
I am working on the template of this blog today in order to chase down some problems that have developed with my template and widgets.

Macon County Commissioners

Coverage of the meetings of the Macon County Board of County Commissioners.

Franklin Town Board of Aldermen

Coverage of the meetings of the Franklin Town Board of Aldermen.

Macon County School Board

Coverage of the meetings of the Macon County School Board.


Photos from my photoblog.

nullspace for future use

nullspace for future use


Sunday, August 30, 2009

Live Coverage of Concerned Citizens Event in Sylva

I'll be providing live coverage of the Concerned Citizens Event in Poteet Park in Sylva, NC from 3pm to 6pm today via my Twitter Page. Join in the conversation under the hashtag #potee...

Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Glenn Beck TV Show for Friday Aug 28th

I'm posting last night's show for the benefit of people, like me, do not have access to watching Fox News on Cable or Satellite. I haven't had time to watch it yet, but plan on it sometime this afternoon:Segment OneSegment TwoSegment ThreeSegment FourSegment FiveSegment SixI hope people start listening to what Glenn has been sayin...

Weather Video For the Day

Downpour approachingI went outside and saw this storm approaching and scrambled to get my cameras ready to record it. I grabbed a few minutes of the storm, and have edited in a time lapse of the video at the end.One of the disadvantages to living in a valley is that I can't see storms until they are right on top of me.I was spoiled as a child because we had a clear line of sight into Swain, Clay and Rabun Counties from our location on the shoulder...

Friday, August 28, 2009

Watch the Discovery Launch on Mission STS-128 Live
Scheduled for 11.59 PM EDT
Updated with Videos of Launch

**update**The Discovery has successfully launched and I have embedded videos of the launch taken from different locations at the end of the post. --TPLive Player removed. Click Here for SpaceVidCast Feed provided by SpaceVidCast.A mission brief from Wikipedia:STS-128 (ISS assembly flight 17A) is the next space shuttle mission to the International Space Station (ISS). It is expected to use Space Shuttle Discovery, and was planned for launch on 25 August 2009. The primary payload will be the Multi-Purpose Logistics Module Leonardo, a collection...

Morning Scenes From my Yard and Garden

Video I shot around the yard and garden yesterday morning....

Congressman Shuler "Town Hall" on WWNC-AM

In another effort to avoid face to face contact with constituents, Congressman Heath Shuler appeared on the radio show where he felt most safe from the mob, Take A Stand, hosted by Matt Mittan.Here is the video of that appearance and you can watch it, and judge for yourself:VIDEO REMOVED BY WWNCHere is the audio since the video has been removed from the WWNC Ustream Account...I had the video embedded earlier, but WWNC-AM has removed it from their Ustream account. I should have known they'd pull something like this, and I should be kicked for trusting...

Glenn Beck TV Show for 8-27

Here are videos of last night's Glenn Beck Show that have been posted to You Tube, and I am glad of it because I have no access to the Fox News Channel except through my Fox News Live page. Segment OneSegment TwoSegment ThreeSegment FourSegment FiveSegment 6If you are in Macon County and would like to join our local 9-12 Project, please contact me and I'll set up some classes to introduce new people to the project. We don't have a website set up...

Monday, August 24, 2009

I'm Back!
(With an Appropriate Sunrise Heralding My Return)

In case you haven't noticed, I took a few days off from blogging here, and away from politics. It felt good, and my batteries are charged and I'm ready to go at it again!Lefties beware!...

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Macon County Sunrise

This is a sunrise I recorded back in early June that I set to music. Hope that you enjoy i...

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

RIP Robert Novak (1931-2009)

A giant in American Journalism has gone on to his reward:WASHINGTON — Chicago Sun-Times columnist Robert Novak, one of the nation’s most influential journalists, who relished his “Prince of Darkness” public persona, died at home here early Tuesday morning after a battle with brain cancer.“He was someone who loved being a journalist, loved journalism and loved his country and loved his family, Novak’s wife, Geraldine, told the Sun-Times on Tuesday.Novak’s...

Thunder Pig Boycotts Radio Shack for Boycotting Glenn Beck

A member of the Barack Obama Administration, Van Jones, has launched a boycott against the advertisers of the Glenn Beck TV Show[see his effort] . That effort has been successful, and many advertisers have dropped advertising on his show. They are still advertising on the Fox News Channel, but not on his show. This should be a lesson about the differences in opinion between Censorship and Freedom. I believe that Glenn Beck has as much right to say...

Monday, August 17, 2009

The Hold that Predefined Narratives have over the Minds of Leftists

The incident between Officer James Crowley and Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates Jr demonstrates just what a powerful grip fictional narratives have on the minds of leftists. All the leftists in the country, from the President on down, fervently believe that Crowley acted out of racial animosity but they can’t explain what action of Crowley’s indicates his racial animosity. Instead, they must rely on a narrative shared by the subculture to convince...

Heath Shuler and Blue Dogs Score Poorly on Fiscally Conservative Report Card Measuring anti-Pork Votes

The Club for Growth has released it's annual report card that measures how often members of Congress vote against Pork Projects that are before Congress. My Congressman, Heath Shuler, scored a mere 1% on the report card that was issued by the fiscally conservative group...nearly the same as Nancy Pelosi. Here is how the North Carolina delegation scored: 100% Virginia Foxx (R-NC-05) 99% Patrick McHenry (R-NC-10) 97% Sue Myrick (R-NC-09)...

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Audio of Congressman Heath Shuler's Tele-Town Hall on Health Care

Here is the audio that I was able to record of the town hall that took place tonight. I missed the beginning because the power was temporarily out due to a Severe Thunderstorm, and the end because my Internet Connection dropped out. That wouldn't have happened in a real live Town Hall, would it?I'll try to do the same for the September 1st event as well. Hopefully there won't be any storms then.**9.25pm**Here is a complete recording of the Town...

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

What Have We Wrought in America?
Florida Girl Says Family Wants To Kill Her For Being Christian

Girl Says Family Wants To Kill Her For Being ChristianORLANDO, Fla. -- An Ohio girl ran away to Orlando because she said her family threatened to kill her for converting to Christianity. Rifqa Bary, 17, said she was threatened by her family because she converted from Islam to Christianity."What did your father say to you?" WFTV reporter Mary Nguyen asked."He said he would kill me!" replied Bary.They have to kill me. My blood is now halal which means because I am now a Christian, I am from a Muslim background, it is an honor, if they love god more...