Ron Paul Supporters are often like little children getting mad and pitching a temper tantrum. The video below shows them in action.
And they wonder why they can never get respect in the party? They show up once every two or four years and expect us to cater to their every desire and whim.
I'll have respect for them when they show up at local party and candidate fund raisers, when they show up to help set up for events, to place signs for party candidates.
I'll have respect for them when they show up at local party precinct meetings or when they show up to help build precinct walking maps, man the phones for local candidates, go knock on doors or take people to go vote.
Read more about the stealth delegate effort on the Ron Paul 2012 website http://is.gd/RPstealth
Read more about the stealth delegate effort on the Daily Paul website http://is.gd/DPstealth
Think this is a new phenomenon?
It is not. It is just a continuation of an effort by Paulbearers to gain power in the party, and if successful, the nation using nonviolent strong-arm tactics that subvert the results of the party primaries. If they want delegates, let them get them through legitimate means during the primary...by getting people to agree with them and show up and cast ballots. They don't do this because they know they can NEVER achieve power without having to resort to subversive tactics that reveals more about them than they realize. The Founding Fathers would recoil in horror at their tactics.
Read more about a similar effort that took place during the 2008 election on my blog http://is.gd/TP2008Stealth
Video source: Reason.tv Read their take on it at http://is.gd/A2t2DY
**note** I've also cross-posted this on Facebook because the nearly always clueless Matt Mittan has once again taken the side of old night and chaos.

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