
I am working on the template of this blog today in order to chase down some problems that have developed with my template and widgets.

Macon County Commissioners

Coverage of the meetings of the Macon County Board of County Commissioners.

Franklin Town Board of Aldermen

Coverage of the meetings of the Franklin Town Board of Aldermen.

Macon County School Board

Coverage of the meetings of the Macon County School Board.


Photos from my photoblog.

nullspace for future use

nullspace for future use


Wednesday, May 31, 2006

General Updates

If you are sipping coffee right now, put. the. cup. down. Trust. Me.Now go here. That is just WRONG!!!I just followed a link from Drudge to an article with the headline, "Gore unleashed:Bush is 'Renegade Rightwing Extremist'". Sure, Al. From where you live, a centrist is rightwing. I consider Bush a member of the Rockefeller Republicans (as are all neocons!). If a real Conservative were President, Al Gore's head would explode in protest! (Not a bad thing, I think...

Monday, May 29, 2006

Q. Why do I hate the United Nations?

A. Because they run away from danger. Cowards!!!!Meant to protect civilians, UN staff have run away from the capital of East Timor after an outbreak of violence. Australian forces stand firm, meanwhile.I expect nothing less than standing firm for the Aussies are made from sterner stuff than the powder blue skirted helmeted U.N. force...

Cilvil War Exhibit Update

Go here to see the exhibit I posted about earlie...

Moving Tribute

Hat Tip to Dumb ...

The Action Club

I should have written about The Action Club earlier, and I am now correcting that mistake since I have today off work.Here is their Mission Statement: Mission StatementTo actively work year-round to elect qualified Republican candidates to local and state offices; and To actively work year-round to effect policy changes which are in keeping with our belief system as it relates to government. Right now, I believe the big motivator is the illegal alien problem in our country.They even have a set of tools for us to use to combat this problem and...

Murtha gets a Smackdown from a Marine

Yehudit provides the goods.I have pasted a small excerpt below:I am so disturbed by the remarks of Rep. John P. Murtha (D-Pa.) regarding the Haditha incident ["Death Toll Rises in Haditha Attack, GOP Leader Says," news story, May 20]. Mr. Murtha said, "Our troops overreacted because of the pressure on them, and they killed innocent civilians in cold blood."In the United States, we have a civil and military court system that relies on an investigatory and judicial process to make determinations based on evidence. The system is not served by such...

Decoration Day Photos

Rest In Peace.Apparently, I'm so ahead of the curve, even the creators of the display haven't put their info on line yet! However, when they do, it will be on their blog.And as promised, here it is!!! Added 05-29-2006Click here for more information about Decoration Day.Other Posts on Decoration/Memorial Day check for updates.Defense Tech has information on saving Memorial Da...

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Immigration Bill to Conference Committee

Senate Bill 2611 has passed the Senate and will go to Conference Committee soon to try to reconcile it with HR 4437.As soon as the House and Senate members of this committee are announced, we need to bombard them with phone calls, emails, faxes, and even good oldfashioned letters and postcards. They need to know that we are watching them with intense interest and will remember and remind everyone else how they voted when the next election cycle comes around. I will do my best to keep you informed; however I will point you to some people who are...

Friday, May 26, 2006

The Mohamster Dance

This is hilarious!!! I give it ten piggie fingers up.Hat Tip to Balance Shee...

Mistaken Identity

Ever wonder how they find an on air expert for the talking head shows?Well, wonder no more!!!Hat Tip to Beware of the Blo...

Islam Watch moved to new site

Islam Watch is now There's Someting About Islam. Warning: The True Islamic Enemy is presented in Graphic Pictures and Videos. I would suggest only those who seek truth follow the above link, anyone wishing to remain ignorant of the nature of our enemies stay can find a convenient sandbox on any playground and join the childre...

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Politician Removal Service

I heard about this flash animation on Ken Bagwell's Radio Show, First Up during an Other Than Sports segment.The animation is part of a Libertarian Party campaign to drum up support in the fall elections. I can't support them due to their view on drug use....

Monday, May 22, 2006

Turn in your Greenbacks for Ameros ???

Normally, I would consider this stuff Moonbat Territory.Excerpts below:by Jerome R. CorsiPosted May 22, 2006 The idea to form the North American Union as a super-NAFTA knitting together Canada, the United States and Mexico into a super-regional political and economic entity was a key agreement resulting from the March 2005 meeting held at Baylor University in Waco, Tex., between President Bush, President Fox and Prime Minister Martin...CommentaryI...

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Light and Dark

I've had the camera for two weeks, and I've already busted the thousand picture mark. Thank goodness for CD's hu...

Eric Gorny

Here is a citizen activist running for a seat in the NC Sate House District 115 against Bruce Goforth.A snippet from his website:When I am your State Representative, I will fight to hold down taxes by supporting zero-based budgeting and a taxpayer’s bill of rights. This will hold the House accountable for spending; allow us to start cutting the waste in our state departments, and limit spending increases to inflation and population growth. We are now the highest taxed state in the southeast. In the past 10 years, state spending has increased by...

