I'm sure that you've heard about the warning of violent retribution by Revolution Muslim that the creators of South Park received for daring to have a satirical discussion regarding whether or not Mohammad could be drawn. In the end, Mohammad was depicted as being in a bear suit. Read more about this at The Volokh Conspiracy to see the insanity that is Islam.

The big day is May 20, 2010 and I'll be sure to remind you frequently in the coming days. Since my screen name is Thunder pig, I thought that I'd go with a pig theme as I will try to come up with something about the adventures of Mohammad the Pig. Mohammad will teach us about Jihad.
It will be glorious!
Hopefully, I will be able to attract a fatwa for my efforts. I've not had one issued against me since the early 90's, when I was part of a group that was smuggling bibles into Saudi Arabia disguised as Qu'rans.
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