Instead of using the typical mug shot for this post, I decided to go with a photograph of Vic Drummond in action. Every time I have seen this man, he has always been a blur of activity.
He is making an independent run for one of the District II seats in the Macon County Commission Race this year. Here is a rundown of the competition for the two available seats:
Ronnie Beale (incumbent)
Robert (Bob) Simpson (incumbent)
Ron Haven [website]
Charlie Leatherman
Vic Drummond [website]
I recently received a piece of campaign literature (having signed a petition to get him on the ballot) from him in the mail and thought to share it here.
Dear Macon County Voter:
Thank you for signing a petition to have my name placed on the November ballot as the Independent candidate for a district 2 seat on the Macon County Board of Commissioners. You have helped me succeed in that effort.
I promised that when I made the ballot I would discuss in more detail where I stand on the important issues that need to be debated in this campaign.
My positions on issues will be conservative. I believe in limited government that is fiscally responsible with low taxes; free-market capitalism with minimal government intervention, strict constitutional interpretation; and individual freedom and responsibility.
Here are three of the primary issues in this campaign:
1) Macon County must reduce taxes.
My two incumbent opponents voted to increase property taxes by 5.7% effective July 1, 2010, which will generate about $1.35 million. They claim this money is needed to finance a new school the commissioners voted to finance, even though voters rejected a $42 million bond issue in November 2007 for new schools.
This property tax increase could have been avoided by appropriating funds from the County’s unreserved fund balance of the general fund which held at least $14.7 million on June 30, 2009 -- the latest publicly available figure. This was four times the amount suggested by the State, and well above the targeted value set by the Board of Commissioners. The excessive amount of cash in this account should be refunded to taxpayers.
During a recession, the County should use its savings to avoid forcing taxpayer's to use their savings.
2) Property tax assessments must be re-evaluated in 2011.
My two incumbent opponents voted to not re-evaluate properties as scheduled in 2010, but push it back to 2013. The last property evaluations were made in 2007 near the peak of the “housing bubble.”
Assessed values are required by North Carolina law to be set at 100% of market value. Current assessments are well above market value, and must be re-evaluated in 2011.
3) The "Steep/Safe Slope Ordinance" currently under consideration must be rejected.
The proposed ordinance will place unneeded restrictions on building some homes on slopes in Macon County, and further damage the construction industry already reeling from the recession.
I will expand on each of these issues as my campaign progresses.
If you agree with my conservative philosophy and positions on these issues, and you would like to see at least one new commissioner elected this fall, I ask for your vote.
In order to succeed in getting my message to voters, my campaign will need to buy direct mailings, newspaper advertising, and other media. I ask for your monetary support to help accomplish this.
Please fill out the contribution form and return it with your check.
Once again, thank you for helping to get my name on the ballot, and I look forward to your support this fall.
Vic Drummond
536 Timbercrest Dr
Franklin, NC 28734-8229
(828) 349-2970
*Under North Carolina election law, the following information must be provided when making a political contribution, and all contributions over $50 must be made by check only. All contributions must be in one name only - not husband and wife.
Full Name, mailing Address, including City, State and Zip Code, Phone Number, Employer's Name, and Job Title/Profession.
Make checks payable to "Drummond for Commissioner" and mail to:
Drummond for Commissioner
536 Timbercrest Dr
Franklin, NC 28734-8229
This will certainly be an interesting election year in Macon County. Many people I have spoken with are of the opinion that a conservative tide will reach local offices this November.
I'll have more on the local elections as news becomes available.

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