Monday, December 31, 2007
Blackfive TV- FM 3.0 Doctrine for Dummies
The above video was found at Blackfive, which has more on the New Field Manual.You should read Matt's blog every da...
(LONG WAR JOURNAL)The State of Jihad: for 2007
12/31/2007 11:21:00 AM
Conservative Counter Protest
Conservative Revolution
Counter Jihad
World War IV
The US and her allies in Europe, the Middle East, and beyond have witnessed both stunning successes and dramatic setbacks in the Long War during 2007. Pakistan has continued its slide towards a failed state, with the government having relinquished control over additional territory to the Taliban and, thus, al Qaeda. Suicide bombings and attacks on all segments of the state plagued Pakistan as the Taliban and al Qaeda cemented their new safe havens. Iraq, which seemed all but lost at the end of 2006 as the US appeared to lose the all-important...
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Americans Standing Up:
Call to Arms for DC Troop Rally 15 March
12/30/2007 11:13:00 AM
Action Alert
Conservative Counter Protest
Counter Jihad
All of us remember St. Patrick’s Day, 2007. It was blustery, cold, bitter and just about perfect. The time has come to revisit that emotion. Those who would disparage our brave men and women in uniform are planning to congregate in our nation’s Capital once again this coming March. On March 15, 2008, Gathering of Eagles, in coordination with Move America Forward, Freedom’s Watch, The Band of Mothers, Vets for Freedom, DC Protest Warrior, Eagles Up, Free Republic, New England Warrior and rank and file patriotic Americans, will come together to...
A Great and Terrible Beast is Birthing in Europe
12/30/2007 08:09:00 AM
armed revolution
western civilization
World War IV

I have heard the prophecies of a Great and Terrible Empire rising in Europe in the End Days since I was knee high to a grasshopper.As I grew older, I continued to hear them, and always read the news out of Europe with an ear for their path to empire. I always wondered how the independent-minded surrender monkeys in France would be brought into this Beast-government that would rule Europe with an Iron Fist, yet have feet of Iron and Clay mingled...
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Our Judicial Despotism
As this year comes to a close, I find myself waxing philosophic.Who we choose as our next President will be crucial in determining whether or not we can walk the dog back from the Living Constitution back to the Written Constitution.If it is true that a construction of the Constitution by the Supreme Court, no matter how spurious or absurd, no matter how damaging to the organic life of the country, is eo ipso "the law of the land," unchallengeable even by a law made by the people's representatives...then, where, in all candor, are we?If a judicial...
More Inconvenient Truth for Algore
Warming Much Less Than Previously Thought
If a scientific paper appeared in a major journal saying that the planet has warmed twice as much as previously thought, that would be front-page news in every major paper around the planet. But what would happen if a paper was published demonstrating that the planet may have warmed up only half as much as previously thought?Nothing. Earlier this month, Ross McKitrick from Canada's University of Guelph and I published a manuscript in the Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres saying precisely that.Scientists have known for years that temperature...
Aussies Release David Hicks,
Says He is "no longer a Muslim"

Taliban and al-Qaeda Fighter David HicksNow 32 and no longer a Muslim, Hicks yesterday promised not to let down the Australian community he credited with helping to bring him home. "I will not forget, or let you down," Hicks said in a statement read by his lawyer, David McLeod.Source: Gateway PunditMost of the other detainees have returned to the jihad after their release. Lets hope that David Hicks is truly an apostate from Islam and Terrorism,...
Friday, December 28, 2007
Americans are Poorly Served at the Welfare Table
by Carl Mumpower
Guest CommentaryAmericans are Poorly Served at the Welfare TableDr. Carl MumpowerAs a country that works far more often than it does not, our future rests on the same American Success Equation of liberty, opportunity, and responsibility that has uplifted generations past. In today's America, there is a struggle to determine whether this equation, or one deceptively labeled as social welfare, will determine our future.As a vision, the concept of welfare has much to offer. The desire to help our fellow man beats strongly in the hearts of most...
West Carolina Report for Dec 28th
Since I am on a vacation schedule, my daily updates for West Carolina Report have been later in the day, and today is no different.Some of my neighbors and I have an odd tradition where we watch marathon showings of TV Shows or movie series.This year, it was the 3rd season of LOST, which we finished waaay ahead of our schedule last night instead of on Monday as planned, so we have boldly gone ahead with our threat of watching 5 seasons of Babylon 5 by Tuesday evening. This is insane!We managed to get in 6 episodes last night, and will be firing...
Thursday, December 27, 2007
West Carolina Report for Dec 27th
I have updated West Carolina Report for today, including coverage of the Bhutto assassination today in Pakistan on my World War IV page, and several stories about Ron Paul from the left and right about developing scandals in the Ron Paul campaign.Here is a video from Live Leak purpotedly of the attack on Bhutto.My connection keeps timing out on me before I can see anything much of it. (The horrors of a dial-up connection...
Bhutto Assassinated (Updated at Noon EST)

