
I am working on the template of this blog today in order to chase down some problems that have developed with my template and widgets.

Macon County Commissioners

Coverage of the meetings of the Macon County Board of County Commissioners.

Franklin Town Board of Aldermen

Coverage of the meetings of the Franklin Town Board of Aldermen.

Macon County School Board

Coverage of the meetings of the Macon County School Board.


Photos from my photoblog.

nullspace for future use

nullspace for future use


Saturday, December 31, 2005

An early start on one of my New Years' Resolutions

One of my New Years' Resolutions will be to try to find, take, and post a quiz a week to this blog... wonder how long that will last?Here goes:Which internet subculture do I belong to? [CLICK]You are a Trekkie!It's a geek, Jim! You probably have a starfleet uniform and a tricorder. Bonus points if you speak klingon. One day you will walk down the aisle with your buttertroll trekkie partner, humming to the Voyager theme.More Quizzes at Go-Quiz.comI...

Thursday, December 29, 2005

It's too early to think of a title

Citizen Journalist, Michael Totten, has had one of his pieces published on the left coast. You may find it here.More citizen Reporting can be found here and here.Also, another General has geared up for the 2008 Presidential Elections.More later if the "expected" snow develops, it ain't looking good for those who are working in Maggie Valley.Bob...

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Quiz pegs me as a ... Centrist?

I thought I was Conservative, but what really scares me follows below:You can take the test here.ACCORDING TO YOUR ANSWERS,The political description that fits you best is....CENTRIST CENTRISTS espouse a "middle ground" regarding governmentcontrol of the economy and personal behavior. Depending onthe issue, they sometimes favor government interventionand sometimes support individual freedom of choice.Centrists pride themselves on keeping an open...

More links Pray for rain

Dymphna over at The Gates of Vienna points us to a good fisking.Read her first, then follow her link to the action.While he and I differ a bit on politics, Screwie Hoolie has an interesting post on the NSA eavesdropping program. I'm for it, he's nervous. Now I'm still for it, and nervous.Note to self: Save this for next year.Pray for rain out of this next system coming through...I hate freezing rain and icy conditions.Well, in the time it took for me to post, the forecast HAS CHANGED. Yippee! And I'll still get a day off work. ;-)BobbyRain at...

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Tuesday Linkagery

Appeasement in 1938, a blast from the past on the Belmont Club.Huge Coalbed fond off Norway coast should move the Oil Peak back another couple of centuries, eh?Hope your Christmas went well, and Happy Hannukah to my Jewish readers, if any.Bob...

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Christmas Eve Picture

Billy took everybody out to eat yesterday for Christmas. We ate at a Chinese restaurant called New Happy Garden in Waynesville. We pretty well destroyed their Buffet Line. Thanks, Bill...

Are the Main Stream Media Treasonous?

Earlier in the week, the New York Slimes revealed the NSA program of spying on phone calls of suspected terrorists with other people in the United States of America. Duh. They better be doing that! It bothered me, but did not surprise me that the NYT would expose these activities. I don't buy the paper from the few racks in WNC, and I make sure I berate anyone I see doing so. You should try it sometime. Nothing nasty, just a simple laugh does the trick. Not a horse laugh, just an expression of my amusement usually gets me the reward of an angry...

Friday, December 23, 2005

Night Before Christmas

The following was posted in a forum I am a member of:Title and Author unknown --------------------------------------------------------------------The embers glowed softly, and in their dim light,I gazed round the room and I cherished the sight.My wife was asleep, her head on my chest,My daughter beside me, angelic in rest.Outside the snow fell, a blanket of white,Transforming the yard to a winter delight.The sparkling lights in the tree I believe,Completed the magic that was Christmas Eve.My eyelids were heavy, my breathing was deep,Secure and...

Thursday, December 22, 2005

World War IV

This is actually World War IV. World War III was fought between The USA and the USSR from 1947 to 1989. Churchill warned us of in his Iron Curtain speech of March 5, 1946. Our acknowledgement and participation began on March 12, 1947, when President Truman enunciated the Truman Doctrine. The essence of the Doctrine was that "it must be the policy of the United States to support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressure." This was clearly an anti-communist doctrine. This amounted to an American...

