I'll be Clyde, North Carolina for the 2010 Convention of the 11th District Republican Party. Instead of attempting to webcast the event from a shaky and unreliable WiFi connection, I'll be tweeting, uploading pics to TwitPic and short QVGA (320x240) videos during the event. I'll be using the twitter hashtag #NC11 as the official hashtag of the event. If you are planning to be there and have a twitter account, please feel free to participate and share your impressions and pitch for your candidate. The convention is scheduled to start at 2pm and I'll be there before then, hopefull providing coverage as early as 1pm, if not before.
I've embedded a widget below that will allow you to follow the event from here if you wish. I think that Mountain Xpress is including the #NC11 tag today as part of their #avlelect election coverage, and may be sending someone to cover the event as well. [Scroll down to see their tweets]
This year's Congressional Race has six good men running in a crowded field. So far, only three of them have raised enough money to levels that require reporting to the FEC [link to report], so I'm going to treat these men as the top tier candidates. The others have their good points, but without a proven ability to raise money, I'm afraid I can't support them in the primary. It will take large amounts of money in order to stand a chance of defeating Congressman Heath Shuler this fall. It may not even be possible to do that even then given the state of anarchy in the Republican Party and Congressman Shuler's ability to portray himself as a social and fiscal conservative to the voters of the district.
The quick videos I will be uploading today will be low resolution videos designed for quick posting to the Internet. I will add them to the end of this post in the order that I upload them, and will provide a link to the YouTube Page they can be seen on in the Twitter Stream. Any HD resolution videos will be posted (at the earliest) Monday morning.
The twitter feed below is not moderated in accordance with my philosophy of Free Speech. So, today, anyone with a twitter account can contribute to coverage of the event as citizen journalists. If you are at the event, please come up and introduce yourself, I'd be glad to put a face to some of my friends, political allies and even political foes today!
Saturday, April 24, 2010
11th District Republican Party of North Carolina
2010 Convention Live Coverage
4/24/2010 06:14:00 AM
citizen journalism
Haywood County
Live Event
New Media
Party Conventions
It was good to see you TP. We did an interview with WLOS today and they said they watched the convention through your website.
They wanted to know who you were and I told them you were the strongest conservative bloger / supporter in the state of
North Carolina!
Stay in touch.
Chad Nesbitt
Tp covers events better than any newspaper, blog or TV Station in these parts. He rulz!
I couldn't be at the convention Saturday, but I watched the twitter thingie and looked at the pics you uploaded.
Our Walkabout for West got rained out. It rained too hard and there was too much lightning for it to be safe. So, we stayed in the office and made more phone calls and watched the Twitter Feed on the overhead projector and checked out the pictures TP uploaded.
Thank You all for the kind words. It's the donors to this blog who have allowed me to continue doing this for as long as I have.
You Rock!!! It was good to see you.
Just imagine what we could do if we had a little money behind us!!!
Feel free to upload photos of your phone banking activity to Conservative Thunder. Barbara is interested in seeing some.
JR took some pictures. I'll get some from him.
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