It is a snow day today, so I'll make my rounds from home instead of in person. While Ive waiting for everyone to wake up, I've been checking out the local situation in western North Carolina.
First, let's see what's on the local blogs:
Winter weather
With an impending storm, but no actual precipitation falling, WLOSers had to do the "storm prep" story. They hit us up with Mike Cuevas in the weather center calling for the veritable "mixed bag" of precip - snow, sleet, rain, freezing rain. All that means is he really doesn't know what's going to happen. He said it was snowing in Atlanta.
Source: Ashvegas, who also has a story about the
Pauleroid Blimp, which they use in a fashion like the Carolina Stompers tried last year with a commercial on WLOS. The resultant firestorm was designed to shut down speech that was disagreeable to the left. Funny how the lefties aren't trying to shut these people down. Maybe I should start taking donations, and kick this blog, and my other efforts up to the next level, using the Carolina Stomper and Pauleroid Blimp donation plan. Of course, the Pauleroids are useful to the they (ahem) can continue to fly under the radar.
Anyhow, that brings me to Tony, who, along with Bernard Carman,
got to ride on the blimp recently.
That is all I can do for now, so on to the photo section...
I checked out several webcams (always a risky proposition from a dial-up connection) and here are a few of the sharable ones:

And some pix from Southwestern Community College in Sylva:

And then a few shots from the house, after it started raining at about 4 am, starting the inevitable melting process: java has somehow been turned off, and I must attend to it.
Keep up the good work! Thanks for sharing the web-cam shots...those are always fun.
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