Monday, December 19, 2005

Monday Morning Briefing

.Winds of Change has their Monday morning briefing on the progress of World War IV.I just wish that The President would up the ante by letting the American people know that this war will last at least a generation. This coddling of the left has to stop. We need to get this internal war with the nihilist leftists over so we can proceed forthwith to the destruction of Islamo-fascism, and their enablers...Europe and Russia. Chew on them apples!Here...

Friday, December 16, 2005

Warning: Construction Zone

.Over the course of the next few weeks, I intend to make several changes to the sidebar and try to streamline it for maximum efficiency, and add some buttons.Maybe I've gone link-crazy. If I don't kill the blog, it might be fun to watch.My goals are to make my blogs more closely match their mission statements(uh-huh), and provide useful links accordingly.WNC Citizens Blog is intended to keep track of citizen activists and political events in West Carolina, with a wary eye cast toward Raleigh.Thunder Pig Journal was my attempt to try to keep track...

Thursday, December 15, 2005

French bashing... it's so easy!

I found this at Demotivators.The History Guy read a few on last weeks show, I forgot to look it up, and found a blog that had a few on it while hitting the random blog button in the upper right hand corner. Since the rally is off, I've decided to spend the rest of the day surfing randomly to see what I come up with since there are no time constraint...

Zombie Time photoblogs Tookie execution

Well, not really. The Zombie did photoblog the people who gathered outside San Quentin in opposition to and support of the execution. This is the type of thing I would love to do in Asheville during the protest season if I could get part of Friday off work.Squinting for Utopia This is just one of many fine photos. Be forewarned...a few of them show signs with a picture of one of Tookies' victims after meeing the man. You judge whether Tookie did...

Rally Postponed due to Weather

This may be a double post, so I'll switch the words around. Blogger is acting funny.The BlackOut Rally will not take place tonight due to the fundraiser itself being cancelled. We will try again when they try again. ;...

BlackOut Rally Cancelled for Dec 15

Alas, Don Yelton has just announced that the BlackOut Rally has been cancelled and will be rescheduled when the Democrat Party fundraiser is schedule...

Rain Day

Now, that is a cool picture of clouds!Click on the picture to enlarge.Here is where I found the clouds.I proudly stole this picture from Dude, Where's the Beach? And yes, he stole it from someone else, too!BlackOut Rally is still on for those who are able to despite the inclement weather. Remember, Safety Firs...

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Cartoon Classics !!!

There is nothing like Calvin & Hobbes snowmen cartoon...

Rally is Thursday not Wednesday!

.I goofed! Thanks for all the e-mails letting me know. Most days I only have a window between 3.30am and 5am to post, so sometimes it takes a while to correct a mistake.People will begin gathering after 3pm Thursday.Please go here to find out mor...


.Tookie Williams...Buh-Bye!Arnold...I was worried about him, although he pulled through in the end, and did the right thin...

Monday, December 12, 2005

Monday Morning Updates

I only got to watch 20 of the 24 episodes from Friday to last night.It exceeded my already high expectations. I hope they keep it up next season.Winds of War Monday Briefing covers World War Four region by region.An Aussie tells us about the race riots on Cronulla beach this weekend from a local perspective.Check out The Northeast Intelligence Network, who is keeping the flu pandemic meme fed and spread, and has some coverage of the Oil Depot explosions this weekend.Also, go to The Yahoo Group BlackOut to keep informed on the upcoming BlackOut...

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Sequestered Weekend

This weekend I will be watching ALL 24 episodes of "24" Season Four. I was not able to watch or record them, and had a harrowing time keeping away from spoilers. The only other show on TV today in the same category is the new Battlestar Galactica. And yes, Season #2 of that is already preordered. "Narnia" is a movie I plan on watching maybe next weekend. I'll post a review then. I have never read the books, but did see a BBC TV series in the early 80's I thought was good. I have had a rough time of avoiding spoilers on this one, to...

Friday, December 9, 2005

BlackOut Rally on WNC Citizens Blog

On WNC Citizens Blog, I've posted on the upcoming BlackOut Rally planned nest wee...

