I have heard the prophecies of a Great and Terrible Empire rising in Europe in the End Days since I was knee high to a grasshopper.
As I grew older, I continued to hear them, and always read the news out of Europe with an ear for their path to empire. I always wondered how the independent-minded surrender monkeys in France would be brought into this Beast-government that would rule Europe with an Iron Fist, yet have feet of Iron and Clay mingled together.
For about six months now, Belgium has gone without a government. It has done just fine. Why? Because it needs none, because the EU already rules!
Here is a list of 50 Reasons to Leave the EU from a fellow member of CVF, who lives in Britain. While it is intended for a British audience, I feel we need to read this here in America because of the coming North American Union. In this essay, we see our future reflected in the eyes of someone about to be swallowed up in a Dictatorship:
We joined the EU in 1972. After 35 years inside we now know:
1. The European Union has the constitution of a dictatorship.
2. The EU has the laws of a police state which will be enforced after the sixth treaty is signed.
3. The EU’s 111,000 regulations will bring us a soviet style command economy and abject poverty.
4. Unelected EU dictators will control the nuclear weapons of former nations of Britain and France.
5. The EU ’s Constitution will compel us to hand over all our armed forces to the EU.
6. Our armed forces and police have been told they will swear a new oath to the EU, or be fired.
7. Its 111,000 regulations will rigidly control our personal lives moreso than any nation in history.
8. EU regulations now cost us £100 billion a year. (Better Regulation Commission annual report 2005)
9. When enforced, those regulations will destroy hundreds of thousands of small businesses.
10. Millions will be unemployed after EU regulations close small businesses.
11. The 111,000 regulations will make us subject to continual arrest (SOCPA 2005).
12. There are now 3,095 “Crimes against the EU state” on the British statute book.
13. We will be stopped on the street for continual checks on our EU ID cards from 2009.
14. The EU Constitution will replace the British Constitution (currently planned for May 2009).
Read more at the Center For Vigilant Freedom
Our resistance must begin now.
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