
I am working on the template of this blog today in order to chase down some problems that have developed with my template and widgets.

Macon County Commissioners

Coverage of the meetings of the Macon County Board of County Commissioners.

Franklin Town Board of Aldermen

Coverage of the meetings of the Franklin Town Board of Aldermen.

Macon County School Board

Coverage of the meetings of the Macon County School Board.


Photos from my photoblog.

nullspace for future use

nullspace for future use


Friday, April 30, 2010

NC-11 Congressional Money Race Review

We are now in the final days of a hotly contested race, with six good men vying for an opportunity to take on Congressman Heath Shuler. Early voting has been taking place for the last few weeks and Judgement Day is May 4th, 2010. By sometime that evening, we'll find out if we have a clear winner, or if none get over 40%, if we will have a runoff election on June 22, 2010.  In my personal opinion, none of them have shown an ability...

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Plasma Rain Falling on the Sun

Continuing the trend of science-like articles today, I'm posting this video and a link to the Science at NASA website for a fascinating look at the sun as revealed by the Solar Dynamics Observatory, which has been billed as a Hubble for the Sun. So far, that has been upheld as the orbiting observatory has been showing us new things about the sun every week since it became operational. The discovery this week: Plasma Rain. The movie, recorded on April 19th, spans four hours of actual time and more than 100,000 km of linear space. "It's huge," says...

ISS Flyover of Western North Carolina for April 28, 2010

The above photo is of the International Space Station flying northeastward of the constellation Scorpius this morning. It is a 16 second exposure captured by my Kodak Z950 camera. This photo was taken before the first one, as the space station left the constellation Canis Major. The silver glow of the moon can be seen in the lower left portion of the photo. It is behind the small hill, below the local horizon. There will be a series...

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Double Rainbow Near Franklin, NC

This is a photo and video of a double rainbow I spotted outside my house this afternoon as a rain shower passed by headed Southeast. It's the best one I've seen in a while!!! ...

Macon County Commissioners:
Full Video of the April 26, 2010 Meeting

Here is the full video from yesterday afternoon's Macon County Commissioner Meeting. It is about an hour and 37 minutes long. I recorded it in 320x240 (QVGA) resolution in order to speed up the video processing time. I will post my notes below the video when I find the time to type them up. Meanwhile, enjoy the video, and learn first hand what the county commissioners are doing... ...

Monday, April 26, 2010

Macon County Commissioners Meeting
Agenda and Live Twitter Feed

I'll be in the Macon County Commissioners Boardroom by 2pm today, and will be tweeting and uploading photos during the meeting. You can follow the progress of the meeting on Twitter under the hashtag #macongov, or here on the embedded widget below. If you have a Twitter account, feel free to jump in and participate. The agenda for the meeting is at the bottom of this article. **4.29pm** Here is a short clip from the meeting, a demonstration...

11th District Republican Party 2010 Convention
Congressional Candidates Campaign Speeches

Republican delegates gathered in the Charles M. Beall Auditorium on the campus of Haywood Community College on Saturday for the 2010 Party Convention this past Saturday to conduct party business. Thankfully, there were no party leadership elections, it wasn't a presidential election year, and there weren't a lot of resolutions that tend to bloom on presidential election years that make a convention drag on until there is no longer a quorum to...

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Slide Show of the 2010 NC-11 GOP Convention

Lighting conditions in the Charles M Beall Auditorium were low, and rough on taking pictures. I often had to try two or three times to get a good shot, and even then, it was dicey. I hope you enjoy seeing the photos! Photo Slide Show of Conventi...

Sunday Morning Time Lapse with Bird Chorus


Saturday, April 24, 2010

11th District Republican Party of North Carolina
2010 Convention Live Coverage

I'll be Clyde, North Carolina for the 2010 Convention of the 11th District Republican Party. Instead of attempting to webcast the event from a shaky and unreliable WiFi connection, I'll be tweeting, uploading pics to TwitPic and short QVGA (320x240) videos during the event. I'll be using the twitter hashtag #NC11 as the official hashtag of the event. If you are planning to be there and have a twitter account, please feel free to participate and...

Everybody Draw Mohammad Day is May 20th, 2010

Image Courtesy Reason Magazine I'm sure that you've heard about the warning of violent retribution by Revolution Muslim that the creators of South Park received for daring to have a satirical discussion regarding whether or not Mohammad could be drawn. In the end, Mohammad was depicted as being in a bear suit. Read more about this at The Volokh Conspiracy to see the insanity that is Islam. The guys over at Reason have decided to start...

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Joint Meeting Between Macon County and the Towns of Franklin and Highlands

The Boiler Room Restaurant The Macon County Commissioners held a joint meeting with the Town Boards of Franklin and Highlands at The Boiler Restaurant in Franklin, NC at 7pm on April 22, 2010. The local governing boards met to keep each other informed of what they were doing, and share plans for the future, and to foster communication between each group. Before the meeting began, members circulated and socialized as they waited for everyone...

NCDOT Crew on US441N in Macon County

The running joke is that the orange construction cone is the state flower and the NCDOT worker is the state turtle. True to form, only one guy was working his broom the whole time I sat at the intersection made dangerous by this work crew. I finally had to back my truck up from the intersection so I could see around the equipment. This is where I took the photo from....

Help the BCGOP Air an Ad on WLOS:
Teens Ask Obama Questions

This is from Chad Nesbitt of the Buncombe County Republican Party: My Fellow Republicans,As you know, President Obama is coming to Asheville this weekend. Trust me when I tell you that his visit is not a vacation, but an expensive political statement. The BCGOP will not leave it unanswered.Team BCGOP has produced a TV ad that we want to run on the 6:00 PM WLOS news this Saturday. This newscast will be buzzing about where Obama has been in Asheville and our ad will run right in the middle of it.WLOS will also cover this ad as a...