Thursday, December 8, 2005


History LessonHeath Shuler prepares to run for the 11th US District seat. Go back to Tennessee, carpet bagger! Or move your company to WNC... wait, that is the last thing we need, more Real Estate bidness.Don't forget to check out Jim Black Must Go!BlackOut has formed and ready for actio...

Wednesday, December 7, 2005

Jim Black coming to Asheville Dec 15

Speaker Jim Black is coming to Asheville for a Democrat Party fundraiser.Some people are planning to meet him. Click for Flyer.Also, a local newspaper is using one of my photos on their website as background. Cool! The Mountain Guardian. It also has a radio show every Monday at 1pm on 1350AM WZNN and can be heard live here.I've taken more pix, but the computers here at WCU have their CD drives disabled. It'll have to wait until the mornin...

Monday, December 5, 2005

Long overdue link

Iraq Strategy is at the White House Websit...

Three time loser

I saw this on the WCU Campus last week. In the faculty parking. No, sorry, in ADMINISTRATIVE parking. Figure...

I love the smell of links in the morning

In case you don't wander by The Gates of Vienna, you should.As a history buff, I frequently visit The World History Blog, and found a reference there to theHistory Carnival XXI. I guess that shows a lot of history sites I've not been able to find using Google.Another favorite blog I ride by is Al Fi...

Saturday, December 3, 2005


A front moved in on Friday morning and I took this picture showing how straight the edges were. A caller in Madison to Top of the Morning mentioned the clouds. So, I wasn't the only one who noticed!This shows a view a little after 5pm that same day. The whole sky was like that as they came through...then it was clear. I'll be posting more pictures later. Right no, the forecast makes me hope I might be able to visit WCU and get some broadband time...

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Links To Share

I've found a website that stores bookmarks for those surfing from public terminals (which I do a lot of), or just want to share them with others. After much furious hunting, pecking, cussing, repecking, I got some of them up. Then came the fun part. Getting the doggone thing linked from here. I just simply cannot get it to work in the sidebar. I suspect it has something to do with using a proxy server. I will put the link a couple of ways in this post to see if it works. It works if I type the address in the address bar. Here goes:Click Here's...

Monday, November 28, 2005

Hey! Look what I found!

I fell so very stupid. I have never had ANY formal training about the internet. And I just discovered the most amazing website, EVER!I found it by following backward links from Project Rho, another great site I've been plaing with for the last couple of month...

Michelle Malkin on Top Of the Morning !!!

Get Thee Hence!!!Sorry such a late notice, I just found out.Update:9.34amOk, she's gone. If you missed it, too ba...

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Happy Thanks Giving !!!

Things I am Thankful for...1. God2. My Family3. My nation4. Those who have, are, and will serve in our armed forces. Appropriately enough, William F. Buckely's 80th birthday falls on Thanks Giving Day, 2005. This man had quite an effect on me in my teenage years, providing me with a firm foundation of political belief after President Ronald Reagan kindly pointed the way toward conservatism. Reagan brought my attention to a "shining city on a hill," and Mr. Buckley taught me the basic principles I could use to get to that city. Others have helped...

Monday, November 21, 2005

Rain today means... No work and much posting!

I will be updating this post throughout the day instead of posting 150 times today.Axis of Islam is associated with some good blogs, he comments on some and the following are the ones I ran into a few minutes ago:Intelligence SummitMusulmanPedestrian InfidelCut-N-Run Vote, courtesy of CDR Salamander.I found an interesting article posted on Heads Up America. The article is entitled: "The real secret to defeating Islam" by David Kupelian. No Apologies...

Curious Developments in Israel and Eurabia

What is going on in Israel?Ariel Sharon has left the party he helped form, and is forming a new party with Shimon Perez, and others. I hope this gives Bibi Netanyahu a shot, although I believe Sharon and Perez will be able to form a majority coalition government.Others report and analyze better than I. Links are below. Please feel free to add others in the comments section.Security WatchtowerDrudge Report has links to MANY online news sources.On the EU front, Fjordman has a disturbing essay on the nature of Eurabia, the new European Empire that...

