
I am working on the template of this blog today in order to chase down some problems that have developed with my template and widgets.

Macon County Commissioners

Coverage of the meetings of the Macon County Board of County Commissioners.

Franklin Town Board of Aldermen

Coverage of the meetings of the Franklin Town Board of Aldermen.

Macon County School Board

Coverage of the meetings of the Macon County School Board.


Photos from my photoblog.

nullspace for future use

nullspace for future use


Monday, November 30, 2009

Video of 2009 Christmas Parade in Franklin, NC

This is the full parade that was held yesterday in Franklin, N...

2009 Franklin Christmas Parade Slideshow:
Staging Area

The staging area for the Christmas Parade was bustling with activity Sunday afternoon as parade participants scurried about, preparing their floats and getting into costume. I was there, and took some photos of the goings on and have posted them in a slide show below for you to enjoy....

Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Christmas Season begins in Franklin, NC

This past Friday evening, I attended the Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony and Candlelight Service in downtown Franklin that marked the beginning of the Christmas Season in my hometown.Today the Christmas Parade starts at 3 pm and I am looking forward to attending it and getting some photos and video of it.Here are two videos I took of Friday's activities:Part OnePart TwoSinging Carols during Candlelight ServiceCloseup of nativity Scene in front...

Friday, November 27, 2009

New Template
Now Live!

**update** New template is online. It is an adaptation of the MobiPress Template. There are still some minor tweaks to do, but I am happy with it so far...except that I can't get it to display the publish time of posts.I've also reverted back to the old post editor to fix several formatting problems I encountered using the new one, which is still a bot buggy. --TPI am about to change my template to a new one, and I have had to abandon my old one because I have been getting Malware warnings from Google Chrome. This is just a temporary fix while...

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Christmas Events for 2009 in Franklin, NC

 I'll be taking the day off from blogging, except for this piece. Friday, Nov 27 Tomorrow night at 7pm, the Christmas Season gets kicked off with the Tree Lighting Ceremony at the Clock Tower. There will be free cider, cookies and music at the Gazebo. A community sing-a-long will also take place. A candlelight service next to the Macon County Courthouse will also take place, candles will be provided. Saturday, Nov 28 In downtown...

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Rainbow People and Other Lost Souls Attracted to the "Asheville Vortex"

These videos were made by a group involved in witnessing to the spiritually lost in the Asheville Occult Scene. Asheville, NC is infamous among the natives of this area for attracting the weirdest kind of people. Rainbows, Hippies, Pagans, Progressives and Ron Paul Supporters...Asheville has more than enough weirdness to do a normal person a lifetime. The lefties and lefty libertarians celebrate it. You can read more about it from one of the charlatans of the New Age Movement at New Frontier, where they go more into detail about the...

Introducing Ed Krause, Congressional Candidate
NC-11 Republican Primary

Here are his goals if elected to Congress according to a handout he gave me: 1. Revive our economy by reducing taxes so that individuals and corporations can have more capital to spend and invest to increase jobs. Throwing stimulus money around to people such as ACORN will not accomplish anything.The national debt must be dealt with by controlling Federal spending. My top priority would be to recruit industry for this area. We are blessed...

Monday, November 23, 2009

Black Friday & Cyber Monday Digital Camera Deals

I dropped my camera while covering the annual Pumpkinfest in Franklin last month, and I've been waiting for just the right deal to come along...hoping that either Black Friday or Cyber Monday would serve some low hanging fruit that would fit my wallet.  I've been watching the Interwebs for signs that my targeted model, the Kodak Z1015 IS, would see a cut in price. So far, nothing, nada, zilch, or as my poor Canadian friends would say,...

Manhattan Declaration: A Call of Christian Conscience

A formidable coalition of 150 Catholic, Orthodox and evangelical leaders are calling on Christians in a new manifesto to reject secular authority – and even engage in civil disobedience – if laws force them to accept abortion, same-sex marriage and other ideas that betray their religious beliefs. On Friday, these leaders released a 4,700-word document – called the "The Manhattan Declaration: A Call of Christian Conscience." The document was...

Sunday, November 22, 2009

The John Batchelor Show for 11-22-2009
Audio From 11-21-2009 Show

It's Sunday night, and that means it's time for John Batchelor! Here is his website. The show starts at 9pm Eastern, and continues for four hours of the best radio you will find anywhere, as only John Batchelor can deliver it with his stable of experts... Here is last night's show, and he starts it off with a bang by discussing the Obama Administration's decision in trying 9/11 Mastermind in Manhattan. You won't get this kind of...

