After wringing the last possible dime from his supporters, Ron Paul has joined the Huckster, Romney, and other Republicans and formed a PAC of his own, after quitting the race for President.
The mission of his new PAC:
The mission of the Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a noninterventionist foreign policy, by means of educational and political activity.Ron Paul is sadly lacking in his understanding of the importance for us to engage the enemy from a forward posture instead of hiding in our homeland, and giving him the rest of the world. If Ron Paul had been President during World War II, Europe's fate would have been decided between the Soviets and the Nazis, and hundreds of millions more people would have died, and billions condemned to live under slavery before we joined them.
I will be very interested in seeing how many of his local supporters go through with their plans to leave the GOP, and join the hopeless campaign of Bob Barr, or help the insignificant Libertarian Party of North Carolina by enrolling as members, and running for local and state offices, or campaigning for Libertarian candidates...the only way any party is successful.
So, my question is, will they work, or will they whine?
Hat Tip: Race 4 2008
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