Sunday, November 20, 2005

New Websites Launched

The misty rain moves in on Campbell Mountain.Pajamas Media has changed their name to Open Source Media, I guess making a play on the Main Stream Media. OSM v MSM. I prefer calling the MSM Legacy Media, implying they are outdated. Oh well.Another new site is called Threats Watch. This promises to be a wealth of information and analysis.Hat Tip to Baron Bodissey for the last site, and prob the first as well, I simply can't remember, and with a web...

Monday, November 14, 2005

Dr. Jerome Corsi to appear on HUA

Dr. Jerome Corsi will appear on Heads Up America tomorrow, (Tuesday for those in Rio Linda) at I guess 3pm to 4pm. I gather he is an expert on abiotic oil. For those who can't tune to 1350 kHz on an AM radio, listen her...

Middle Earth, Anyone?

Here is what I tested out as: RohirrimTo which race of Middle Earth do you belong?brought to you byQuizillaTo which I can only repeat the words of our great king:"Ride! Ride for ruin! And the world's ending! Death! Forth Eorlingas...

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Early Morning on Jonathan Creek

Taken at 7am in early November 2005 looking northeastward from one of the top lots.The difference in time between the posts shows how slow photo uploads are at 28 ...

More Pictures !!!

This is why I need a camera with a zoom lens! Falcons don't look as good to the eye as they do through a regular lens.By the way...all these pix are taken with a disposable Kodak camera. Wo...

Friday, November 11, 2005

What a stupid picture to post!

This is my truck at work, hauling stuff so I don't have to. This lovely beast gets just 6 miles to the gallon of gasoline, and has sticks of various sizes crammed into the emission controls, and the previous owner performed other mods trhat are interesting, most notably, a 305 racing engine with entirely too huge fuel jets that make stomping on the gas pedal too expensive for me to do ofte...

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Asheville Election Results...Broad Analysis

There were serious errors in the Council Race Numbers in the third column. Thanks to a phone call, I've since corrected them. Hat Tip to Debbie.Bobby 08:06 am 11/10/2005 These are preliminary numbers from the Board of Elections. I don't know if anyone else has done this, so here goes:Mayoral RaceCandidate...................# Votes....%Votes....% Eligible VotersTerry Bellamy...............10,534.....56.82.....19.10Joe Dunn.....................8,004.....43.18.....14.51Participating Voters........18,538.....33.62Non-Participating Voters....36,609.....66.38Just...

Wednesday, November 9, 2005

Maybe they ARE French, after all !!!

Yesterday, to combat a growing wave of terror attacks, the French decided to impose curfews in the affected areas. Which resulted in the number of cars being burned being cut in half, proving that they are french-muslims, not muslim-french.Here's how I imagine it went down:Jean-Pierre Mohammed: "Mes amies, the police are planning to impose a curfew tonight. This will be our chance to show them who is in control!"Ibrahim-le-Jardin: "A curfew! Mon Dieu! What time do we have to be back from torching trashbins and Car-BQing?"Just like that, the French...

City of Asheville Election results

.MayorTerry Bellamy......10,534Joe Dunn............8,004City Council1...Holly Jones.......11,9422...Robin Capes........9,7373...Carl Mumpower......8,4984...Bryan Freeborn.....7,3195...Chris Pelly........6,2726...Keith Thomson......4,975The top three vote getters will join ulta-liberal Brownie Newmamn and mostly middle Jan Davis on the Asheville City Council. Since terry Bellamy already had a seat on the council, the first order of business when the council next meets will be to select someone to replace Bellamy. the last time that was done, the...

Sunday, November 6, 2005

Terrorist Attacks in France Day 10

Why are all these French-people so somber? Answers below. Why did I post it twice? Look hard. Do we have anything in common with them? How would people in your town react?French citizens conduct a "silent march" in oprotest against the "riots". (I guess they're afraid to add their voices. The Muslims would get even angier, huh?)As usual, the blogosphere has been the first to report on the terrorist attacks in France, with the Main Stream Legacy...

