
I am working on the template of this blog today in order to chase down some problems that have developed with my template and widgets.

Macon County Commissioners

Coverage of the meetings of the Macon County Board of County Commissioners.

Franklin Town Board of Aldermen

Coverage of the meetings of the Franklin Town Board of Aldermen.

Macon County School Board

Coverage of the meetings of the Macon County School Board.


Photos from my photoblog.

nullspace for future use

nullspace for future use


Saturday, May 31, 2008

BTR: Political Pistachio for May 31st
"List of 45 Communist Goals part III with Snooper"

The Communist Goals entered into Congressional Record by Albert Herlong Jr. in 1963 has been adopted by the liberal left and Islam - - and we are down to the final six; don't miss this broadcast!Show begins at 10 pm and is scheduled for an hour:ChatPart IPart II If, for some reason, the audio is not available, I will upload an archive copy for you to download until the end of June...after that no deal. Just leave a comment with the request, and...

BREAKING: Obama Resigns His Church Membership

It is 20 years too late, but a step in the right right direction. Now he needs to drop Marxism as a philosophy. (Like that's gonna happen!)I notice this happens the same day of the DNC RUles & Bylaws Committee Meeting is taking place, and is an admission that TUCC is not a church in the Christian since, and that Black Liberation Theology is not an acceptable belief system for a candidate for President of the United States of Americ...

Live coverage of STS-124/Kibo Launch and Early Flight
Updated With Replay Video

**updated** 5.50pm The replay of the show launch and the first few minutes of flight is now available:Streaming Video by Ustream.TVThe continuing live coverage is below...Courtesy Space Vidcast, You can watch coverage of the 123rd Shuttleflight, the 35th flight of the Discovery vehicle, and the delivery of the experimental JAXA Kibo pressurized module to the ISS. After this flight, there are only eight more flights to the ISS planned by NASA shuttles. This flight is anticipated to last 15 days, minus the time required to repair the toilet. If...

Another Hateful, Cursing Pastor at Obama's Church
Updated With The Rezko Watch Hotlist for 5/31 and 6/01

Where do these people come from? And why is their hate tolerated and excused by the Legacy Media?Could it be that they are so in the tank for Obama that they will tell any lie, ignore any crime, dismiss anything to get their anointed one elected?**updated** 8.36 amEverything Obama and Rezko, via Rezko Watc...

Friday, May 30, 2008

The Old Glory Radio Live Show for May 30th

Tom Fredrikson will be live, and in color, here at 9pm Eastern:!-- -->To keep you entertained if you show up, you can click the on button and watch previous shows, or you can watch the following you tube he put out earlier this week:and see the post that accompanied ...

BTR: Sonlit Knight on A Newt One

Sonlit Knight is scheduled to host the show tonight at 7 pm Eastern for an hour:ChatA Newt O...

BTR: The Gathering Storm Report and
The Ed Morrissey Show for May 30th

It is too bad these to shows are on simultaneously, because I like them both!This week on the nearly famous Gathering Storm Radio Show are guests John Kenneth Press, author of 'Culturism: A Word, A Value, Our Future' and John Doe, who hosts his own BTR show, based in the D.C. area - Radio Free Dar al HarbThe show begins at 3 pm Eastern:ChatThe Gathering StormAlways On WatchAnd here is The Ed Morrissey Show for today, which begins at 3 pm and lasts...

Rush Limbaugh to Headline Historic Pro-Troop Effort

Rush Limbaugh made headlines in 2005 when he traveled to Afghanistan to meet with U.S. troops serving in the war on terror. As he reported to his huge listening audience, he witnessed first-hand the "awe-inspiring" jobs our troops were doing there.Now Rush has signed on to help the pro-troop organization, Move America Forward to send the largest single shipment of care packages to U.S. troops in history. The drive will culminate in a June 26th 8-hour web-a-thon called "From the Frontlines" that will feature video reports from our troops serving...

The Lost Geese

Geese in the ValleyGeese in a Grey SkyI saw these geese circle the campus of Western Carolina University on my way to lunch. They flew from the north, paralleling NC107 on the west side of the campus, turning at the Ramsey Center, and flew back north along the east side of the campus.When I worked in Maggie Valley, I saw the same sort of thing a lot...a formation of geese would fly by and wheel around and go back the way they came, sometimes repeating...

