We will offer readers a combined print and digital subscription package that will include access to web, certain mobile and replica editions for a relatively small increase to print home-delivery rates. We’ll also offer online-only digital subscriptions to users after they read a certain number of pages. Once the first wave is launched, we intend to expand this model to our other markets beginning in the fourth quarter of this year.
Read more at Poynter
Well, McClatchy Newspapers doesn't get the Internet. They're expanding paywalls on their newspaper websites. This is the exact opposite of what they should be doing...they should be expanding their operations online with an eye toward becoming the ultimate go-to resources for information in their markets.
I recently overheard an editor for a local paper remark to someone that it was a mistake for newspapers to make content available online for free. She could have not been more mistaken. Erecting paywalls is the mistake. Her business model is broken and stuck in the mid-twentieth century.

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