
I am working on the template of this blog today in order to chase down some problems that have developed with my template and widgets.

Macon County Commissioners

Coverage of the meetings of the Macon County Board of County Commissioners.

Franklin Town Board of Aldermen

Coverage of the meetings of the Franklin Town Board of Aldermen.

Macon County School Board

Coverage of the meetings of the Macon County School Board.


Photos from my photoblog.

nullspace for future use

nullspace for future use


Thursday, November 30, 2006

Wind Advisory For Dec 1


Information About Bruce Elmore, Jr.

I've been poking around, trying to find out what the deal with Bruce Elmore, Jr is, and how he fits in with the Andrew Reed situation.I found two items posted at Unknown News that reveal a little.Item #1Item#2The most important thing in the items is the ACLU connection. More below.Below is an excerpt from the Asheville Global Report from Nov 2002: Asheville, North Carolina, Nov. 19 (AGR)— Asheville Chief of Police Will Annarino presented a proposed anti-begging, sleeping outdoors ordinance at approximately 10:30pm at the Asheville City Council...

The Coalition To Preserve Civiliation

Get Thee Hence. Do Something. Others Are. Won't Yo...

Heads Up America Going Away, Again

Friday will be the last day for Heads Up America as the show will be going into hiatus for a while, perhaps to be resurrected as an interview show in February of 2007. The web presence, however, will not go away. The message forum will survive, on another URL. Stay tuned to this page for further details.Ken and his callers are one of the reasons I got into blogging. He seems to attract a certain type of caller. One of his questions to people is, "What about solutions?" I saw early on that education was one of the solutions, and education, in my...

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Asheville Kiddie Porn Producer Had Friends In Very High Places

Child Molester and Child Pornography Producer Andrew Reed apparently received special treatment in the selection of the judge to adjudicate the case.Judge Robert Lewis retired in 1995, but was brought out of retirement to hear the case. North Carolina Chief Justice Sarah Parker (a Democrat also) signed off on the paperwork. There is more information on formerly retired Judge Robert Lewis, but I will wait for others to reveal, perhaps Thursday night or Friday night. Several national media figures are looking toward Buncombe County.The Defense Attorney...

The Beginning of the End?

Western civilization – life as we know it – is under attack, andindeed has even reached a very dangerous point. Some may even think itis a point of no return.Not just because in recent months Muslim groups around the worldinsisted that the pope apologize for merely quoting someone else. No,not just because the prime minister of Denmark had to grovel to theMuslim nations for a cartoon that appeared in a Danish newspaper, overwhich he had no control whatsoever. No, not even just becausePresident Bush rushed into a Muslim mosque in Washington, D.C.,...

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

My Response to Right Wing Guy

We must possess the spirit portrayed by the humans as discussed in this video clip.When we get our workarounds in place to sidestep the Legacy Media, the world will tremble at our fur...

Nonie Darwish On Heads Up America

Nonie Darwish is an American Muslim of Arab origin. A freelance writer and speaker, she runs the website Arabs For Israel.She will be on Heads Up America this morning, after the 10am or 11am newsbreak. All times are Eastern.You can listen to the webstream her...

Monday, November 27, 2006

Astronomers Select Hubble Top Ten Photos

This is the Cone Nebula, my favorite. It looks like there is an exhausted cartoon cat lying on its back at the very top of the cone. Anyhow, click here to see what photos made the list.Hat Tip: ...

An Inconvenient Review, and Preview

This is a Skeletal Review of Al Gore's Slide Show of Doom, "An Inconvenient Truth: A Global Warning."As my Regular Reader knows, I posted on the gifting of the DVD last Wednesday. I watched it on my computer, and had to fight myself to keep from taking notes and jotting down responses as I watched it.Technically, as to the editing, music and performance, I thought it was well made.Factually, as to the evidence and conclusions, it was so wrong that the only way to address the errors is with a feature-length response. Which, by the way, I am working...

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Asheville Kiddie-Porn Case Goes World-wide

A local case I've been following on Heads Up America has finally been picked up by a news outlet that has been ignored and covered up by the local liberal "progressive" media, the case of Democratic Activist Andrew Reed as handled by Democratic District Attorney Ron Moore, and Democratic Judge Robert Lewis.Andrew Douglas ReedAn excerpt:His offenses involved a long list of counts that he used the Internet to collect and share graphic child pornography...