BTR: Dr. Andrew Bostom on Fausta's Radio Show

Dr Andrew Bostom talks about his new book, The Legacy of Islamic Antisemitism: From Sacred Texts to Solemn History.The show is on from 11am to noon, and you can come back in a few hours to listen to the podcast:ChatFausta's bl...

Barack Obama and ACORN

What if Barack Obama’s most important radical connection has been hiding in plain sight all along? Obama has had an intimate and long-term association with the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (Acorn), the largest radical group in America. If I told you Obama had close ties with or Code Pink, you’d know what I was talking about. Acorn is at least as radical as these better-known groups, arguably more so. Yet because Acorn works locally, in carefully selected urban areas, its national profile is lower. Acorn likes...

The Money Motive Behind Scott McClellan Book

A little background for those who have been under a rock lately:Former White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan has written a book in which he claims his boss (President George W Bush) lied to sell America on the Invasion of Iraq.There has been much coverage of the book, his claims, and he is the current Golden Boy of the anti-Bush Media. They have neglected to probe a little deeper into motives and incentives for publishing the book.Listen to...

Political Merchandise Fire Sale: "Everything Must Go!"

Now, this is funny, I don't care who you ar...

Thursday, May 29, 2008

BTR: A Newt One and Patriot Action for May 29th

Here are two Blog Talk Radio shows for your consideration tonight, or if you have plans, bookmark the page and return tomorrow to listen.7pm to 8pmA Newt One (Snooper is listed as the host tonight)ChatA Newt One Blog8pm to 9pmPatriot Action (Wyatt and Matt plan on discussing Scott McClellan's new book).Ch...

The Ed Morrissey Show for May 29th

I have been forgetting to post this show lately. It's been kinda busy around here.The show is over, and the archive of the show will be available for a few weeks here, then after that, you are out of luc...

Presidency Thwarted, Ron Paul Movement Morphing

I continue to monitor the followers of Ron Paul (via 347 RSS Feeds currently), and have been neglecting to post some of what I have been reading.Perhaps the best way to correct that over sight is to start with the new Ron Paul Book, The Revolution: A Manifesto. He appeared on C-SPAN's Book-TV recently, and here is the video: I think it is good for the Ron Paul people to stay in the GOP, because this is the year that a Libertarian Party could take...

June 12th Is Carbon Belch Day
Updated With Trapped Ice Breaker News

The idea is to generate as much carbon-dioxide as possible that day as protest, and to mock those who participated in the Earth Hour on March 31st:Conservative grassroots group wants people to waste as much energy as possible on June 12 by “hosting a barbecue, going for a drive, watching television, leaving a few lights on, or even smoking a few cigars.” The point: the group wants to “help Americans break free from the ‘carbon footprint guilt’ being imposed by Climate Alarmists.” says it’s skeptical over claims that...

Newly Discovered Asteroid Is A Fast-Spinner

British amateur astronomer Richard Miles has discovered the fastest rotating natural object known in our solar system.His observations, made using a telescope normally shared by students and professional scientists, have proved that the newly-discovered asteroid, 2008 HJ, is revolving once every 42.7 seconds, classifying it is as a superfast rotator. His discovery will boost our sparse knowledge of near-Earth asteroids and is another successful find for the Faulkes Telescope near-Earth asteroid project.Miles made his discovery April 29 using the...

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Clouds and Trees in Spring

Here are some Altocumulus Clouds providing a nice background to some tree...

Naked Hippies On Bikes (Aiee! My Eyes!!!)

According to Around Asheville, there may be some naked bike riders in Asheville on June 14th, so try to stay way from the downtown area that day if you don't want your eyes to melt. The Yahoo! Group cited has only two takers so far, but one of them is very enthusiastic...and knowing Asheville's population, it could takeoff.So, keep your eyes on the road, and you can monitor their progress via their Yahoo! Group called (wait for it) Asheville Naked Bike Ride.As for me, I plan on staying away from downtown Asheville on that day, and I'll pray for...

Nesbitt Ethics Problems

Buncombe Senator Martin Nesbitt is in the news again, and I have posted an article about it on WNC Citizens Blog. I meant to do it yesterday morning, but was interrupted when a neighbor's goats went on walkabou...

U.S. Marines In Helmand

US marines from the 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit in southern Afghanistan.Photograph: David Guttenfelder/AP For two years British troops staked out a presence in this small district center in southern Afghanistan and fended off attacks from the Taliban. The constant firefights left it a ghost town, its bazaar broken and empty but for one baker, its houses and orchards reduced to rubble and weeds. But it took the U.S. Marines, specifically the...

