Some people just don't know when to stop. Apparently, I am one of them. Here is my morning blogburst:
Barack Obama News
|Tales From The Trail| What would Obama do for Africa?
|McCain Blogs| Obama To Prosecute War Criminals
|American Thinker| Obama's War
|American Thinker| Obama, Black Liberation Theology and Antisemitism
|Fausta's Blog| Chomping at the bit: Obama's war crimes trials, and Bush impeachment
|Longstreet| Obama Declares War On…uh... Internet Rumors and Slurs!
General U.S.A. Political News
We have been through this time and time again.
The left and its media allies cannot accept that the country's leaders, especially those leaders with a Democrat "D" near their name, found it necessary to authorize the use force in the war the Islamic extremists continue to wage against us.
The left's solution has been to fabricate a myth that we were "mislead" into war. Despite the fact that no less than three exhaustive reviews have completely discredited this mythical lie, last week the Democrat controlled Senate Intelligence Committee, chaired by West Virginia Democrat John D. Rockefeller IV, tried to try and rewrite history and thereby breath new life into this despicable myth.
As a few Democrats realize, success in Iraq will be a problem for the Democrats. Now that the success of the surge is being recognized by the press, if not the Democrat's standard bearer, those that once supported the war but switched positions with the prevailing political winds are growing disparate. The only way those Democrats who once supported the war, and thereby offended the Democrats' agenda-setting antiwar left-wingers, can see to hold onto power is to blame their support for the war on being mislead.
|Red State| Democrats' New Political Threat to U.S. Security
|Right Angles| 25 Percent Tax on “Reasonable” Profits
|Michelle Malkin| Harry Reid’s Jimmy Carter Memorial Act: Senate takes up windfall profits tax
* John McCain 52% (48%)
* Barack Obama 39% (43%)
Favorable / Unfavorable (Net)
* John McCain 59% / 38% (+21%)
* Barack Obama 42% / 55% (-13%)
Survey of 500 likely voters was conducted June 2. The margin of error is +/- 4 percentage points. Results from the poll conducted May 1 are in parentheses.
|Rasmussen| Texas Presidential Election
|TIME: RCP| McClellan's Quest Continues
|Maverick News Network| American people: 'Talk to Iran but only after they drop the nuke program'
|News Busters| Brokaw Scolds Letterman on 'Horrible' U.S.; Environmental Hypocrisy
|Politico| Dems can't afford donation ban
|Conservative Beach Girl| No Tomatoes: To-may-toe; to-mah-toe!
North Carolina News
|Lawson For Congress| Thoughts from the NCGOP Convention
|My Weaverville| MegaVote for NC’s 11th Congressional District: June 9, 2008
|Under The Dome| McCaskill: No 'tough questions' from Dole
|Inner Banks Eagle| LBJ’s List And The Conservative Challenge
|Hillbilly White Trash| The modern Left
World War IV News
|Gazing At The Flag| Wednesday Hero ~ SPC Jeffrey A Williams
|The Long War Journal| Sadr's Special Groups
|Captain's Journal| RAND Study on Counterinsurgency in Afghanistan
Danes need look no further than their own newspapers to find the reason for the car bombing that severely damaged their embassy in Pakistan on Monday, according to Rohan Gunaranta, an international terrorism expert from Pakistan.
'There is still a lot of dissatisfaction here about the cartoons, as well as the fact that the Danish government still has not condemned them or the people that were responsible for them. As long as that hasn't happened, Denmark will be under the constant threat of militant muslims,' Gunaranta said.
Fauzia Mufti Abbas, Pakistan's ambassador to Denmark, agreed that the Mohammed cartoons, first published in Jyllands-Posten newspaper in October 2005, had incited Muslim anger and were possibly the motivation for the attack, which killed eight and wounded as many as 30.
|Gateway Pundit| Paki Ambassador Warns Denmark To Apologize For Cartoons Or Face More Attacks
|Real Clear Politics| Gagged in Canada: Speech Police Run Amok
|Global Guerrillas| Neo-Feudalism and the Decline of the State
|Jihad Watch| Iran tells Iraq that U.S. troops are "main obstacle on the way to progress"
|Jihad Watch| Jordanian group wants Wilders tried over Fitna
|Dhimmi Watch| Malaysian Prez: Muslims in Britain should live under Sharia
|Arutz Sheva News| Iran Counter-Threatens 'Painful' Response, Signs Pact With Iraq
|Michael Totten| A Dark Corner of Europe, Part II
News From a Lefty Perspective
|Senate Guru| Gigantic Early Tuesday Morning Rundown
|Right Wing Watch| Former '700 Club' Co-Host Indicts Blacks for 'Evil Deeds' for Voting Democratic
|Think Progress| ThinkFast: June 10, 2008
|Firedoglake| Everything is proceeding awesomely…please go shopping
|Daily Kos| Cheers and Jeers: Tuesday
|AshVegas| Asheville's Jute wins grant
|Blue NC| Obama Kicks off General Election Campaign in North Carolina
|Gaia's Tears| Kucinich the Just - A Tireless Warrior for Impeachment
|Scrutiny Hooligans| Parkside: Reference Guide, Council Meeting Edition
|Where Is The Outrage?| Moyers outsmarts O’Reilly
Radio Replay
|John Batchelor| Tiananmen Square anniversary
|Political Pistachio Radio| Burlap or Cloth? Say good bye to your plastic grocery bags, Hillary Quits (finally), Islam in USA - Jun 10,2008
|Syrin| Katcha KLOO Sunday - Jun 09,2008
|A Newt One| The Jimmy Z Sunday Show Featuring Jimmy Z - Jun 08,2008
News that won't fit anywhere else
|Papa Mike| Grandpa Comes to the Rescue…Grabs Shotgun from Intruder
|Siberian Light| Nikolai Makarov - the man to reform Russia’s military?
|Blackfive| DouChe' shirts shipping
|Destroyermen| USS Russell Assists Vessel in Distress
|Milcomm Monitoring| Russian Navy Participating in BaltOps 2008
|The Pirates Cove| Global Warming Today: How’s This Consensus?
|Goolge Operating System| Google Docs to Add PDF Storage
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