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Watch the US Senate Debate Health Care Bill Live

The US Senate will debate on cloture of the Health Care Bill today for ten hours today. For those of you who cannot watch on TV live, but have a broadband Internet connection, you can watch it here today: **Debate on Cloture is over, and I've removed the video player. The Motion to Invoke Cloture on the Motion to Proceed to H.R. 3590 has passed 60-39 (Sen Voinovich (R-OH) did not vote. You can read the bill on Open Congress. The Democrats...

Franklin Comes to Franklin
Ben Franklin Speaks About the US Constitution

This is a 10 video play list of an appearance by John Armor portraying Ben Franklin. Franklin comes to Franklin in "Ben Franklin Talks About the Constitution" was held at the Macon County Community Facilities Building, Hwy. 441 south, Franklin. John Armor starred as "Ben." Armor is a graduate of Yale and Maryland Law School, post-graduate work at the American University, has published seven books, and practiced law in the U.S. Supreme...

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Franklin comes to Franklin;
"Ben Franklin Talks About the Constitution"
Tonight at 6:30

Franklin comes to Franklin in "Ben Franklin Talks About the Constitution" at 6:30 p.m. at the Macon County Community Facilities Building, Hwy. 441 south, Franklin. John Armor stars as "Ben." Armor is a graduate of Yale and Maryland Law School, post-graduate work at the American University, has published seven books, and practiced law in the U.S. Supreme Court for 33 years. This event is free and the public is invited to attend. Google Map...

TweetPhoto Goes After Blogger For Posting Audio of Interview

Seas ar Shaoráil TweetPhoto (now former) CEO Dan Caulfield did a 23 minute podcast interview with Frank Peters earlier this month. He apparently said too much in the interview, disclosing confidential information about partnerships. He was fired by the company for the transgression. That’s enough drama to make me want to listen to the podcast. But it gets better. The company also had its lawyers fire off a letter from its law firm to Frank...

Read the Senate Version of the Health Care Bill,
Called the "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act"

The bill is 2,074 pages long, and just the Table of Contents consistes of 14 pages. There is a link at the top of the embedded document for you to download the bill and read for yourself... Senate Health-Care Bill ...

Monday, November 16, 2009

Watch Atlantis Launch on STS-129 Mission Live;
Updated with Video From Liftoff

STS-129 Crew Portrait Live Feed provided by SpaceVidCast. I'll replace the video player with a recording as soon as it becomes available. Watch other views of the launch that have been recorded by other people by scrolling down the page. Commander Charles O. Hobaugh, Pilot Barry E. Wilmore, Mission Specialists Mike Foreman, Robert L. Satcher Jr., Randy Bresnik and Leland Melvin are secured in their seats aboard shuttle Atlantis....

Franklin comes to Franklin;
"Ben Franklin Talks About the Constitution"
Thursday Night at 6:30

Franklin comes to Franklin in "Ben Franklin Talks About the Constitution" at 6:30 p.m. at the Macon County Community Facilities Building, Hwy. 441 south, Franklin. John Armor stars as "Ben." Armor is a graduate of Yale and Maryland Law School, post-graduate work at the American University, has published seven books, and practiced law in the U.S. Supreme Court for 33 years. This event is free and the public is invited to attend. Google Map...

Sunday, November 15, 2009

The John Batchelor Show for 11-15-2009;
Audio of the 11-14-2009 Show

It's Sunday night, and that means it's time for John Batchelor! Here is his website. The show starts at 9pm Eastern, and continues for four hours of the best radio you will find anywhere, as only John Batchelor can deliver it with his stable of experts... Here is last night's show, and he starts it off with a bang by discussing the Obama Administration's decision in trying 9/11 Mastermind in Manhattan. You won't get this kind of...

Rachel Maddow Doesn't Know The U.S. Constitution Has A Preamble

Progressives are funny when they pretend they know something about our Founding Documents. The segment was evidently her crew and the people at MSNBC are just as stupid as she is about the US Constitution... Read more about this incident at The BlogProf. And here is a copy of the US Constitution for our ignorant progressive friends: [Constitution for the United States of America] Preamble We the People of the...