Press Release/Position Statement
-From the desk of the Candidate-
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Mumpower's Last Stand: Shuler Being Used by Corrupt Tribal Interests?
A front-page story in last Sunday's Asheville Citizen-Times revealed that the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians spent over $100,000 last year to influence members of Congress, including $4,600 to North Carolina Congressman Heath Shuler. Yet, due to special exemptions, Indian tribes are not required to publicly disclose those contributions – as must other pressure groups like unions, political action committees, and corporations.
None of this comes as any surprise to 11th District Republican candidate Carl Mumpower, who last October criticized the tribe as having become a "corrupted special interest" at odds with the "common interests of the taxpaying citizens of Western North Carolina."
"Add the Federal handouts and entitlements to the fact that their lobbyists aren't bound by the same campaign finance laws as everyone all just stinks," said Mumpower. “The Cherokee dole out their cash to elected officials for the same reason as any other lobbyist does: to buy influence, plain and simple. Remember, Mr. Shuler sits on the congressional committee that oversees Indian Affairs. Just follow the looks to me like Mr. Shuler's influence is an attractive purchase for the Cherokee."
Mumpower has previously announced that he will accept no campaign funds from unions, businesses, political action committees or other influence groups during his run for the seat currently held by Shuler. "Of course, money is a part of any serious campaign," said Mumpower, "but ultimately, our success will come from consistent and principled positions and the support of the voters. My focus on the common good and the needs of ordinary folks cannot be bought through the shady dealings of influence peddlers with deep matter what the color of their skin or sense of entitlement."
Carl Mumpower is a candidate for the US House of Representatives.
End of Press Release.
For a better understanding of this issue, you may refer to the AC-T article by clicking here, or if it is no longer available, click here for my saved copy.
And, there are people fighting the corruption of the Cherokee Tribal Leaders, and I stand with them in their fight against their corrupt leaders, and the capricious editing at the AC-T [link to published letter] [link to my saved copy].
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