
I am working on the template of this blog today in order to chase down some problems that have developed with my template and widgets.

Macon County Commissioners

Coverage of the meetings of the Macon County Board of County Commissioners.

Franklin Town Board of Aldermen

Coverage of the meetings of the Franklin Town Board of Aldermen.

Macon County School Board

Coverage of the meetings of the Macon County School Board.


Photos from my photoblog.

nullspace for future use

nullspace for future use


Monday, June 30, 2008

My Middle Name Is Sidney

Emily Nordling has never met a Muslim, at least not to her knowledge. But this spring, Ms. Nordling, a 19-year-old student from Fort Thomas, Ky., gave herself a new middle name on, mimicking her boyfriend and shocking her father.“Emily Hussein Nordling,” her entry now reads.With her decision, she joined a growing band of supporters of Senator Barack Obama, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, who are expressing solidarity with him by informally adopting his middle name.The result is a group of unlikely-sounding Husseins:...

Crunching The Numbers On 527's: Exposing Barack Obama's Lie

To hear Barack Obama speak you'd think he is gonna be overwhelmed by a folld of Republican 527's this fall. Methinks the guilty dog is barking first:Before the conventions in 2004, 527's had raised $189.1 million, with Conservative groups raising $43.8 million and Liberal groups raising $132.6 million. The Liberals out raised Conservatives 3 to 1.Now, the 527's have raised $207.8 million, with Conservative groups raising $68.4 million and Liberal groups raising $116.4 million. The Liberals out raised Conservatives 1.7 to 1.I can see why Obama...

Blogs 4 Borders 063008

Our weekly vlog — video podcast on illegal immigration and border security issues. In this weeks edition… Budget Woes? Several states are cutting benefits for citizens, are they missing something obvious? 100% Preventable! Americans continue to pay the bloody price for open borders! When will the madness end? The Other War: Mexican drug cartel hitmen assassinate a Phoenix drug dealer. Is there a Mexican military connection? Download for...

The Tunguska Mystery 100 Years Later

June 30, 1908, 7:14 a.m., central Siberia—Semen Semenov, a local farmer, saw “the sky split in two. Fire appeared high and wide over the forest.... From ... where the fire was, came strong heat.... Then the sky shut closed, and a strong thump sounded, and I was thrown a few yards.... After that such noise came, as if . . . cannons were firing, the earth shook ...”Such is the harrowing testimony of one of the closest eyewitnesses to what scientists call the Tunguska event, the largest impact of a cosmic body to occur on the earth during modern...

Sunday, June 29, 2008

The John Batchelor Show For June 29th

WMAL has added the show to it's Sunday Night lineup!!! The show will air from 7pm to 9pm on WMAL. It's Sunday night, and that means it's time for John Batchelor! Here is his new website. WABC & WMAL Schedule WABC & WMAL Schedule KFI Schedule If you can't listen to him over the air, you can listen to him from 7pm to 10pm Eastern Devil Time on WABC. The main WABC Stream is not working this week, try this...

Hour Long Video Of Mexican Consulate Protest In Hendersonville, NC

Citizens in western North Carolina came together yesterday and protested the Mexican Consulate issuing Identification to 400 or so Mexicans yesterday in Hendersonville, North Carolina: Among the groups participating were The Action Club, ALIPAC, NC Listen, and congressional candidate Carl Mumpower. The videographer was Richard Bernier who has a public access show called Sound Off Buncombe on URTV. The show airs on Charter Cable channel 20 in Buncombe and Madison counties.**update** I forgot to add Paul Purdue to the list. He is a candidate for...

Democratic Party Bans Southern Fried Foods From Convention

As part of the effort to make the August 25-28 convention the greenest ever, the Democrats' guidelines for food catering include one that strikes at the heart of Southern cuisine: no fried food.No fried chicken. No fried catfish. No fried green tomatoes. No fried okra. No fried anything.In promoting healthy eating habits, the Democratic guidelines say every meal should be nutritious and include "at least three of the following colors: red, green,...

Saturday, June 28, 2008

WNC Citizens Protest Mexican Consulate in Hendersonville

The protest I wrote about yesterday is previewed in the following video shot by Richard Bernier of URTV's Sound Off Buncombe:He hopes to have full hour up by Sunday Night on Google Video, and it will be airing on URTV in Buncombe and Madison Counties on Charter Cable Channel 2...

Manure Thief Falls In Manure, Flees Scene Naked

A woman trying to make "manure bombs" using stockings, slipped into a slurry tank and fled the scene naked, German police said.Two women entered a farm in the northern village of Eberholzen on Wednesday evening and started to fill the stockings with manure."One of them slipped into the manure tank, right into the cow muck," said a spokesman for local police. "The other one helped her out. We found their clothes in a field. One seems to have run off completely naked, the other in her underwear."Source: ABC NewsManure Bombs? As in Water Balloon-type...