Wednesday, November 2, 2005

The Smell of Liberals

I had to resort to reading the instructions...should work now. I never thought I'd be posting a picture of a bare-chested man, so here goes.Update: Forgot to tell where I stole it from. Little Green Football...

This is why I HATE the legacy media...

I nearly burst a blood vessel this morning while listening to NPR. (I was involved in Signals Ops monitoring enemy comms).I heard a story about a New York Slimes story on secret prisons for al-Qa'ida run by the CIA.Another is here.I found these two links from Drudge.I am going to paraphrase Pogo... We have read the enemy, and they are in the Legacy Media.I urge you to send hate mail to both these establishments forthwith.Update: Make that three...don't want to leave out NPR. Silly m...

Monday, October 31, 2005

Introducing...Armchair General Thunder Pig?!?

Baron, I accept your invitation!Directing administration policy is a very complicated affair, and not much gets done overnight, which is probably a good thing.We must first put persons, groups, and nations into appropriate categories: (Understanding that this is a sweeping generalization)Enemy: Actively Opposed to us. Leaning Hostile: opposing us, but not willing to openly bear arms against us. Would benefit from our failure.Neutral: Want no part of us or anyone else involved in the conflict.Leaning Friendly: Willing to provide some measure of...

The Truth Laid Bear

I've rediscovered the ecosystem!!!I guess i'll have to fix my broken site counter so everyone can laugh at my inane post...

Changes to the Sidebar

I've tried to clean up my sidebar. It looked cluttered to me, and it allows me to list more stuff. My categories might not be exact, and I tried to list the ones with the best material to fit the category (although there is a lot of overlap), and had lots of good links.If you see websites that are listed again and again on these sites, that indicates it is a good site.Please leave a comment in the comments section if I've made a glaring error of ommission.Bob...

Blog Roll

Here is my Blog RollOne Hand ClappingThe Belmont ClubCold FuryThe Anti-Idiotarian RottweilerIMAODavid BrinIntel DumpFjordmanGateway Pund...

Blogs To Watch

Here are some blogs that bear watching:Gates of ViennaPolitics of CPCDR SalamanderWWIV DailyNorthern Virginiast...

Terror Watch Groups

Here are links to some Terror Watch Websites:United States ActionNortheast Intelligence NetworkWinds of ChangeJihad WatchThe Counter Terrorism BlogLittle Green FootballsEurabian TimesSilent RunningIndepunditAdded on 11-21-2005Threats WatchSecurity Watchtow...

Local Media

Here are some links to Local Media OutletsWZNNNC NewspapersWNC TelevisionWNC RadioUpstate SC Rad...

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

North Carolina States Issues On Radio

Earlier this week, No Apologies moved from Saturdays to every weeday at noon. Good move. I covered it in this post. So g...

Saturday, October 22, 2005

My day off work. Woo Hoo!!!

You know you are a redneck if you have to use a shovel to clean out the back of your pick up truck! (And it took 2 hours!)I went to the Jackson Co. public library and posted, and also to a car wash and cleaned out the truck...yes, I cleaned out the stall when I was done!I then headed to Waynesville to look around and listen to the radio. I missed Brian's show, but caught Bill's and Ken's.Baron Bodissey of Gates of Vienna was on Heads Up America yesterday. I thought he did very well.Then I went home and cooked supper, listened to some shortwave...

Friday, October 21, 2005

WZNN Schedule change announced

My favorite radio station is maling another schedule change. Here they are according to my notes copied from my palm pilot (the palm of my hand) to clipboard in the truck, to here: 7am Top of the Morning w/ Brian O'Brien (the same)10am Laura Ingraham12pm No Apologies w/ Brandon Randolph (new..unsure of spelling.) 1pm Local Matters digg show every day (new time) Monday Mountain Guardian Tuesday Entrepreneurs Edge (moved from Saturday.) Wednesday Lifestyles Food and Wine ...

Two different sides to how Cubans prepare for Hurricanes...