Friday, November 24, 2006

The Anti-Islamofascism Movement

I have received the following email, and have posted it in it's entirety.Those interested should respond to the email below, or further co-ordination can be achieved by contacting me at ThunderPigBlog+aim AT gmail DOT com.That is all. I have posted this to the Forum (thanks Bjorn for the forward) -- #6. Defense/Offense: War StrategyI will contact Jack and Steve very soon,Vicktorya TO: Conservative Leaders FR: Jack Wheeler & Steve Baldwin RE: The Creation of an Anti-Islamofascism Movement Anti-Communism:...

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Who Really Cares?

… conservatives who practice religion, live in traditional nuclear families and reject the notion that the government should engage in income redistribution are the most generous Americans, by any measure.Conversely, secular liberals who believe fervently in government entitlement programs give far less to charity. They want everyone’s tax dollars to support charitable causes and are reluctant to write checks to those causes, even when governments don’t provide them with enough money.Such an attitude, he writes, not only shortchanges the nonprofits...

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

An Inconvenient Gift

A well-intentioned friend has given me an early birthday gift, a DVD entitled, "An Inconvenient Truth: A Global Warning."I will watch it tonight just like any other movie, then I will watch it again later with clipboard and pen, taking notes. I'll have a review up by Friday.To judge a DVD by its cover, a whole heck of a lot easier to open than regular DVDs, so right off the bat, I give it an ergonomic A Plus, and I like the paper packaging. Here...

Junior Johnson on Rick's Racing Report

Legendary NASCAR Driver Junior Johnson will be on Rick's Racing Report, which airs on WZGM-AM 1350, and streams here.The program starts after the 9am newsbreak, and should conclude at 9.30am, although Rick could go into overtime to celebrate Jimmie Johnson winning the NASCAR Championship this past Sunday.This is a Dawn Redwood located outside Hunter Library at Western Carolina University, which has nothing to do with the rest of my pos...

Monday, November 20, 2006

Nanny State Alert

Six months after back-to-back storms Frances and Ivan brought massive flooding to WNC in 2004, lawmakers and Gov. Mike Easley agreed on $247.5 million in disaster relief. Part of the money was to be used to buy and demolish homes that were likely to be flooded again.The buyouts started last summer. Haywood County so far has closed on about 40 homes using state money. Most were in the Clyde area.The problem came for Haywood after it returned money to the state on four occasions this year when flood victims wanted more time before selling their...

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Pentagon Crash

This is in response to all those lunatics who think a missile hit the pentagon on September, 11, 2001. I have lost the original link to the video, good thing I saved it, hu...

Saturday, November 18, 2006

BSG Fan Video: Pain and Rescue Redux


Friday, November 17, 2006

The Breck Girl Tries To Jump The Line?

A day after former Senator John Edwards (D-NC) criticised Wal Mart, like any good lefty, a volunteer associated with his staff attempted to use his name to obtain a Sony PS3.The above statement in undeniable. The devil, apparently, is in the details. Wal-Mart Stores Inc. said Thursday that a staff member for former Sen. John Edwards _ a vocal critic of the retailer _ asked...

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Fjordman weighs in on Multi-Culti and PC...

I’ve been trying to analyze the roots of Multiculturalism and Political Correctness. The conclusion I’ve come up with so far is that it needs to be understood as a combination of forces and influences, different but not mutually exclusive.One view is that Multiculturalism “just happened,” an accidental result of technological globalization. Although global migration pressures and modern communications definitely contributed, this thesis is, in my view, almost certainly too simplistic. There is mounting evidence that Multiculturalism was deliberately...

Shuler Votes For Hoyer

Congressman-elect Heath Shuler showed wisdom today and voted for Steny Hoyer (D-MD) over Jack (ABSCAM) Murtha (D-PA) for Majority Leader in the U.S. House of Representatives today. Maybe the Blue Dogs will rule the House, after all. I think I'll wait until the middle of January to se...

The Muslim Brotherhood Project

For those who have read The Project, what is most troubling is not that Islamists have developed a plan for global dominance; it has been assumed by experts that Islamist organizations and terrorist groups have been operating off an agreed-upon set of general principles, networks and methodology. What is startling is how effectively the Islamist plan for conquest outlined in The Project has been implemented by Muslims in the West for more than two decades. Equally troubling is the ideology that lies behind the plan: inciting hatred and violence...