Before everyone begins to wax poetic about Bhutto, please remember that is was her incompetence, and her and her husband's corruption (as well as Sharif) that led to Musharaf taking the necessary step of a coup d'etat that saved Pakistan's nukes from falling into Islamists hands. Her death may complete what she could not accomplish in life...the loss of Pakistan's nukes into the wild. 12.57 pm Thunder Pig**updated at bottom of post**This is very...
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Two Minutes of Hate with Keith Olbermann
George Orwell in 1984 captures perfectly a characteristic of radical thinking, if thinking is not too generous a term. The regime of Orwell's fictional "Oceania" regularly televises "Two Minutes Hate" that is required viewing for the population. These broadcasts are a shortened version of the regularly scheduled renditions of "Hate Week." During these exercises, everyone must follow the ritual of hate against those deemed enemies of the regime - "Goldstein" (Trotsky) being that regime's favored enemy. The purveyor of Hate Minutes and Hate...
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Civilization Calls

Will You Answer?Or will you deny?Are you willing to pay the consequences?Answer the Call No...
Lakota Independence Story A Media-Encouraged Hoax! (updated)
I posted on the story a few days ago briefly, and even the local progressive group blog, Scrutiny Hooligans noted it.Now, it turns out that the Legacy Media (Legacy: as in outdated) has been ginning the story from Indian activists who don't even speak for the leadership! From Newsbusters:And who is the Russell Means? He is a long time Indian activist who does not officially represent any tribe, that's who. It takes the local press to make this clear. The Rapid City Journal of Rapid City, South Dakota informs us that, "Means' group is based in...
Friday, December 21, 2007
West Carolina Report for Dec 21st

I have updated West Carolina Report for today, and have included a portion of an article on Blackwater on my war page about their exciting new expansion into other areas of business as war becomes ever more privatized to keep pace with the evolution of warfar...
Thursday, December 20, 2007
What Recession? 3Q GDP Increases!
(RTTNews) - The Commerce Department released its final report on gross domestic product in the third quarter on Thursday, showing that the pace of GDP growth for the quarter was unrevised compared to the preliminary estimate.The report showed that GDP increased at an annual rate of 4.9 percent in the third quarter compared to the 3.8 percent growth seen in the second quarter. Economists had expected GDP growth to remain unchanged at 4.9 percent.The GDP growth in the third quarter marked the fastest pace of growth since the third quarter of 2003,...
Lakota Indians Withdraw From US, Form Own Country
WASHINGTON (AFP) - The Lakota Indians, who gave the world legendary warriors Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse, have withdrawn from treaties with the United States, leaders said Wednesday."We are no longer citizens of the United States of America and all those who live in the five-state area that encompasses our country are free to join us," long-time Indian rights activist Russell Means told a handful of reporters and a delegation from the Bolivian embassy, gathered in a church in a run-down neighborhood of Washington for a news conference.A delegation...
Islam's Aim Is Establishing Global Government

IRI President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said here Wednesday on Al-Adha Eid Day in Saudi Arabia philosophy of Haj can be defined merely through considering Islam's aim at establishment of a global government...He said, "If we would delete the ultimate objective of establishing a global system from the Haj rituals, the remainder would be deeds devoid of a soul."Upon President Ahmadinejad's arrival in Mena, he was received by the Emir al-Haaj of the Iranian...
Ron Paul: Bought and Paid For By Anti-War Socialists at
12/20/2007 09:50:00 AM
Idiot Ron Paul Supporters
Ron Paul
1 comment
While researching for my last post, I ran across an intriguing blog, Sword At The Ready, who has posted this today:There is a reason I have been trumpeting the warnings about the supporters Ron Paul attracts. From anti-semetic NeoNazis at Stormfront and Secular Anarchists to Whorehouse moguls and rabid anti-war Leftists, the Mob Zombies of Ron Paul are growing in numbers and awash with cash, thanks in measure to the front groups, Code Pink, of International Socialist Powerbroker George Soros, who both covertly and openly...
Conservative Blogger Opens Dialogue With Ron Paul Supporters