Call it serendipity, synchronicity, or whatever. I think it was yesterday morning when I heard a story on NPR while driving in to work singing the praises of Cuban hurricane preparedness.It went something like this... When a storm is coming, the whole island springs into action, with committees for everything from local to national. Committees inspect houses to see if they can withstand projected storm damage. If not, the occupants are forthwith 'evacuated' to a shelter nearby, such as a school. Other committees go around cutting trees they think...

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Terror Update

Blogger is acting up again, I can't choose a font or size for this post. Bummer.Anyhow, here goes:Jihad Watch and Norteast Intelligence Network have questions about Hinrichs, as does The Counter Terrorism BlogAnd in a strangely similar case, The Gates of Vienna posts on the Saudis a la The Counter Terrorism Blog.That's all I have for now, I'm still covering up ditches at work after putting in service taps and water meter stuff with Billy. That whacker packer is EVIL. Trust Me. Evil, I tell you.Update: Check out The World History Blog. I need to...

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Apology Time

I made some comments in this post that were inappropriate, and I officially aoplogise to Brian O'Brien, the WZNN station advertisers, and listeners.Update I can't get the stupid link to work...go to the October 4th post just a couple of posts down.I also apologised in the comments section of that post when I came across it yesterday while at the library, and will send Brian a personal email along these lines.I still miss The Bill Fishburne Show. I have listened to Bill for a few years now, and hope to be able to again. I'd really like to see him...

Tropical Depression #24 likely to strengthen

Later today or tomorrow, TD#24 will likely become Tropical Storm Wilma, tying the record set in 1933. Then after that would come a storm named Alpha. I can already hear the enviro-whackos lecture us about global warming as they ride aroung in their SUVs yakkin' on their cellphones. Enough yakkin' from me for now, here are some links to keep a watch on the storm a brewing down south.Check here type all that info again? Especially since cut-n-paste is still a mystery to ...

Tuesday, October 4, 2005

The Bill Fishburne Show canceled

Yesterday, while listening to Ken Bagwell's show, Heads Up America, I heard hime say that there had been some personnel changes at the station.My heart sank. The first two hours of Heads Up America dragged, because I knew it wouldn't be good. My pessimism was rewarded by the announcement that Bill's morning show had been cancelled, and he was let go. Brian O'Brien would be replacing him with a new show. Lack of advertising was the stated reason. Of course, Ken put a good face on it by saying that this would open up new opportunities for Bill.I...

Saturday, October 1, 2005

General Musings

General MusingsFriday was one of those days that went on and on and on, but I had fun doing it. For we had an emergency at work!The day started off well. My first duties were to assist the moving of several sections of 8” water pipes from one place to another, then moving all the associated connectors, water meter boxes, etc to the same area, and perform a general cleanup.Then, I was to assist in the placing of a water line across the main drag of the subdivision---before any turn offs---so, all traffic had to pas by our work area. The plan was...

Friday, September 30, 2005

Grundig S350 Purchase

Yesterday at work, we were drizzled upon off and on for roughly 2 hours before we were released. Gilberto and Lucino were gone and out of sight before I could get to my truck!My first destination was Radio Shack, (Yeah, I know) where I bought a Grundig S350 portable AM/FM/SW band radio. I plan on getting back into listening to shortwave, and using it at work to listen when I'm working in one spot and don't want to mess with my Walkman. At work, I listen primarily to talk radio all day. Check out the WZNN link on the sidebar.AM REPORTGood News...

Friday, September 23, 2005

Hurricane Traking Sites

I know this is late in the game, but here are some of my goto sites for tracking hurricane activity.My current Favorite: http://www.thestormtrack.comThe Golden Triangle Page (2nd because I'm on dial-up) Alley http://www.hurricanealley.netHurricane City http://www.hurricanecity.comWeather Underground Tropical Page Tropical Weather Center http://www.atwc.orgNotes on the above pages====> Follow the links within these pages for a wealth of information...

Tuesday, September 6, 2005

Heads Up America now 3 to 6 Drive Time Show

One of my favorite radio Shows on my favorite radio station is now on from 3pm to 6pm Eastern Time. My only complaint is since I live out of radio range, and work in radio range, on Fridays, instead of leaving when The History Guy goes off, I must needs stay until Ken goes off. My boss, however, loves it.The web streaming link is at http://www.supertalk1350.comand the show website is at http://headsupamerica.comI am at a public terminal right now, and their web service is acting funny. (Well, it IS a public library, after all) So I better scoot...

