Today, I received a political mailer attacking District 50's Democratic Senator John Snow. The above image is the cover of the advertisement. Here are the rest, in order, with commentary following:

I had not heard of this group [Real Jobs NC] before, and wondered if they were connected to the secretive camera crew who filmed a commercial for Jim Davis Monday Night at the County commissioners meeting. I say secretive because they would not tell me, or another reporter the name of their company. One of the crew members said that they "did not want to get involved with the press." I'm guessing the guy doesn't know the name of his company will be appearing (or should, if everything is on the up and up) on the Jim Davis for NC Senate Committee campaign finance reports.
Real Jobs NC is, according to the NC State Board of Elections, a Non-Profit Organization involved in electioneering communications. According to a report filed on August 12, 2010 [download PDF], the group has received $500,500 in contributions recently. $100,000 on 6/10/2010 from the Republican State Leadership Committee [website] of K Street in Washington, DC. $100,000 on 07/15/2010 from Variety Wholesalers [website] of Henderson, NC. $100,000 on 07/21/2010 from RightChange.com, a 527 Group formed in 2008, [website] and $200,000 additional funds from the Republican State Leadership Committee on 07/12/2010.
These people are some heavy-hitters in republican circles. Ed Gillespie, chairman of the Republican State Leadership Committee, was the former counsel to President George W Bush during the last 18 months of his term and recently was involved with the very successful gubernatorial campaign of Bob McConnell in Virginia. He is also credited with being the principle drafter of the 1994 Contract With America. I had never heard of Variety Wholesalers before, but when I discovered that John Pope ran that company, it made sense. He is the funder of the John W Pope Civitas Institute, and hated by Progressives across North Carolina.
RightChange is also another group I had not heard of before. A little digging around revealed that the group is based out of Wilmington, NC and the Treasurer is Fredric Eshelman, Chairman of the Board of Pharmaceutical development, Inc also based out of Wilmington, NC. He is also hated by Progressives across North Carolina. [You Tube Video of Eshelman].
Sounds to me that Jim Davis has my kind of people (Neo-conservatives) on his side, sending out mailers to help him along. Visit the Jim Davis for NC Senate website to find out more about Jim.
My thoughts are if BlueNC hates these people, then they gotta be doing something right!!!

We gotta get you a TV. Real NC has been running campaign commercials for the last week or so attacking the failed policies of the Democrats.
Meh. TV is waaaay over-rated. They don't call it an idiot box for nothing.
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