
I am working on the template of this blog today in order to chase down some problems that have developed with my template and widgets.

Macon County Commissioners

Coverage of the meetings of the Macon County Board of County Commissioners.

Franklin Town Board of Aldermen

Coverage of the meetings of the Franklin Town Board of Aldermen.

Macon County School Board

Coverage of the meetings of the Macon County School Board.


Photos from my photoblog.

nullspace for future use

nullspace for future use


Thursday, January 31, 2008

U.S. Senator Dole Meets Secretly with Gates County Commissioners

GATES COUNTY NC NEWS -- While campaigning in northeastern North Carolina this weekend, North Carolina's U.S. Senator Elizabeth Dole made two unexpected stops in Gates County. A predominantly rural Democrat county, which is listed as one of two North Carolina counties considered for location of our U.S. Navy's new Outlying Landing Field (OLF).Although Senator Dole was on the campaign trail, this did not deter her from taking time attended a secret meeting of Gates County Board of Commissioners of Saturday 26, 2008. The meeting held at 2:15 P.M.,...

Republican Debate at Ronald Reagan Presidential Library

Here is the entire debate:And you can read commentary over at You Decide 2008, where they have a forum to discuss the debat...

Republican Gubernatorial Candidate Justice Robert Orr on "Sound Off Buncombe"

Justice Robert Orr, candidate for North Carolina Governor, sat down with Richard Bernier and Randy Thomas on a URTV program "Sound Off Buncombe."It runs about 30 minutes....

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

WCU Voter Registration by Ron Paul Supporters

WCU was invaded by Ron Paul Supporters, and I was there to record the event, in video and photos.And finally, I made a music video, capturing the essence of the event:Thank M...

I Welcome My RINO Overlords

We will fight them on the beaches, We will fight them in the streets, We will fight them house to house, We will fight them in the hills and we will never surrender!(Apologies to Winston Churchill)Seriously, we can expect this guy to be a danger to the blogosphere and online activism.John McCain has won the Florida Primary, and will be coronated King of the GOP by the media, and Democrats will dance with glee at the prospects of a win-win election for them in November. They will get a Democrat no matter who wins, and they will hope that Conservatism...

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Gathering of Eagles vs Veterans For Peace

Here is a photo I swiped from Pam:Now go see the rest of the photo...

(VIDEO) 2008 State of the Union Address

The entire address will play in the player below:And here is a link to the transcript, and here is my favorite clip, lifted from Quinn & Ros...

Some Final Polls, State of The Union

Here are a couple of polls for the Florida GOP Primary today: * John McCain 35% (33%)* Mitt Romney 31% (30%)* Rudy Giuliani 13% (14%)* Mike Huckabee 13% (11%)* Ron Paul 2% (2%)* Someone else 2% (3%)* Not Sure 5% (8%)Survey of 941 likely Republican voters was conducted January 27-28. The margin of error is +/-3.3 percentage points. Results from the poll conducted January 25-27 are in parentheses.|ZOGBY| Reuters/C-SPAN/Zogby GOP Florida Primary * Romney 37.8%* McCain 35.7%* Huckabee 12.4%* Giuliani 11.4%* Paul 2.7%A Braynard Methodology Survey,...

Monday, January 28, 2008

Evangelicals for Mitt

The 2008 election is for president, not pastor. We want a president who shares our political and moral values and priorities, can win in 2008, and can govern effectively thereafter by articulating and implementing a values-based governing strategy. This is just what Mitt Romney did as governor and will do as president.Governor Romney Shares Our Political & Moral ValuesPolitical and moral values are informed by -- but not the same as -- one's religion. That's why we are not casting our votes based on whose theology we like most. History shows...

ALIPAC Open Letter to Paul & Romney Campaigns

The following is from ALIPAC, and you can track the discussion thread on their message board:Paul & Romney campaigns:While the verdict is still out if the GOP Presidential primaries can yield a candidate who is truly opposed to Amnesty for the first time in 30 years, GOP voters are looking at your campaigns closely.Our organization has widely reported the pro amnesty stances of McCain, Giuliani, and Mike Huckabee along with every Democrat in the race.With the withdrawal of Fred Thompson, Duncan Hunter, and Tom Tancredo from the race, our NO...