Technical Analysis Video For June 27th

For the naysayers on the economy, listen to Alpha Trends:Smart traders make money no matter which way the market is going.He has a book on Technical Tradin...

Crunching The Numbers On Algal Gasoline

According to the US Energy Information Administration, US gasoline consumption is currently averaging (4-week rolling) 9.027 million barrels of gasoline per day, or about 379 million gallons (42 gallons per barrel). Thus, to completely replace US gasoline consumption, Sapphire Energy would need to “scrub”, at 100% efficiency, just over 83000 cubic kilometers of air per day. Certainly there is plenty of air available - this volume represents less...

Friday, June 27, 2008

Latino Advocacy Group Assisting Illegal Aliens Tomorrow At Blue Ridge Community College
Updated With Protest Plans

This was forwarded to my via my You Tube Account this morning:Immigration Reformers and Concerned Citizens,I know I have emailed you a fair amount in the last two weeks, but events don't happen always in order.Blue Ridge Community College (Flat Rock - NC), part of the North Carolina Community College system, was sent a letter by NC LISTEN to inform them that the Latino Advocacy Coalition of Henderson County was renting a state building on their community college campus for purposes of inviting Mexican Consulate officials to provide and assist...

Our Next National Purpose: The Lexington Project

Senator John McCain has a plan:  Our nation's future security and prosperity depends on the next President making the hard choices that will break our nation's strategic dependence on foreign sources of energy and will ensure our economic prosperity by meeting tomorrow's demands for a clean portfolio. John McCain has made the necessary choices - producing more power, pushing technology to help free our transportation sector from its use of foreign oil, cleaning up our air and addressing climate change, and ensuring that Americans have...

BTR: Fausta's Blog for June 27th

At 11:00 AM Eastern, Fausta will have blogger and author on the show. Among the topics will be politics, the 2008 Campaign, and yesterday's landmark decision by the Supreme Court:Chat RoomFausta's BlogKevin's Blog, Musclehead RvolutionKevin's Books, On Amaz...

Move America Forward Webathon Raises More Than $1 Million For Care Packages!

The leftist rabble are once again licking their wounds as the patriots of America delivered a rousing, unambiguous show of support for our troops prosecuting the missions in Afghanistan and Iraq.Although they entered the night with a goal of $500,000, they had that cleared by 9 PM Eastern. At the end of the day, MAF collected over $1 Million to supply our troops with care packages.Source: A Newt OneI'd like to thank everyone who participated in the event and contributed to purchase care packages for the troops. Callers raised $1,055,719 to purchase...

Lefties Realize Olberman, Obama Were Faking It On FISA

Keith Olbermann on FISA earlier this year...he was against it before he was for it! On January 31 of this year, Keith Olbermann donned his most serious face and most indignant voice tone to rail against George Bush for supporting telecom immunity and revisions to FISA. In a 10-minute "Special Comment," the MSNBC star condemned Bush for wanting to "retroactively immunize corporate criminals," and said that telecom immnity is "an ex post facto law, which would clear the phone giants from responsibility for their systematic, aggressive...

Thursday, June 26, 2008

(LIVE EVENT) From The Frontlines Webathon
4 PM to Midnight Eastern Time

This post is sticky, and will remain on top for the remainder of the day, visit WNC Citizens Blog for today's posts.I have decided to post the player in my header so that you might enjoy the chatroom as well during the show. !--Video stream hosted by Ustream;Broadcast begins at 4pm t -->This webathon has the purpose of getting as many people as possible to call in and pledge to contribute to sending care packages to our troops serving overseas.**update**...

Mumpower Visits the Henderson County Republican Mens Club

I have the video of the event at my local and state issues blog, WNC Citizens Blo...

Arapaho County Prepares for DNC Protestors

The law enforcement authorities in Denver, Colorado are being very proactive regarding the legions of anarchists, communists, progressives, and other freaks known as Democrats descend upon Denver in an attempt to "Recreate '68".They have passed an ordinance that makes it unlawful for protesters to possess large sticks, whether they be metal or wooden, gas masks or projectile launchers.ARAPAHOE COUNTY, Colo. -- No large sticks and no poles. Those are the rules approved Tuesday by the Arapahoe County Board of County Commissioners for protesters...

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

On Blog Talk Radio Tonight, June 24th

Sorry for the light posting today, I've been under the weather.7:00 PMFirst up this evening is Loki and Eeevil Conservative, who are hosting The Halls of Valhalla on American Truth Warriors:Chat RoomA Newt One9:00 PMThen we have Andrea Shea King. From her show notes...Madame Pelousy wants to shut us up.Update on Broadcasters Freedom Act. From the Front Lines, and what's going on in Israel -- assassination attempt?Chat RoomRadio Patriot10:00 PMNext...