Okay, Ron Paul fans, it's your turn. (North Carolina voters only, please.) Katy's Conservative Corner wants to know, why, if Ron Paul is running as a Republican, do his followers hate the GOP so much? Your blogger doesn't get it. Why doesn't he run in another party or as an Independent? Your candidate has the same chance as any other. He's running in the same primary states and has the opportunity to buy media and generate so-called "earned"...
al-Qaeda Torture Chambers Discovered During Operation Iron Reaper
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE No. 20071220-03December 20, 2007MND-N Soldiers find atrocity site, torture complex and weapons caches during Operation Iron ReaperMulti-National Division – North PAOTIKRIT, Iraq – During Operation Iron Reaper, Multi-National Division – North Soldiers killed 24 extremists, detained 37 suspects, and discovered an atrocity site, torture complex and nine weapons caches north of Muqdadiyah Dec. 8-11.Intelligence provided by Iraqi tips led U.S. troops to a suspected al-Qaeda in Iraq safe haven and operating bases. Evidence of murder,...
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Karl Rove on Sean Hannity
I just heard Karl Rove on the Sean Hannity Show, and thought to share the audio of the discussion between Sean and Karl.This confirms my suspicion that the big boys would prefer the Hilda Beast as the opponent in the General Election in 2008. Great Minds think alike, since that is my opinion as well.And here is the link in case the embed is still not working. (DivShare has been having problems lately)...
Santa's Chopper Shot Over Rio
RIO DE JANEIRO (Reuters) - Not even Santa Claus is safe as the violent Brazilian city of Rio de Janeiro celebrates the Christmas season.Drug traffickers in a Rio slum opened fire on a helicopter carrying a Santa to a children's party, apparently mistaking it for a police helicopter, police said Tuesday.Source: Reuters via Yahoo! NewsNot even Santa is safe anymore, it's a good thing we provide fighter cove...
Rasmussen Numbers for Dec 19th
The Rasmussen Daily Numbers are in:The GOP:Hucklebee 22%Julie Annie 16%Romney 16%McCain 13%Fredster 12%Ron Paul 6%Looks like the Huck is sliding, and the next four positions are a virtual dead heat. As I understand the rules of the Iowa Caucus, the voters get to list a second choice, which could render these numbers useless since they are all so close.The Dems:Hilda Beast 42%Obama 24%Edwards 15%I was getting worried there for alittle bit that the Oprabama Machine would ruin the GOP chances by killing the Hilda...
(VIDEO) Meanwhile, Fred Thompson was on Hannity & Colmes
While I am no longer serving on the local Fred Thompson Committee, I still like the guy, and would like to see him the White House in 2009. (I resigned over the flag flap.)He was on Hannity and Colmes last night whilst I slep...
(VIDEO) Ron Paul on Glenn Beck in 7 parts
I am embedding the interview here, and will be editing the videos down to a more manageable size for discussion.I was glad to see Ron Paul finally agree to come on the TV Show, I wish he had the nads to come on the Radio Show and take calls from the audience. I have a few questions that would show him the error of his thinking on fighting World War IV, instead of running home like cowards.Update...I found it on scratch the you tube crap! Google Rocks! You Tube Sucks!CNN Transcript is here.part onepart twopart threepart fourpart fivepart...
Both Parties Continue a Pattern of Failed Promise by Carl Mumpower
Guest Commentary Both Parties Continue a Pattern of Failed Promiseby Carl Mumpower Tuesday, December 18, 2007 The 2006 election offered a clear indictment of the policies of the President and Republican Congressional majority and their failure to provide effective leadership on core issues. Illegal immigration, deficit spending, health care issues, unfair trade practices and job impact, social security solvency, erosion of America's educational standing, and other primary issues were sidestepped by those in control in deference to legislative...
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
The Honesty of a Cat's Purr by John Armor
Guest CommentaryThe Honesty of a Cat's Purr by John ArmorWe have two cats: Weasel, a grey female calico, and Orion, a male orange and white tabby. Orion is a big, lump of a cat, twenty pounds if he's an ounce. He's taught me a lesson for years that I finally realized today. He teaches by example.Orion showed up at the door four years ago in the fall. He was obviously a house cat, not a feral or wild one. He had no collar. We brought him water and food. He wanted to come inside, but we didn't let him. He was obviously someone else's cat; we shouldn't...
Monday, December 17, 2007
(VIDEO) They Are Coming For Your Weapons
The video you will see on this web site is horrifying. The crimes committed against law-abiding gun owners are beyond comprehension. The arrogance of anti-gun politicians and government officials and their hate of freedom will churn your stomach.The law is the law, the Constitution is the Constitution. If ONE local mayor or police chief can decide what the Second Amendment means, it opens the door to tyranny—where ANY mayor or police chief can say what the Second Amendment means.You've seen this brand of abuse of freedom in the history books—in...
West Carolina Report for Dec 17th
I have finished updating West Carolina Report for today.It is hard to believe that Iowa is two weeks or so away, and Giga Tuesday about six weeks away, which mean I'll have to kick it into high gear to complete my review of the GOP and Dem Candidates before Giga Tuesda...
Saturday, December 15, 2007
(VIDEO) Spring Into Action For The Holidays
Local Talk Show host Matt Mittan has rallied support for this family in their hour of need since their home was destroyed in the 2004 Flood.Here is a slide show you can watch of their progress.Spring Into Action Home Nears Completion -Asheville, NC –The Spring Into Action Home constructed for Ginger Boyd Phillips who lost her home in the wake of Hurricane Ivan in 2004. Ginger also suffered the loss of her parents, grandparents, and 14 year old sister, all victims of a brutal, random murder in Haywood County in 1999. Barring any unforeseen circumstances,...
Friday, December 14, 2007
Ron Paul Blimp Will Not Make it to Tea Party