West Carolona Report for Jan 28th;
Venus and Jupiter Near Each Other In Morning Sky

I've updated the news headlines at West Carolina Report for today, and apologize for not being able to update them over the weekend...a retard took out a power pole down the road, and the phone line got corrupted enough with cross talk to ruin the internet connection.Maybe the lines will get upgraded enough to allow for DSL instead of the pokey 42K I currently suffer under.Anyhow, enjoy this photo I took this morning of Jupiter and Venus as they...

Remembering The Challenger 7

I had stayed home from school, as was my custom, to watch the shuttle launch on TV since they quit showing them at school.Such was my luck that none of the local stations covered it either, and I listened on WCQS. Sure enough, the local stations covered it after the explosion.Here is a video of the explosion:And a video of President Reagan's eloquent tribute:Visit the Arlington Website tribute to the Challenger ...

Don’t treat the old and unhealthy, say UK Doctors

By Laura Donnelly, Health Correspondent26/01/2008Doctors are calling for NHS treatment to be withheld from patients who are too old or who lead unhealthy lives.Smokers, heavy drinkers, the obese and the elderly should be barred from receiving some operations, according to doctors, with most saying the health service cannot afford to provide free care to everyone.£1.7 billion is spent treating diseases caused by smoking, such as lung cancer and emphysemaFertility treatment and “social” abortions are also on the list of procedures that many doctors...

Mother Replaces Son on Frontlines in Iraq

Johnson is currently training his mother, who is soon scheduled to replace him. Both are reservists working for the 506th Expeditionary Security Forces Squadron. (U.S. Air Force photo/Senior Airman SerMae Lampkin)The coincidence of this pair choosing to serve in the same military branch and career field is only trumped by the fact that out of the thousands of Air Force security forces Airmen and numerous deployment locations - Staff Sgt. Johnson,...

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Sunday Afternoon Blogburst

Here are the latest Rasmussen numbers from Florida:Mitt Romney: 33% (27)John McCain: 27% (23)Rudy Giuliani: 18% (20)Mike Huckabee: 12% (15)Ron Paul: 2% (4)This telephone survey of 500 Likely Republican Primary Voters was conducted by Rasmussen Reports on January 25, 2008. The margin of sampling error for the survey is +/- 4 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence.Source: Rasmussen Florida Tracking PollThis will be the first primary where only registered Republicans can vote, and it is a winner take all state...meaning a big delegate take...

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Some Convenient Facts;
Sun & Ocean Driving Climate, Not CO2

I am at a public terminal so I will be brief as I have 8 minutes left on my time: The above video is something you won't hear from the Chicken-Littles in the Global Warming Climate Change fear monger community. Below, is a portion of an excellent article:Atmospheric CO2 levels have been rising over the past century, and show no sign of slowing down. The apparent association between rising CO2 levels and rising surface temperatures has fueled an apocalyptic media feeding frenzy over the past decade and a half--carrying many politicians and opportunists...

(VIDEO) Clinton on Iraqi WMD

Ten years ago tomorrow: President Bill Clinton gave this speech to the American people:Find out more at Gateway Pundi...

Friday, January 25, 2008

To ashevegas joe

Apparently a limit has been reached or imposed on our thread at Mtn Xpress, and here is my response to ashevegas joes last:ashevegasjoe:well, above you said you were registered independent, then you said the following:"Essentially , our founders were well read men who studied worldly, educated men who were standing on the shoulders of giants."that is a VERY conservative position. To quote Kirk:"Third, conservatives believe in what may be called...

Politics, Democrat Style

I love it when lefties help us out:Found at HuffPoI hate the way everything is so staged for consumption according to "anointed" victim groups, each with "special" statu...

Retired Army Green Beret Court Martialed;
Used Weapon of Inufficient Caliber On Home Intruder

Retired Army Green Beret Smokey Taylor was court martialed this weekend, and came away feeling good about it. Taylor, at age 80 the oldest member of Chapter XXXIII of the Special Forces Association, was on mock trial by his peers under the charge of "Failing to use a weapon of sufficient caliber" in the shooting of an intruder at his home in Knoxville, Tennesee, in December.The entire affair, of course, was very much tongue in cheek. Taylor had been awakened in the early morning hours of Dec. 17, 2007, when an intruder broke into his home. He...

