Here is the latest volley in the NC-11 GOP primary from Dr. Carl Mumpower:
Armor, Campbell and Shuler in political lockstep
Carl Mumpower, a self-proclaimed "independent Republican," opposes a controversial component of the Federal Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) which would grant additional retroactive immunity to large telecommunications companies (such as Verizon and AT&T). It has been recently revealed that - without warrants or legal authority - these "telecoms" bugged phone calls, intercepted e-mails, and monitored the internet traffic of untold numbers of American citizens.
"The Democrats - with the exception of Heath and a few others - are right on this one, plain and simple," commented Mumpower. Incumbent Heath Shuler (D-11) is one of only a handful of Democrats to agree with Armor and Campbell in his support of the additional immunity.
Mumpower has held firm in his stand that providing additional immunity to big companies for spying on Americans "dangerously sidesteps the Constitution," even the face of his opponents' various characterizations of his position as "garbage," "irresponsible," and "foolhardy".
"If Congress wants to do something real, they should start by doing financial and performance audits on our intelligence agenies and by securing our porous borders," said Mumpower. "The greatest problem the intelligence community faces is effectively processing and acting on the information they already have. Any additional telecom immunity beyond what they enjoy already is not only a blank check, but a decoy issue that lock-step politicians use to pander to voters' fears."
An excerpt from testimony before the United States Senate Judiciary Committee on October 31, 2007 by Edward Black, President of the Computer & Communications Industry Association, offers information in support of Mumpower's position:
"...Retroactive immunity for participation in the recent secret government surveillance program is premature at best, since this Congress has yet to become well-informed enough to determine whether in fact the NSA surveillance program exceeded legal boundaries established under FISA. If immunity for past activities is granted prior to full disclosure and accountability from the Executive Branch, Congress and the public may never understand the nature of the NSA warrantless wiretapping program."
"If the rule-of-law, limited government, and the truth are not your priorities, then I'm not the guy to vote for," cautioned Mumpower. "I try hard to land on the right thing and hold the line...until the right thing wins or new information helps me to reconsider. This is not a time to surrender to pressure...from my own party or my own supporters."
He continued: "Armchair patriots" who support these new FISA immunities and who are willing to sacrifice the Constitution for illusionary security initiatives are, in fact, enabling our enemies. I will not join the herd just for the sake of doing so, no matter what the personal price."
(For the full transcript of Edward Black's testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee, click here.)
Campaign Website
I guess that puts me in the armchair general category. It is my opinion that we cannot allow an openly hostile 5th column in our country to openly practice lawfare in pursuit of our defeat in World War IV. Go read the testimony of Edward Black and form your own opinion.
Last I checked, Mumpower was up to six press release e-mails in a little over 48 hours defending his position on this.
He screwed up by impugning the motives of everyone who disagrees with him, and now he's doing this whole 'I'm so gosh darned principled that even my own followers don't like me' routine.
I'm sure that would work real well for him in November when his Democratic opponent runs to the right of him on national security.
"I will not join the herd just for the sake of doing so, no matter what the personal price."
It's good that Mumpower is following his convictions, and I wouldn't want him to do things any other way. I just hope the people of the 11th district realize that Carl's "personal price" will be the return to Congress of Nancy Pelosi's enabler, should Carl receive the nomination.
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