Nancy Pelosi and Mikhail Gorbachev

Presidio Partners Nancy Pelosi: One of Mikhail Gorbachev’s most useful idiots By Judi McLeod Wednesday, November 15, 2006 Investigative journalists doing their jobs should dig deep—really deep—into Nancy Pelosi’s role in the controversial, $280-million, federal-funded Hunters Point Shipyard affair--in relation to her alleged role as an investor in a real estate investment entity called PRESIDIO PARTNERS. Look past the fact that the 936-acre site, of which about 443 acres are not polluted and that Hunter Point Shipyard is the largest...

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Podcast: Brigitte Gabriel on Political Correctness

This is what she had to say on Glenn Beck's special, "Exposed: The Extremist Agenda" earlier tonight. This is also my first real podcast, the first of many to come, I hope!You should also have Apple QuickTime to play the episode.Britte says more in 42 seconds than I could say in 5 minutes!...

Random Thoughts On The World Situation

I've found an interesting roundup of world events over at the Right Truth, a conservative blog I just found today, and have added to my blogroll. Oh, the joys of a rain day and a broadband connection!...

Trent Lott Is Back !!!

It's gonna be okay, Senator Lott is back to clean the mess up.Eat THAT, lefties !!...


I never thought I'd be advising people to watch CNN. So, here goes, Tune in to CNN Headline News tonight to watch A Glenn Beck Special Event "Exposed: The Extremist Agenda." It will be on at 7pm or 9pm depending on your time zone.Since I don't have cable (nearest hookup is 3 miles away), or a satellite receiver, I will be listening via XM Radio on channel 122.One comment before the big show, it is quite telling that Glenn has had to be protected by a security service, probably for the rest of his life, because he is reporting on the results of...

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Leaving Iraq, Restoring America

Leaving Iraq with anything less than defeating the terrorists will be a profound defeat for America, and will establish (re-enforce) the precedent that America has lost the Will to see a conflict through to a logical conclusion, Victory.The last time we left the battlefield without the final victory was Iraq in 1991. We fulfilled our UN Mandate to remove Iraqi forces from Kuwait, and signed a cease fire not worth the ink the other side used to signify their agreement, and a promise of adherence to the terms.Twelve years later, and a million dead...

Monday, November 13, 2006

More Jolly News

Four months after Israel launched its onslaught against Hezbollah, the Lebanese guerrillas are back in south Lebanon stronger than ever and armed with more rockets than they had before the conflict, according to Israeli intelligence. ... “Since the ceasefire, additional rockets, weapons and military equipment have reached Hezbollah,” said an Israeli intelligence officer. “We assume they now have about 20,000 rockets of all ranges — a bit more than they had before July 12.” Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah, has confirmed the Israeli...

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Howard Dean: "Rhetoric"

Heard on Fox News Sunday:Chris Wallace was interviewing DNC Chair, Howard Dean on Republican claims the Democrats would raise taxes once they were in power. Dean's response, "Rhetoric."So, Mr. Chairman, does that mean your claim that the Republican tax cuts were tax cuts for the wealthy? Am I wealthy? My taxes were cut, and I make less than $10 an hour.Will you then raise my taxes? Because, to follow your logic, I am wealthy, since I enjoyed a tax cut from President Bush.Your party will be crushed in 2008, Mr Dean. But, you'll be out as chair,...

Saturday, November 11, 2006

McCain The Insane in 2008

Check it out, the Senator who hates Free Speech, Loves Terrorists and Illegal Aliens wants to become President....I hate John McCain.This is the senator who screwed us with McCain-Feingold. He teamed up with a very "progressive" senator from Wisconsin to produce a piece of filth that violates Free Speech, and were I in a position to ignore it, violate it, I would. Hey! maybe as a symbolic gesture I should get a permit of protest, and a permit to...

Battlestar Galactica: Another Reason To Watch It!

At the risk of turning my blog into a BSG FanBlog, (Flog?) I will post an excerpt of the episode "Exodus, Part 2 below as an inticement to tune in on SciFi every Friday night.Since I don't get SciFi, I have to wait until the episode is posted on iTunes before I can buy and download it. The video quality is choppy, but it serves the purpose of keeping me up to date until the episodes come out on DVD.Now, some enterprising souls have begun posting the episodes to You Tube in segments. The video and sound quality is much better than iTunes, but I...

Friday, November 10, 2006

Israeli Police On High Alert

From Israel National News: Three-Front Top-Level Security Alert13:34 Nov 10, '06 / 19 Cheshvan 5767by Hillel Fendel and Yechiel Spira With Israel Police on its highest alert status nationwide in preparation for possible violence on at least three fronts, no major incidents have been recorded as of 1:30 PM. Police were on the highest alert status Friday, in anticipation of expected protests by Muslim worshipers after Temple Mount...