The Champs Elysees Republicans

The Financial Times joined the EUnuchs in celebrating current U.S. financial markets’ instability. The EUrocrats are, as usual, rejoicing in our problems, saying that we’d be so much better off if only we adopted their socialist economic theories. But Europe -- and it’s projected 1.5-1.8% growth -- is in worse shape than we, not better. Nevertheless, FT pompously passed along the call to “wake up, America!”It is worth noting that this chortling occurred amid a meltdown of Europe’s own stock markets. They’ve got their priorities, though.OK, so...

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Another One Bites The Dust...Kucinich Out

The Democrat Ron Paul is ou...

The Definition of Rebate

Troy LaPlante has a good point:RebatePronunciation: \ˈrē-ˌbāt\Function: nounDate: 1656Definition: a return of a part of a paymentTo rebate something to someone who did not pay in the first place is not, by definition, a rebate. I am all for cutting taxes. However, a tax rebate is for those who pay taxes. Those who do not pay taxes should NOT get a "rebate". It becomes a hand out and a form of welfare or entitlement at the expense of all others who do pay taxes.Source: Troy LaPlanteWhat set him off was the recent GOP cave to the Democrats. Read...

Bill, Hill, Alinsky, and Tearing Down Obama

I can't remember if I have discussed Saul Alinsky on this website. If not, that is about to change, and I'll let Kyle-Anne Shiver lead off:Obama was up; now he's down. Even though Obama seems to be harnessing the South Carolina black vote that will give him that state's delegates, he has been feeling the brunt of the Clintons' mastery of the tactic of polarization, taught decades ago to Hillary by Saul Alinsky.Obama is being forced into the position of being the black candidate. Successfully polarizing Obama, who has attempted to run as the...

Largest Terrorist Forum Happily Proclaims:
If Hillary Clinton is President, America is Defeated

Ouch!The thread [linked] below is from Al-Ekhlaas terrorist forum, the largest terrorist forum on the internet. The author of the thread is expressing his optimism that America will be defeated for many reasons but one of them is that Hillary Clinton may become President. He said:“ Look at the woman that may soon be in charge of the White House. Can the defeat of America be any more evident?”. The thread was written in English not in Arabic and posted in the Ekhlaas English section.Source: Free RepublicFor Those of us that read Arabic: Arabic...

Russian scientist says Earth could soon face new Ice Age

Don't throw away those parkas just yet, lefties!ST. PETERSBURG, January 22 (RIA Novosti) - Temperatures on Earth have stabilized in the past decade, and the planet should brace itself for a new Ice Age rather than global warming, a Russian scientist said in an interview with RIA Novosti Tuesday."Russian and foreign research data confirm that global temperatures in 2007 were practically similar to those in 2006, and, in general, identical to 1998-2006...

Pray For President Bush

I would like to remind my readers who believe in the power of prayer to pray for the President. While we may not not always agree with his decisions, he is still the leader that God has selected for us, and we should lift him up, and seek God's Face on his behalf. is a non-denominational, non-partisan ministry dedicated to lifting up President George W. Bush in Prayer as he serves this country as President of the United States....

S-CHIP Veto Override Fails (Again!)

WASHINGTON, DC, Jan. 23 (UPI) -- The U.S. House of Representatives, for the second time in recent months, failed Wednesday to override a presidential veto of a children's insurance program.The 260-152 vote to override President George Bush's veto of the State Children's Health Insurance Program fell 15 votes shy of the needed two-thirds majority. Nineteen members did not vote.Twice in 2007 Bush, backed by House Republicans, vetoed legislation to expand the popular health insurance for needy children by $35 billion. Critics said the expansion would...

"Asheville Municipal Golf Course " Flyover Tour

Here is an interesting video I found recently:You can find out more about the creators of the video at their websit...

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Play Presidential Candidate Paintball!

Choose your candidate, and take on the others in a winner take all game!At least Hillary can't double-team me in this contest.Although I must warn you that Giuliani has a mean roll that makes for a hard target.Found at Hillbilly White Tras...

