**08-24-2010** Here is the audio of the meeting. The full video will be available in a couple of days. A shorter highlights video will be available later today.

Today is the third Monday of the month and the Macon County Commissioners are having their afternoon meeting at 2pm. I plan on being there and (if WiFi is available) tweeting the meeting using the #MaconGov hashtag and uploading photos during the meeting. I will also be videoing the meeting. A handy-dandy widget is at the bottom of the post for you to follow along.
Here is the video of the last meeting, and coverage of the meetings since January 2010.
Here is the agenda for today's meeting:
AUGUST 23, 2010 - 2 P.M.
2. Announcements
A. Open house at the renovated Highlands Town Hall3. Invocation
on Thursday, September 2nd from 3 - 6 p.m.
4. Pledge of Allegiance
5. Public Hearing
A. NCDOT Secondary Roads
- Annual meeting/hearing
- adoption of funding resolution
B. Property Acquisition for use by Board of Education
(Iotla School) - County Attorney
6. Public Comment Period
7. Adjustments to and approval of the agenda
8. Reports/Presentations:
9. Old Business:
10. New Business:
A. SCC - Modular Units (Curtis Dowdle)11. Consent Agenda All items below are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion. No separate discussion will be held except on request of a member of the Board of Commissioners.
B. School Projects update/request - Terry Bell, Construction Liaison
1. Iotla School - Fuel TanksC. Approval of revised interlocal agreement
2. Nanthala School - proposed contingency expenditure
with Board of Education (County Attorney)
D. Resolution - Review officer for maps and plats
E. Legislative Goals
A. Minutes12. Appointments
B. Budget revisions
C. Proclamation - National Preparedness Month
D. Tax Department
13. Closed session (If necessary)
14. Adjournment/Recess

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