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

BTR: The Jawa Report Radio Edition

The radio version of The Jawa Report goes live at 9pm for an hour and a half.ChatThe Jawa Repo...

Here Is One S.O.B. I'll Be Voting For In November

I really hate the man's views on a lot of issues. His position on the war is one of the few reasons I'll have to vote for him, and begrudgingly give him some money. Here he is having his right to Free Speech taken from him by snot nosed kids who need to be horse-whipped:I'll have to pray extra hard for God to grant him wisdom, and for the same shield of spiritual protection I have prayed for President Bush to have about hi...

Blog Talk Radio:
Snooper on American Truth Warriors

I have been a bit under the weather this weekend, so I haven't been posting the Internet Talk Shows like I should have been doing.In this episode, Snooper will be playing sound clips from the various idiots around the globe, especially our retarded politicians of every stripe:Show starts at 7pm Eastern.Ch...

Feds Mum On "Missile" Fired At Airliner

27 May 2008 Shortly after takeoff yesterday morning, the pilot of Continental Flight 1544 reported seeing a rapidly moving object with a thick smoke trail closing in on his aircraft and shooting past his cockpit window. According to some of the crew and passengers aboard Flight 1544 traveling from Houston to Cleveland, it appeared like some kind of missile was headed toward the aircraft. The plane was at an altitude of 5,000 feet and 11 miles east of Bush International Aircraft when the pilot radioed the control tower to report the sighting. The...

Another Obama Lie: Claims His Uncle Liberated Auschwitz

Hat Tip: Rezko WatchBy the way, for those of you who don't know...the Soviets liberated Auschwitz.So, unless Obama's KGB Controller is code-named "uncle" Obama told a lie.I wonder if the Obama-loving Media will report this as breathlessly as they did Clinton's lies. Me neither. Lemme see, they ignored the Obamamessiah claiming he had visited 57 states, or the error he made in thinking he saw dead people.Obama really is just an empty sui...

Morning Dew


McCain To Obama: Let's go To Iraq, Little Man!

Republican John McCain on Monday sharply criticized Democratic rival Barack Obama for not having been to Iraq since 2006, and said they should visit the war zone together.“Look at what happened in the last two years since Senator Obama visited and declared the war lost,” the GOP presidential nominee-in-waiting told The Associated Press in an interview, noting that the Illinois senator’s last trip to Iraq came before the military buildup that is...

Monday, May 26, 2008

MRO Takes Photo Of Phoenix With Parachute Deployed

Holy Photographic Feats, Batman!!! The image faintly detects the chords attaching the backshell and parachute. The surroundings look dark, but correspond to the fully illuminated Martian surface, which is much darker than the parachute and backshell. Phoenix released its parachute at an altitude of about 12.6 kilometers (7.8 miles) and a velocity of 1.7 times the speed of sound. The HiRISE acquired this image on May 25, 2008, at 7:36 p.m....

Ultralong Solar Cycle 23 and Possible Consequences

Here are snippets from the report:SOLAR CYCLES AND TEMPERATURESWhen the sun is more active, it is brighter than when it is quiet. This difference in brightness or irradiance over the 11 year cycle is about 0.1%. The irradiance change though since the little ice age may be as high as 0.4 or 0.5% and has been used to explain the ice age and recovery since. Even on the shorter term, there are other solar factors at play besides simple brightness or...

Blogs4Borders! 052608

Our weekly vlog/podcast in illegal immigration and border security. In this weeks edition…Jobs Americans Won’t Do? Or jobs Americans can’t get hired for?100% Preventable! Americans continue to pay the bloody price for open borders! When will the madness end?Download for your ipod here. Click on image If you’d like to sponsor a show contact us here. This has been the Blogs For Borders Video Blogburst. The Blogs For Borders Blogroll is dedicated to...

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Seven Minutes Of Terror: Live Coverage Of Phoenix Landing On Mars
Update---Phoenix Has Landed!

**update** 8.02 pm The Phoenix Has Landed, and so far, all is well. When Ben makes the recording available, I will post it in place of the live stream player so you can relive the event.Replay of event:Free Videos by Ustream.TVHere is my preferred viewing for all things NASA, Space Vid Cast:Phoenix is scheduled to touch down on the northern icy plains of Mars tonight. Confirmation of the landing could come as early as 7:53 p.m. EDT (4:53 p.m. PDT)....