Britain Cracking Down On The Counterjihad?

DRACONIAN ACTION against counter-jihadist bloggers in Britainistan is probably imminent. One has to consider why there is limited or no publicity about Islamic gang-rapes, SJS incidents and other forms of 'street jihad' in the national MSM.If publicity and the press is controlled, which it is, local people in areas which are regularly affected will tend not to realise that there are many similar incidents across the country.They will feel that the one they do know about, the local incident, is unusual and and consequently, they will not make too...

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Who Needs Oil or Ethanol When You Can Grow Algae?

...PetroSun BioFuels Refining has entered into a joint venture to construct and operate a biodiesel refinery near Coolidge, Arizona. The feedstock for the refinery will be algal oil produced by PetroSun BioFuels at company owned and operated algae farms to be located in Arizona....The refinery will have an annual production capacity of thirty million gallons and will produce 100% renewable biodiesel. PetroSun BioFuels will process the residual algae biomass into ethanol....Petrosun claims that Independent studies have demonstrated that algae is...

My Man Fred Drops Out of the Race

NAPLES, Fla. (AP) - Former Tennessee Sen. Fred Thompson quit the Republican presidential race on Tuesday, after a string of poor finishes in early primary and caucus states."Today, I have withdrawn my candidacy for president of the United States. I hope that my country and my party have benefited from our having made this effort," Thompson said in a statement.Thompson's fate was sealed last Saturday in the South Carolina primary, when he finished third in a state that he had said he needed to win.Source: Breit Bart, via an on-air announcement...

Asheville Progresives React To The Carolina Stompers

The above video was inspired by the continuing dismay of Progressives, Progressitarians (a new word?) and the Pagans to The Carolina Stompers in Asheville, NC.In particular, this comment thread over at Mountain Xpress.You can visit The Carolina Stompers to find out what has them so very upset.**update 1.59pm**This is getting even better than I had expected!!! Lady Passion has threatened to sue me for the video satirizing their behavior!Her comments:Rash, unwise act, Thunderpig.You and the Stompers may be legally liable for posting that video:You...

(VIDEO) Democrats Debate In Myrtle Beach

Here is the full debate, courtesy of You Decide 2008:I'll have more links and commentary after I get to the office around 8 or so this mornin...

Monday, January 21, 2008

Task Force ODIN Kills 2,400 Bombers in Iraq!

Another story you won't hear about in the Legacy Media:In Iraq, a hundred-man Army unit is using an array of drones, manned surveillance planes, helicopters, and video downlinks to kill 2,400 bomb-planters and capture 141 more.The 14-month-old, once-classified Army outfit is called Task Force ODIN, for “observe-detect-identify-neutralize.” It was first disclosed in May. But now, additional details about ODIN are emerging. And the Task Force's...

West Carolina Report and Ten Myths About Nuclear Power

Not that they have anything to do with one another, I just didn't want to do a post for each topic.West Carolina ReportFirst, I have updated the first four pages of West Carolina Report with news headlines that link to the news of the day. Of course, the widgets on those pages are always up-to-date, thanks to the miracle of RSS Feeds. I will have my state and local widgets ready soon. I also have upgraded the hosting because I exceeded my bandwidth allocation for last month. I've got 600GB now...and I'm not likely to exceed that anytime soon (unless...

Patrick McHenry Conference Call

Last week, NC-10 Congressman Patrick McHenry had a media conference call, in which he addressed many issues of significance, including economic stimulus and immigration reform:McHenry says the stimulus will be rebate of $250 or $300 and similar to one implemented in 2001.“Anytime we can give people back their money, I’m for it,” McHenry said. “This is a bill I can be for.”Still, he says the best economic stimulus is to “control (government) spending and make tax cuts permanent. We can right our economic ship if we do that.”The nation’s current...

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Democratic Candidates Converge on Asheville,
And Scrutiny Hooligans Were There

Arratik and I, after loading up with kegs of Caffiend’s finest roast, ventured into the blowing snow and made our way to UNC-Asheville’s Lipinsky Auditorium for the first of six scheduled debates between the Democratic candidates for Lieutenant Governor. Moderated by NC 11th District Democratic Party Chairman, Luke Hyde, and organized by the NC Young Democrats, the debate allowed too much time for each response and too little chance to compare candidates stances. Each of the four men meandered away from the prescribed questions. They’re politicians,...