Beautiful Day

This photo was taken near Maggie Valley, North Carolina between 9 and 10am looking nort...

Nancy Pelosi Watch #001

If you care about the disaster that is about to befall our nation, stay tuned. If you'd rather watch "Dancing with the Stars," "American Idol," or any other reality show, sod off, retard!I found the following post on The Gates of Vienna, by Dymphna. I have excerpted some of it below to entice you to go read it for yourself.So what’s the deal, you say? Pelosi pays off a political debt. Pols do it all the time. Right. But do they pay their debts by appointing an impeached judge, a felon, a known criminal with questionable appointments to his own...

Thursday, November 9, 2006

Wow , Austin Bay Agrees with me, well sorta...

While my snap analysis that we would move on Iran may be wrong in particular, but not in general when it comes to our prosecution of World War IV. Check out what he says.This is for Newt Gingrich, and others who say WW IV? What the heck?World War III was The Cold War, which was fought from 1947 until 1989.The Main Stream Media was in bed with the Communists, so they refused to allow it to be reported as a Global War.Before I go, Ann Coulter has released another Pearl of Wisdo...

Wednesday, November 8, 2006

Rumsfeld to be thrown under the bus

Ugliness.Tempered only by Bob Gates, ex CIA Director, nominated to replac...

And now for a Video Musical Interlude


John Podhoretz Is Strangely Exhilirated

I hadn't quite thought of it like this, but hey, it could be a silver lining: Grief Counseling? [John Podhoretz] I feel strangely exhilarated by the results last night. I think we're seeing a major shift in the way things are going to work on Capitol Hill from here on out. Democrats ruled for 40 years in the House before the GOP came in. The GOP had 12 years. My guess is that Democrats may have two, or four, or six years at the most before power changes hands again — and the GOP will have the same before Dems get it. This is the healthiest...

Post Mortem on Congressman Charles Taylor

The wound that did in the deceased was a botched vote on CAFTA. Whether it was accidental or self-inflicted is unknown. I wish him well in his future endeavour...

November 8,2006

US House NC-11Incumbent Charles Taylor (R) 106032 46.3Opponent Heath Shuler (D) 123856 53.7NC Senate By District #47Incumbent Keith Presnell (R) 26261 48.6Opponent JOe Sam Queen (D) 27730 51.448Incumbent Tom Apodaca (R) 40994 100.0Opponent None49Incumbent Martin Nesbitt (D) 36593 65.6Opponent RL Clark (R) 19201 34.450Incumbent John Snow (D) 35579 59.1Opponent Ken McKim (R) 24661 40.9NC House By District #114Incumbent Susan Fisher (D) 15915 64.2Opponent Mike Harrison (R) 8861 35.8115Incumbent...

Tuesday, November 7, 2006

Next Stop Iran

We may be forced to take out the Iranian and/or North Korean Threat if both Houses are lost.I'm gonna turn i...

Preliminary Regional Results

I plan on posting updates once an hour after the polls close.US House NC-11Incumbent Charles Taylor (R) Opponent Heath Shuler (D) winNC Senate By District #47Incumbent Keith Presnell (R)Opponent JOe Sam Queen (D) win48Incumbent Tom Apodaca (R) winOpponent None49Incumbent Martin Nesbitt (D) winOpponent RL Clark (R)50Incumbent John Snow (D) winOpponent Ken McKim (R)NC House By District #114Incumbent Susan Fisher (D) winOpponent Mike Harrison (R)115Incumbent Bruce Goforth (D) winOpponent Eric Gorny (R)116Open Seat Charles Thomas (R)...

Computer Problems Reported in Macon County

On 96.7 WNCC, they are reporting problems with the tabulating computer.They now report that Shuler won Macon County 67 hundred some votes to 61 hundred for Taylor.Some of the other numbers are off, too. I'll report more as I get i...

Talyor wins Macon County By 37 Votes

Shuler 6404Taylor 6441Only a 37 vote differenc...

Macon County With 15 of 16 Precincts

US House NC-11Shuler 6293Taylor 6363NC Senate #50Snow 6879McKim 5243NC House #119Haire 1484Carpenter 1388NC House #120West 6081SheriffJenkins 5149Holland 7070Clerk of Superior CourtPerry 6054Trammel 6016Register of DeedsRaby 5067De Silva 4681Parrish 2207Flats is the only precinct left.....

