While researching for my last post, I ran across an intriguing blog, Sword At The Ready, who has posted this today:
Source: Sword At The Ready
There is a reason I have been trumpeting the warnings about the supporters Ron Paul attracts. From anti-semetic NeoNazis at Stormfront and Secular Anarchists to Whorehouse moguls and rabid anti-war Leftists, the Mob Zombies of Ron Paul are growing in numbers and awash with cash, thanks in measure to the front groups MoveOn.org, Code Pink, Iraqcampaign.org of International Socialist Powerbroker George Soros, who both covertly and openly - is helping to fund and aid the Ron Paul campaign.
Of course, the Mob Zombies say they welcome anyone wanting to join their throngs for ‘freedom’. What these dupes don’t understand is that they are being used as pawns for a larger play by the Democrat Left, who as I have stated before - WANT Ron Paul opposite their candidate for the General 2008 Election because getting the war OFF the table of discussion opens the door for the Left to scare the crap out of the Welfare Society they have created about the rest of Ron Paul’s agenda.
When a candidate - who says he stands for the Constitution and garners the aid and support of rabid Socialists hellbent on rewriting it into a newfound Soviet Manifesto - I am suspect and dubious of that kind of alliance, unwitting or not.
Ron Paul has already drawn a huge bunch of unpleasant freaks that think nothing of spamming forum boards and threatening violence and death on those who oppose their candidate. Even Radio Talk Show host Glenn Beck had death threats made against him by the Ron Paul Mob Zombies for his comments about their messiah not long ago.
Related: Free Republic
This is also another reason I believe the Legacy Media won't look too closely at Ron Paul, for fear of exposing their use of his campaign as a Stalking Horse for their anti-American Agendas, and creating divisions in the GOP for their benefit next fall
. I have noted that some of the local Ron Paul Supporters are also White Supremacists [WNC4RonPaul], and have had to read their profanities and threats in response to some of my posts. I notice that Storm Fronties are supporters of Ron Paul.
I remember the storm (no pun intended) that resulted from these cretins supporting Tom Tancredo, which very likely crippled his campaign out the gate.
Notice the near lack of criticism from the same people on their support of Ron Paul.
I believe blogger "Sword At The Ready" is right on the money. It's always been somewhat of a mystery to me why so many polar opposites would coalesce around this one candidate. And don't tell me it's because of his Constitutional stance. For some yes. But as we've seen from the posts on TP and other sites when discussions of Ron Paul come up. There are a lot of Un-American, Un-Constitutional fascists comments made about silencing people through physical violence. It will be interesting to see the Paul supporters comments concerning the great insights of "Sword At The Ready".
Thanks TP for posting this information.
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