**8.03am** Here is the Explo-TV video of the impact.
**7.57am** Here is the first video uploaded to YouTube of the event. It occurs shortly after the three minute mark. I didn't see it, either. There will be a Press Briefing at 10 am EDT, and I'll carry that live as well. --TP

This is the video feed from NASA. It is scheduled to start the live broadcast at 6.15 am this morning.
**7.00 am**
I have replaced the NASA Feed with the SpaceVidCast Feed because the NASA announcers are annoying. Click here to continue watching via NASA-TV.
Early on Friday morning, October 9th, gravity and momentum will conspire to draw NASA's Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS) and its Centaur rocket into the Moon. They will strike an obscure crater named Cabeus that's 60 miles (100 km) across and close to the Moon's south pole.
It's the latter characteristic that will have countless telescopes on Earth — and a few off of it — locked in on Cabeus. (Impact site finder charts.) Based on NASA's latest (Oct. 7th) predictions, the rocket body will strike at 11:31:19 Universal Time (7:31:19 a.m. EDT, 4:31:19 a.m. PDT). The smaller, instrumented LCROSS shepherding craft will crash a few minutes later, at 7:35:45 UT, just after flying through and sampling the debris plume from the first strike with nine onboard instruments.
Here are some other places on the Internet to watch the impact...
Explo-TV has a web player.
SpaceVidCast has a live feed of NASA-TV via UStream, so if the other options don't work for you, this is your best shot at seeing it. They also have a large community of people who communicate with each other in real time.
SLOOH Space Camera will be transmitting two video feeds, one from New Hampshire and another from Arizon, and an audio commentary as well.
You can watch NASA-TV three ways:
Windows (works on most systems and browsers)
Real Player
NASA's LCROSS Page, a Twitter page for the spacecraft and a Facebook Page you can check for updates.
Mauna Kea Observatories will have live video from their telescopes, with two options for viewers
Windows and Flash Users
Mac people can watch it with Quicktime.
I think it is safe to say that millions of people will be watching NASA bomb the moon live today.
I really hope that there are no bad effects from bombing the moon. It just seems insane.
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