Honor Major Andrew Olmsted:
Give To The Children of Captain Thomas Casey

Andrew Olmsted was killed in Iraq, and his family have responded to those who wish to honor him by instructing us to donate to a fund set up for the four children of Captain Thomas Casey, who died while trying to save Andrew.Capt. Thomas Casey Children’s fundP.O. Box 1306Chester, CA 960...

Anon Robo Callers Against Barack "Hussein" Obama

Looks like either the HildaBeast or The Breck Girl have decided to capitalize on Obama's middle name. Listen Here.Source: Political PunchMy guess is that it was Edwards' people, who is the most likely to imitate the Huckabee strategy of push-pollin...

Al-Qaeda in Iraq Update: Jan. 20

The following is a briefing from Rear Admiral Gregory Smith:We have provided several briefings over the past year focused on operations against al-Qaeda Iraq, and while considerable progress has been made we still have much work to do. Operation Phantom Phoenix, an Iraq-wide operation targeting al-Qaeda, has been underway for two weeks and the effects of these combined coalition and Iraqi Security Force operations has been substantial.Since January...

The Problem With John McCain I

First, let me clear the decks on his wartime service...he served our nation well. He behaved honorably during his imprisonment, and torture, at the hands of the Communist Vietnamese. [There are those who claim otherwise...I will not link to them because most of them are 9/11 Twoofers, and I do not consider anyone who is a twoofer to be menatlly competent.]During his years in the Senate, he has championed pork-busting, denying pork projects for his own state, and stopping some pork projects for other Senators. [According to the St Pete Times, that...

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Peak Oil: Meet Marcellus Black Shale

Al Fin has a post up you should read:Up to 500 trillion cubic feet-- US$ 1 Trillion -- of unconventional natural gas deposits lie within the north Appalachian Plateau, within the US. New gas drilling technologies--spurred by higher prices for natural gas--make possible an extended era of natural gas in the U...

As Another Snow Approaches,
Dreams of Spring

The current forecast calls for a snowstorm to skirt us in western North Carolina, and hit South Carolina, where the first conservative state has it's primary...hopefully, this will keep the moderates at home.Anyhow, I have updated my war page, and national page on West Carolina Report, and have this photo from Thursday to share. The exposure was 4 seconds long since I took it while it was still relatively dark. Notice the snow was already turning...

Spain Faces Terrorism Despite Fleeing Iraq

The Civil Guard detained the suspects in Barcelona as part of a joint operation with Spain's National Intelligence Centre (CNI).Several premises were searched and, as the operation is ongoing, more arrests have not been ruled out.Spain suffered at the hands of Islamist militants in 2004 when 191 people were killed in the Madrid train bombings.Source: BBCShortly after the 2004 Madrid Bombings, the Spaniards elected a Lefty, and they fled the field of battle. Not surprisingly, the terrorism has continued, putting the lie to the claim by Lefty Democrats,...

Clinton Democrats Decry Union Thuggery In Nevada,
Obama Waxes Nostalgic For The Reagan Years

I laughed aloud when I read the following:This is an open caucus. Union members will be standing in the same room with other union members. Or maybe even their shop steward. Or their foreman. Or possibly even a union official. Everyone will know which candidate you're backing. And if you're a member of Culinary Workers Local 226, and you don't caucus for Senator Obama???The above was actually written by a diarist at MyDD! I'll bet that same person was for the Card Check Bill that our Congressman, Heath Shuler ,supported. The statement by that...

Friday, January 18, 2008

A Special 2 Hour Gathering Storm Radio Show

One of my favorite Blog Talk Radio Shows is "The Gathering Storm," which features WC of The Gathering Storm Blog, and Always, of Always on Watch.They host a weekly show on Fridays, starting at 3pm, with the theme of tracking the progress of the jihad against the west using the framing device of noting the tactics used by Islamists as they attempt to soften up western civilization for the coming war via Intimidation, Infiltration, and Disinformation. They also track the Appeasers & Apologists, and WC gives out a weekly "Winston Churchill Golden...