Our operatives have reported success with their mission to delay the launch of the Ron Paul Blimp, and it will not be able to make the Boston Tea Party on the 16th.Keep up with the flight path here, and watch for surprises!Watch intermittent Webstreaming here. Too bad it won't embed like my service. It will embed...see below.View Larger MapWatch live video from ronpaulblimp on">Courtesy of Paulpatine News N...
(Another) Burglar Shot Dead in Texas
A southwest Harris County homeowner shot and killed a man he discovered climbing into a window of his house at about 2:15 a.m. today, investigators said.Steven Dunbar, 44, died in the window of the home in the 3400 block of Cascadia, Harris County sheriff's homicide Det. Rolf Nelson said.Nelson declined to name the homeowner but said the man, 32, was asleep in the house with his wife, a son, 6, and an infant daughter when he heard a loud noise."The homeowner says he heard a loud noise, possibly a gunshot, that startled him out of bed," Nelson...
Former Buncombe County Sheriff Bobby Medford Arrested
Feds Charge Corruption

There are many outlets covering this arrest, but by far the best covergae is to found at The Asheville City Paper:Democracy NC, a Raleigh-based election watchdog group, documented more than $100,000 in campaign contributions to state legislators from the video poker industry during the 2004 election. The biggest recipient was former House Speaker Jim Black who used his office to block video poker bans repeatedly passed by the state senate. Finally,...
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Charles Johnson, Following Rather?
12/13/2007 01:25:00 PM
Counter Jihad
Gates of Vienna
Little Green Footballs
1 comment
So how well does the Dan Rather analogy apply to Charles Johnson and Little Green Footballs?Some aspects of Mr. Rather’s situation seem quite apt. Consider what the The New York Times wrote in the wake of Rathergate, after CBS’ investigative panel issued its report:Over the next week or so, CBS News issued a number of press statements and “CBS Evening News” reports that staunchly defended the Sept. 8 segment despite increasingly strong indications that the reporting for the segment was flawed. The panel finds that these statements and reports...
Era of Open Government is Here
Have you ever wanted to find more information on government spending? Have you ever wondered where federal contracting dollars and grant awards go? Or perhaps you would just like to know, as a citizen, what the government is really doing with your money. The Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006 (Transparency Act) requires a single searchable website, accessible by the public for free that includes for each Federal award:1. The name of the entity receiving the award;2. The amount of the award;3. Information on the award including...
(VIDEO) Fred Thompson is not a Third Grader
This was Fred at his best! The only way it could have been better was if he had left the debate at that poin...