Israel embodies democracy, rule of law, anti-racism, religious freedom, rights for women, gays and Arab and Muslim minorities - Israel is one of the most gender integrated regimes in the world, and has had a female prime minister, a female chief justice, a female foreign minister and leading female military officers.
Israel seeks peaceful coexistence while Arabs and Iranians seeks to eliminate Israel, as evidenced by their violent actions including terrorism, voting patterns, replies to polls, political rhetoric, media messages, school textbooks, mosque sermons, wall graffiti, and much else.
The debate regarding the solution to the conflict with the Arab Palestinians is an exercise in futility as long they do not end their civil war, choose democracy over tyranny and terror and stop seeking Israel's destruction and Islamic global supremacy. Israel is not the root cause of many problems in the Middle East but is a front line in the Islamo-fascist war against all non-Muslims.
Now comes a project for friends of Israel to help that nation combat biased reporting in the Legacy Media. That project is called Israel@60. From the website:
The Israel Project (TIP) is an international non-profit organization devoted to educating the press and the public about Israel while promoting security, freedom and peace. The Israel Project provides journalists, leaders and opinion-makers accurate information about Israel. The Israel Project is not related to any government or government agency.
Our team of trusted Middle East experts and former reporters provides journalists with fact sheets, backgrounders and sources. TIP regularly hosts press briefings featuring leading Israeli spokespeople and analysts that give journalists an opportunity to get information and answers to their questions face-to-face. By providing journalists with the facts, context and visuals they need, TIP causes hundreds of millions of people around the world to see a more positive public face of Israel. This helps protect Israel, reduce anti-Semitism and increase pride in Israel.
The Israel Project has launched a contest to celebrate Israel's 60th Birthday, and you are invited to participate:
As popular Internet social networks and other Web sites provide dangerous new outlets to glorify murder, ‘martyrdom’ and Iran-backed terrorist agendas, The Israel Project (TIP) is fighting back with an online contest that showcases Israel’s constant commitments to freedom, democratic values and peace.
As part of its new “Israel@60” contest TIP invites all filmmakers, writers and other artists worldwide with a passion for showing the real Israel, to submit entries commemorating Israel’s founding in May 1948.
TIP will award a total of $20,000 to the winning submissions in each of the following formats:
* Television Advertisement (30 Seconds)
* Video (30 seconds - 7 minutes
* Printable Flyer (8 ½ x 11 inches)
Winning entries in the TV and video categories will be posted on youtube.com, allowing viewers worldwide to see and hear Israel’s 60-year struggle to serve as a model for democratic values and a safe haven for minorities persecuted by its neighbors in the Middle East.
TIP’s newly refurbished Web site provides information in six languages: English, French, Spanish, German, Arabic and Russian. Contest entries will be accepted in all of those languages and must be submitted March 31 – June 30. They must be factually accurate and focus on any topic in The Israel Project’s Israel@60 press kit.
To find out more, please contact the Israel Project.
Full Contest Rules.
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