Memorial Day Movie: Midway (1942 Version)

IMDBThe Battle of Midway was the single most decisive battle of World War II, and signaled a turning of the tide in the Pacific. Here is the Henry Ford movie for you to watch as we ponder the sacrifices made by our men and women in uniform so that we might live free.For more information on the Battle of Midway, I refer you to these excellent resources:Battle of Midway (hosted by Sunwest Monograms)US NAVY WebsiteHistory of Midway Isla...

Honoring Those Who Served


Blue NC Protests Arrest Because Alleged Perp Is Gay

Here is an excerpt from the News & Observer:Police on Saturday charged two West Raleigh men with a "crime against nature" for having sex early that morning. Each faces up to two years in prison if convicted of the Class I felony.But that charge is unconstitutional, a state lawmaker says.And the circumstances of the encounter are murky.Raleigh police first charged Nelson Keith Sloan, 40, of Grand Manor Court, who called them to his apartment about dawn, saying he had been attacked.Police later filed the same charge against Ryan Christopher...

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Iraqi Army Continues Dismantling Mahdi Army Supplies

You know, if our Media was worth anything, they would be covering our successes in the Iraqi Theater of Action, and the successes of our allies, the Iraqis.In 5 short years, they have gone from a defeated foe to ally we have helped rebuild, and retask. Theses men have risked their lives, and the lives of their families by just signing up to fight alongside us.The Iraqi Army has gone from using the failed doctrine of Arab-style warfighting to learning how we fight. And they have learned marvelously.Part of the success of our doctrine includes a...

Friday, May 23, 2008

Old Glory Radio Live Video Show
Update with Hillary Talking Assassination

Here is the post for Old Glory Live Video Show; and tonight I will be on the show as a guest in the first segment. If you've never heard me speak before, now is your chance. The player will continue to cycle through old shows until show time at 9pm Eastern Time tonight.Don't forget to click the button to play at 9pm. Powered by Podbean.comListen to Hillary discuss the possibility of assassination as a reason for staying in the race. Good thing she isn't a Republican, or the Democrats would be charging her with inciting an assassination attempt....

The Gathering Storm Radio Show

This week on the nearly famous Gathering Storm Radio Show is Cassandra USA - author of 'Escape from an Arab Marriage' and 'Thirty-Three Secrets Arab Men Never Tell American Women'.The show is scheduled from 3pm to 4pm.Chatroom.The Gathering Storm BlogAlways On Wat...

German Military Not Allowed To Use Lethal Force ?!?

German Special Forces had an important Taliban commander in their sights in Afghanistan. But he escaped -- because the Germans were not authorized to use lethal force. The Taliban commander is regarded as a brutal extremist with excellent connections to terror cells across the border in Pakistan. Security officials consider him to be one of the most dangerous players in the region, which is under German command as part of NATO's International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) mission in Afghanistan. The military accuses him of laying roadside...

Rubber Ducks Tour The World

Hold fast to that rubber ducky, Ernie!On January 10, a container holding almost 29,000 plastic bath toys spills off a cargo ship into the middle of the Pacific Ocean and breaks open. The unsinkable toys, which were en route from Hong Kong to Tacoma (Washington), include a lot of iconic yellow rubber ducks that have since been caught up in the world’s ocean currents and continue turning up on the most improbable shores. Curtis Ebbesmeyer, a retired oceanographer, saw from the beginning how valuable the rubber duckies could be in tracing ocean currents,...

Just How Stupid is John McCain?
Updated With More Stupidity

(CNN) — In the face of mounting controversy over headline-grabbing statements from Pastor John Hagee, CNN has learned presumptive Republican nominee John McCain has decided to reject his endorsement. The Huffington Post had published a recording of Hagee saying that Adolf Hitler had been fulfilling God’s will by hastening the desire of Jews to return to Israel in accordance with biblical prophecy. “Obviously, I find these remarks and others deeply offensive and indefensible, and I repudiate them. I did not know of them before Reverend Hagee’s...

Thursday, May 22, 2008

The Libertarians Are Back...So What?

Mark Brinker, writing in a blog for The Greensboro News-Record, notes that the Libertarians are back in business in North Carolina as a recognized party, having nearly 73,000signatures in that effort.They call the requirements stringent. Good luck getting elected as a Libertarian to a statewide office if they think it is difficult to get a miniscule number to sign a petition.Let's just see how many people register as Libertarians. (cricket, cricket)How...