Salman Rushdie Knighted By Queen Elizabeth II

Sir Salman RushdieMuslims around the world condemned the award when it was announced last year in the Monarch's Birthday Honours list.Sir Salman, 61, who has written a number of acclaimed books, went into hiding in 1989 after the publication of his book The Satanic Verses.The novel sparked widespread protests by Muslims and Iranian leader Ayatollah Khomeini issued a fatwa against him.Source:...

Number of Libertarians in North Carolina More Than Doubles

According to Under The Dome, the number of registered Libertarians in North Carolina has increased from 5 to 11, more than doubling in size.Now, that's funny!!!**update** 6.11pmRegistration Totals:2,633,098 Democrats1,932,529 Republicans1,245,234 Unafiliateds0,000,011 Libertarians (I'm laughing so hard, I'm crying, here!)5,810,872 Total registered voters in North CarolinaMaybe I should keep a running tall...

BTR: Nikki Rocks The Politics

Nikki Starr and Shaun O'Mac are interesting to listen to. The show starts at 10am Eastern Time:Chat Ro...

Iranian Mortars Pound Israel During Ceasefire

Israel is moving anti-mortar radars to its border with Gaza, to fight the growing number of Iranian 120mm mortars Hamas is using. While the mortar is heavy (about 300 pounds), it can be broken down into components (barrel-94 pounds, base plate- 135 pounds, bipod-72 pounds, sight-four pounds). More accurate than the locally made Kassam rockets, and with more range (normally 6-7 kilometers, but up to 10 kilometers with special ammo), the shells weigh...

Wednesday Hero ~ SSG Jude Voss

Staff Sgt. Jude Voss1st Battalion, 3d Special Forces Group (Airborne)His courage illustrates a combat truth to these veterans of World War II, Korea and Vietnam: Soldiers arent thinking about glory or ideals in the midst of a battle. They fight for the men to the left and right of them.And that's just what SSgt. Jude Voss did in September of 2006 when, without consideration to his safety, SSgt. Voss ran through enemy fire and the burning, smoking...

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Ed Morrissey Show for June 24th

Ed's show is on from 3pm to 4pm:Online Video provided by UstreamThis is the recorded version, and it will stay embedded as long as the file stays at RoomFrom his show notes:Today, on the Ed Morrissey Show (3 pm ET), we return in style with two great guests from the Washington Examiner. In the first half, Quin Hilyer joins us to talk about his work at the newspaper ( and VP choices), and in the second half, we get a visit from Mary Katharine Ham. We’ll talk about the stories of the day, as well as yesterday when I played hooky,...

Less Than 48 Hours Until "From The Frontlines" Telethon

What do all these people have in common? Former First Lady, Nancy Reagan The Office of General David Petraeus Former US Ambassador to the United Nations, John Bolton Rush Limbaugh Ann Coulter Sean Hannity Dr. Laura Schlessinger Lt Col Oliver North (Ret.) Actor Kelsey Grammer Comedian Jackie Mason Singer John Ondrasik (Five for Fighting) Laura Ingraham Mark Levin Monica Crowley Mike Gallagher Rich Lowry - National Review Kathryn Lopez - NationalReviewOnline Jed Babbin - Human...

June 24th on Blog Talk Radio

Here is my way to avoid posting 5 or 6 radio shows everyday on the blog, and run the risk of burning out, or worse yet, overlooking some shows when things get hectic. so, if you are a BTR host, and you wonder why I only embed your show occaisionally, it is because I forget. I still listen via the RSS Feed due to internet issues at night from home. My neighbors all give me a hard time because I got them all to switch to DSL, and now...we all go dark...

Thunder Pig 2008

The world will never be the sam...

Barack Obama: The Candidate of Change

We keep hearing that Barack Obama is the candidate of change, that he is clear and consistent in his leadership and in his message. But what does that mean? A look at a few of the positions and counter positions the Junior Senator from Illinois has taken in the course of his four short years from a candidate for the United States Senate to a candidate for the Presidenc...

The Return of Political Pistachio

My internet service was down last night (Thank You, Verizon DSL), so I couldn't embed or listen to Doug's return to radio last night, so I'll post the podcast today instead.Yesterday, I found out why Doug hadn't been on the air. The brief recap is that he had reason to believe that his family would be in danger if he kept on broadcasting and blogging, so he stopped.Last night, he returned to the airwaves (or intertubes) in his regular slot as Monday...

Monday, June 23, 2008

Fighting Back Against Gay Marriage and The Homosexual Agenda

Peter Wolfgang, Director Public Policy on how Gay Marriage fits into the Homosexual Agenda.The video that audio was taken from is worth watching, and many of the points raised in the Connecticut and Massachusetts discussion apply to the California case and nationally. The goal of getting same-sex marriages approved is the destruction of the traditional family unit, "In order to push same-sex marriage, you have to deny that children do best in a...