How do we deal with anti-Americanism?

Victor Davis Hanson asks, "How does the United States deal with a corrupt world in which we are blamed even for the good we do, while others are praised when they do wrong or remain indifferent to suffering" And he provides us with an answer I feel we, as a nation, should pursu...

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Congressional Power Rankings

Click on the post title to see the page, I've copied the NC Delegation below:State Delegation Average Score: 15.77 State Rank: 44 Senate: Name Rank in State Score Rank in Senate Sen. Dole (R-NC) 1 30.31 56 Sen. Burr (R-NC) 2 14.00 94 House: Name Rank in State Score Rank in House Rep. Taylor (R-NC-11) 1 31.88 23 Rep. Jones (R-NC-3) 2 25.12 44 Rep. Hayes (R-NC-8) 3 22.25 67 Rep. Coble (R-NC-6) 4 20.63 94 Rep. McHenry (R-NC-10) 5 17.12 153 Rep. Watt (D-NC-12) 6 15.38 197 Rep. Price (D-NC-4) 7 12.87 256 Rep. Myrick (R-NC-9) 8 11.13 280 Rep. Foxx...

Lake of Fog

My old camera mysteriously crapped out on me after being left at work, outside, and in the rain. Oh well, it was a $40 camera. So, I upgraded to a Kodak CD-33 for a little over a hundred bucks last week. I wish I had done it sooner. The only complaint I have is I can't point and shoot to catch those fleeting moments when a C-130 flies overhead or a herd of deer nearly run me over as they stampede away from rock-throwing Mexican...

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Presidential Address: The Fallout

The President has tried to seek the fabled Middle Ground in this debate on the problem of people entering this country illegally.Personally, I thought he sounded very good and the first part sounded okay. He is offering a Reactive Solution, not a Proactive Solution. All we are doing is reacting to the internal Mexican problems. They have enough Natural Resources to make them a First World Nation instead of the Third World Nation they currently are.Why?Rampant...

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

The President has a bandaid

Sorry, Mr. President. You don't put a Bandaid on a gaping hole.I hope you are making babysteps in preparation of bigger and better things, because I believe we are at the point where militarization of the border is required should we wish to continue as a great nation. H.R. 4437 should be the place to start. If you really want to fix the problem, you should invade Mexico, and help them establish a real Constitution with safeguards against rampant corruption throughout the Mexican government from top to bottom. This would be very costly, but easier...

Sunday, May 14, 2006

This Blog is One year Old Today

I just realized that Thunder Pig Blog is a year old today. Yay!It is also the 58th Birthday of Israel.Not much navel-gazing here, except to complain that I've managed to destroy the lay-out of he Blog (again!). I haven't a clue as to what I did, but I hope it goes away.No Apologies may be starting life anew as an Internet radio Show. I guess I'm gonna have to rig up something Gray Market to listen via my portable radi...

Peak Oil Panic

I am probably breaking an unwritten or written rule of blogging, but I don't really care. I found another post at Al Fin this morning. Find an excerpt below:

A lot of people just need a catastrophe--any catastrophe--to make their lives feel worthwhile. If the catastrophe fits their political proclivities and prejudices, so much the better.

Most people are tired of this dependence on fossil fuels, and want society to move to renewables as soon as economically and technologically possible. The world will not end during this transition, much to the disappointment of the doomseekers.


I think it is so sad that most of the debate in the origin of oil seems directed toward achieving a desirable political end. The Peak Oilers keep putting back the date of the peak, Enviros keep pushing Alternative Energy and Conservation (Which, ironically, keeps us Dependent on Oil longer!).
Don't even get me started on the whole SUV thing. Most of those behemoths get twice or three times the miles per gallon that I achieve in my 1984 GMC I call "The Beast."

Data about the Beast:

  • It is driven 75 miles a day on workdays, Monday thru Friday

  • I put between 62 and 70 gallons of gasoline in it weekly.

  • I use 2 quarts of oil every week. Where is all this going?

  • There are no emission controls on this truck. None. Nada. Zilch.

  • I figure I average around 6 mpg, despite most of my commute being on a four lane road.

  • I paid only $400 for this lovely machine, arguably 100 times less than an average SUV.

  • For every SUV on the road, there are at least ten cars and trucks like mine.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Update: Jihad in Denmark

Can school children participate in jiha...

Mr. President, STOP THE INVASION !!! part 3

Read part 1and part 2I promise this is the last in my over-the-top, caustic series berating Bush 43 (for now). >=^)Mr. President:SOLUTIONSHere are some of what I feel are the best options to deal with this problem short of sending the National Guard to the borders, which is asking for an International Incident.Enforce existing laws. (This should be a no-brainer.)Fine those who employ Illegal Aliens.When an illegal alien is convicted of a crime, deport them after they serve their time.Fraudulent use of Social Security numbers by Illegal Aliens...