Shuler v Taylor II Macon County Totals

With 15 of 16 Reporting...Shuler 6293Taylor 6363I misswed the first few I can't verify the mat...

Shuler v Taylor I

With 10 of 16 Macon County (with Absentee counted)Shuler 5034Taylor 45...

NC 11 Historical Results

YEAR Incumbent % Opponent %1988 Jamie McClure Clarke 50.36 Charles Taylor 49.651990 Jamie McClure Clarke 49.34 Charles Taylor 50.661992 Charles Taylor 54.65 John S Stevens 45.341994 Charles Taylor 60.11 Maggie Lauterer 39.891996 Charles Taylor 58.27 James Ferguson 40.021998 Charles Taylor 56.62 David Young 42.252000 Charles Taylor 55.06 Sam Neill 42.132002 Charles Taylor 55.54 ...

Sticky Post Scroll Down For Updates

Websites For Election ResultsC-SPANReal Clear Politics ... USA Today Election LineWashington Post Coverage ... CNN Political TickerFOX NEWS Politics ... Pajamas MediaABC News ... The Drudge ReportAnd a weird Citizen-Times Web Pa...

Last Day For The Stop Shuler Guys

I wonder what the Stop Shuler guys will do after Heath Shuler goes down in defeat tonight? Of course in the unlikely event that Heath Shuler does go to Washington, these guys may just commit suicide.Of course, I already got my schwa...

2006 General Election I

I plan on posting updates once an hour after the polls close.US House NC-11Incumbent Charles Taylor (R)Opponent Heath Shuler (D)NC Senate By District #47Incumbent Keith Presnell (R)Opponent JOe Sam Queen (D)48Incumbent Tom Apodaca (R)Opponent None49Incumbent Martin Nesbitt (D)Opponent RL Clark (R)50Incumbent John Snow (D)Opponent Ken McKim (R)NC House By District #114Incumbent Susan Fisher (D)Opponent Mike Harrison (R)115Incumbent Bruce Goforth (D)Opponent Eric Gorny (R)116Open Seat Charles Thomas (R)Open Seat Doug Jones (D)117Incumbent...

On Exercising Sovereign Authority

A day for all citizens to do their dutypublished November 7, 2006 12:15 amSome may consider it a day to man the ramparts, and some may consider it a day to get even.We consider it a day of duty.It’s Election Day. In a democracy, there is no day that holds as much importance.Today’s vote will turn on local issues, pocketbook issues and ideological issues. It will turn on sentiments regarding people who aren’t even running for office, such as President Bush and his former opponent, Sen. John Kerry. It will turn on seemingly peripheral issues such...

Monday, November 6, 2006

The Debate That Wasn't And Fall Out

This whole thing is ugly.No matter what, lies have been told, possibly by both or three sides, or more.As I communicated with someone via email, Both sides are of the firm opinion that if their side loses, America loses. Emotions are running high, and there is plenty of blame to go around. Perhaps no matter who wins tomorrow, they should be replaced in 2008 just for us to be free of the taint.I am sticking by my projection of a four point margin of victory for Taylor (52-48) with a plus or minus two points. Which raises the spector of an ugly...

Charting The Tension

Posts that contain "midterm Elections" per day for the last 30 days.Get your own chart!The Words "midterm election...

Voter Turnout or Voter Fraud?

When someone uses the term non-partisan to describe themselves or their group, you can rest assured they are not.Past as Prologue?Hat Tip to Andrew who saw it at Michelle Malkin...

Charles Thomas Files Complaint Over Democratic Dirty Tricks

In regard to a mailer distributed by supporters of Doug Jones, candidate for the North Carolina House, and pursuant to NCGS 166-33, we will file a complaint with the Buncombe County Board of Elections alleging the violation of NCGS 163-274(8), a criminal act in North Carolina, in regard to the election for the North Carolina House District 116 between the hours of 11:00am and 11:30am tomorrow.Press packets will be available at that time. In addition, legal counsel for Charles Thomas, the complainant, will be available to answer legal questions....

Sunday, November 5, 2006

Move On To Man Phones For Shuler

According to the Asheville Citizen-Times, The George Soros-funded Liberal Group will be manning the phones to get out the vote for Heath Shuler in his bid to oust Congressman Charles Taylor:=======================================================Activist group busy with support for Shuler by Tim Whitmire, THE Associated Press published November 5, 2006 12:15 am ASHEVILLE — From a rented downtown storefront, scores of volunteers with the liberal activist group are making thousands of phone calls in support of a Democratic House...