**2.56am** Here is the video of the meeting:
**8.22pm** Here is the audio from tonight's meeting. The video should be ready by 3 am.
Download MP3

The Franklin TDA is meeting this afternoon at 5.30pm and I plan on being there to cover it.
Franklin TDA Meeting Agenda
Monday August 13, 2012
5:30pm at Town Hall
I. Call to order by Summer Woodard
II. Approval of Minutes
III. Financial Report
IV. Sub-Committee Reports
a) Finance/Budget -Summer Woodard, Chair
b) Policy & Procedures -Summer Woodard, Chair
c) Funding Evaluation Committee -Deb Heatherly, Chair
V. Unfinished Business
a) Update Bike Rally
VI. New Business
a) Grant Request for Christmas Event -Linda Schlott
b) Grant Request for (4) Holiday Billboards -Linda Schlott
c) Grant Request for Nantahala Hiking Club
d) Grant Request for SMCFTPA -Nikki Pons
e) Grant Request for Downtown businesses
f) Grant Request for Advertising in Dashboard & Saddlebags
g) Board Retreat scheduled for October 8, 2012
VII. Items from the floor
VIII. Announcements
IX. Next meeting -September 10, 2012
X. Adjournment
I plan on providing nearly live text coverage of the meeting on Google Plus and will post the audio and video as soon as I can after the meeting is over.
TDA Mintues July 9, 2012
TDA Mintues for July 31, 2012
TDA Mintues for July 24, 2012

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