Friday, May 12, 2006

Mr. President, STOP THE INVASION !!! Part 2

Mr. President: Here is the situation so far, we have between 11 and 20 million (maybe more) people in this country who have broken the law in order to get here, let alone remain.How many of these people file 1040's or 1099's?How many use fraudulently obtained Social Security numbers?How many get free medical care?How much money is it costing us to provide "free" bilingual education in public schools?How many are serving time in our prisons?Amnesty ConsiderationsMore will come, causing further problems.will the I.R.S. give any U.S. Citizen the...

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Mr. President, STOP THE INVASION !!!

Mr. President, Stop the invasion of the United sates of America, or We, The People, WILL !!!It is your Constiutional Duty to do so, or you will have FAILED to uphold your oath of office.Notice to all Elected Critters of The Congress... It is also your Duty to make sure The President upholds his oath of office. I am going on the record in support of Impeachment of the president should he fail in this regard.I have had enoug...

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

The Prime Directive in Action

Ever wonder what the Star Trek Prime Directive would look like in action?Can you say United Nations? Wretchard has belled the cat for u...

Monday, May 8, 2006

Robert Spencer on Michael Reagan Show Tonight

Robert Spencer of Jihad watch will appear on The Michael Reagan Show Tonight.Michael Reagan is on XM166 on XM Satellite Radio. Follow the links if you can listen onlin...

Sunday, May 7, 2006

Cat in a Window


Saturday, May 6, 2006

Bush Realizes it's a World War

Better late than never.US President George W. Bush said the September 11 revolt of passengers against their hijackers on board Flight 93 had struck the first blow of "World War III."In an interview with the financial news network CNBC, Bush said he had yet to see the recently released film of the uprising, a dramatic portrayal of events on the United Airlines plane before it crashed in a Pennsylvania field.But he said he agreed with the description of David Beamer, whose son Todd died in the crash, who in a Wall Street Journal commentary last...

Gone Missing: Islam Watch Blog

Mark S (aka mohammmadsmasher):I have noticed that your blog has disappeared from Blogger, and if you don't have a copy of it, I have a copy from the google cache before it disappears from there as well.I hope I'm just being paranoid about its disappearance. You may contact me via thunderpigblog at yahoo dot co...

Heckler Gate

Speaking truth to Hecklers. I think of these hecklers as the true suicide bombers...they kill no one but themselve...

The National Center Blog on Exxonmobil

Click on the title for the entire article and for links to the bloggers who participated in the conference call, and posted afterwards.ExxonMobil on Gas Prices:We Couldn't Manipulate the Price Even If We Wanted ToOn behalf of this blog, The National Center's Peyton Knight participated in a blogger conference call this afternoon with ExxonMobil Vice President Ken Cohen. The following is Peyton's report:Along with eight representatives from various other weblogs, I participated in a "blogger conference call" Wednesday afternoon with ExxonMobil Vice...

Friday, May 5, 2006

Cinco de mayo

This has been one of my favorite French-bashing holidays.I used to say even the Mexicans have beaten the French on the field of battle. Well, after The Battle of Puebla sent the Frogs in headlong retreat, Napoleon III sent an overwhelming force that seized Mexico from its inhabitants, and installed the Archduke from Austria, Maximillian, as Emperor.The United States were involved in the Civil War, and could not intervene to help our neighbor until that affair was concluded. Soon after, we sent the weapons and ammo that allowed the Mexicans regain...

Thursday, May 4, 2006

Jackson County Campaign Photo

No wonder the Republicans failed to field a candidate !...

Wednesday, May 3, 2006

Selected Preliminary Primary Results

U.S. House District 11Democrat 8,736 25% C. Michael Morgan26,221 75% Heath ShulerRepublican 6,372 19.8% John C. Armor25,772 80.2% Charles H. TaylorN.C. House District 49 Republican1,378 72.7% R.L. Clark 517 27.3% Brian CooperN.C. Senate Disrict 50Republican 635 5.8% Rick Bagley 841 7.7% Mark Crawford4,816 43.9% Ken McKim4,684 42.7% Sue Lynn LedfordN.C. House District 115 Republican355 56.6% Eric Gorny272 43.4% Bill ReynoldsN.C. House District 116Too close to call at present time, with Doug Jones in...

Tuesday, May 2, 2006

Primary Day 2006

Today is the day to whittle down the field of candidates.I have focused my coverage on the U.S. House District 11 Race; and would like to have more time in the next few months to broaden my scope to the whole of WNC.I realize that John Armor is a long shot to beat Taylor, nevertheless, I feel he is the most qualified candidate for the job. The only other race I will comment on is N.C. Senate District 49, in which I whole-heartily endorse R.L. Clark. I have heard this man speak on local call-in shows for the last couple of years, and am impressed...