognized by Obama's church as laying the foundation of their theology is Dr. James Cone. Here is his view on sin and salvation:
In Cone's view, sin is "a condition of human existence in which man denies the essence of God's liberating activity as revealed in Jesus Christ." In this view, sin is anything that is contrary to the oppressed community or its liberation.
Salvation for Cone primarily has to do with earthly reality, not heavenly hopes. "To see the salvation of God is to see this people [i.e., the blacks] rise up against their oppressors, demanding that justice become a reality now and not tomorrow."[36] Hence, though Cone often speaks of Jesus as the Liberator, in practical terms he emphasizes the human work of self-liberation among blacks and downplays divine help.
Source: Black Theology, Black Power, and the Black Experience
Of course, since Black Theologians still claim to be Christians, one must refute them from Scripture. Chapter 4 of John does that quite nicely.
The Jews considered the Samaritans an "unclean" mixed breed - with Israelite and Assyrian ancestry. Because of this, the Jews were harshly prejudiced against the Samaritans and discriminated against them. This cultural hostility led the Samaritan woman to ask Jesus: "'You are a Jew and I am a Samaritan woman. How can you ask me for a drink?' (For Jews do not associate with Samaritans)" (John 4:9).
During the ensuing discussion, the woman asked Jesus about which cultural place of worship was valid: Mt. Gerizim where the Samaritans built their temple, or Jerusalem where the Jews built theirs. Anthony Evans alerts us to the significance of Jesus' response: "Jesus does not hesitate to let her know that once you bring God into the picture, the issue is no longer culture, but truth. He informs her that the question is not Mt. Gerizim or Jerusalem, that it is not according to Samaritan tradition or Jewish tradition (v. 21). In fact, He denounces her cultural heritage in relation to worship, for he told her, 'Ye worship ye know not what' (v. 22). When she began to impose her culture on sacred things, Christ invaded her cultural world to tell her she was spiritually ignorant."
Jesus transcended the whole issue of culture in discussing spiritual issues with the woman. When it came to her relationship with God, the issue moved from her cultural heritage to her heart and the criteria for that relationship was truth. Jesus acknowledged cultural distinctions, but disallowed them when they interfered in any way with truth about God. A principle we can derive from this is: Culture must always take back seat to the truth of God as revealed in Scripture.
Source: Ibid
When one places one's race, cultural heritage, or nationality first in their relationship with God, that person, or group of people, become guilty of breaking the very first commandment, that of having other gods. Anything in our lives can become as gods if we let them. It is also a form of bondage. Manay black people have traded one form of bondage (physical slavery) for others (psychology and spiritual slavery).
My faith holds that God is no respecter of persons, for he made us all, and wants us to become his adopted children.
Like it or not, we are a Christian nation built upon the principle of Religious Liberty. The mainstream holds that it is wrong to point out differences between Christianity and other faiths. Never let them get away with telling you that. They are trying to silence you because they know that this nation is still a majority Christian nation, although most of that number appear to be nominal, and/or sleeping, Christians. Their primary fear is that they awake, and apply their beliefs to their decision-making process of choosing their elected representatives to this great Republic known as the United States of America.
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