I kid you not. I wonder if any of these people have gone on to blow themselves up in the process of killing Jews.
It appears that some Palestinians in Gaza share American Thinker's skepticism over Barack Obama's devotion to the cause of Israel. Jim Geraghty of NRO's The Campaign Spot draws our attention to this video news report broadcast on Al Jazeera television, showing Palestinians in Gaza running a phone bank to call American voters before primary elections and urge them to support Obama.
Hamas supports Obama, and Palestinians in Gaza (which is run by Hamas) are manning phone banks on his behalf. A number of Obama's foreign policy advisors have troubling track records, and one of them, Robert Malley was talking with Hamas and resigned when this became known. I suppose it will be called "old politics" to even notice these facts. But Palestinians, and many American voters, can and do read the signs he is giving on his Middle East policies.
Source: American Thinker Blog
Hat Tip: Don
I really don't think the Democrats have a clue at how bad Obama will be stomped this fall in the general election.

Don't make me laugh.
You can't smear someone's character if they were fake to begin with. Half of the people who voted for him didn't know what he was running for. They say that if you don't vote for someone because of their skin color, you're racist. Well the same rules apply to those that voted for him because he was "black". His name consists of Barrack Huessein Obama. Something odd in that name? Obamma is going to bring about change in the U.S. alright, doesn't mean that it will be good though.
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