Saturday, August 27, 2005

More computer problems

I am going to have to get a new computer. The old 1998 model HP (7 years old!) is proving to be more trouble I can deal with as it continues to behave in unpredictable ways. This past week, it would not turn on. Oh, the lights came on, and the monitor came on with a test pattern, but no sign of a boot up. The CD would accept and return discs, but no show. I checked all connections, once , twice, and more. Then this a.m., the old beast just came on like nothing was wrong. (!!!???)Things are going well, I am getting 50 hours a week, which should...

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Russian State-Controlled News Outlets and Censorship

**note** Published at 3.37am on August 23, 2023 and hidden in the back catalog. You can check out the three main Government-controlled Russian News Outlets: Russia Today: https://www.rt.comPravda: https://english.pravda.ruTASS: https://tass.comThe Russian government monitors and censors information they don't like via an agency called "Main Radio Frequency Center" Learn more about it via an article on Radio Free Europe: The BBC has a guide to the current state of...

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Interesting Conversation On Heads Up America

Wow. The following is a commentary about the radio show on WZNN 1350 of Friday, 19 August, 2005.Show website is found at and you can listen live at Mon-Fri noon to 2pm Eastern Time.You can purchase a CD or cassette of this program at this number (828) 258-1337. Commentary:Fridays are normally a weekly wrap-up of topics discussed and those that were missed. As a caller-driven show, you cannot predict where things are gonna go next. Ken Bagwell, the host, usually has a stack of interesting and...

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Problems with home computer

I've had a series of serious problems with my home computer, and have managed to get it running again. However, it will only let me on the internet long enough to load a few pages, then craps out on me. It seems I've deleted a file I shouldn't have when whacking the hordes of virii in every conceivable corner. I am using a public terminal to post so people won't think I'm dead, lost interest, or have been kidnapped by Islamo-fascists or neo-nazis.Fighting computer problems suck...

Monday, August 1, 2005

Asheville Bele Cher and WZNN

Despite having lived most of my life in West Carolina, I've never gone to a Bele Cher. Which, I believe marks me as a true native. My usual Saturday routine involves going to Franklin to do my laundry, wasting time at old bookstores, and using an hour or so of computer time at the Franklin Library to get on the Internet at a decent speed. From here on Chestnut Cove, I can barely maintain 21.6 Kilobaud due to bad phonelines. This past Saturday I made, for me, a drastic change in routine. I hardly ever take trips that exceed 35 or 40 miles one way...

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Snake in the House!!!

Early this morning as I watched Andromeda on the SciFi channel, a snake came out of the stove pipe.It was black, and about 12 inches of it emerged before I was on my feet. There was a Cane Knife in the back of my truck that would fit the bill perfect for snake removal. I heard it thump on the linoleum as I made tracks.I got back perhaps 30 to 45 seconds later, but no snake was to be seen. An hour later, and with considerable furniture moving, still no snake. I was quite shaken and juiced up on adrenaline, not liking snakes in general, and certainly...

Sunday, July 10, 2005

We're Not Afraid

Found a cool web site , if you have a digital cam or can draw on the computer, you might send a photo. The site has digital images of people (mostly in Europe) telling the Terrorists that they are not afraid. Brings my morale up a notch or two to be reminded that there are still great human beings left in Europe, and we shouldn't forget them or count them out just ye...

Saturday, July 9, 2005

Added more links

I've added more links to the sidebar that should be interesting, and there are more links on that link to hurricane forecast sites and Department of Homeland Securit...

Tuesday, July 5, 2005

I'm Back! War of the Worlds movie review

Ok, I think things are running ok at WNC Citizens Blog. We got rained out Friday afternoon right before 2pm, and I stayed in the truck listening to "Heads Up America" before I left the job site. I started my three day weekend early by... going home and to sleep!Saturday, I went to Ruby Cinemas in Franklin and watched the 2.10 pm showing of "War of the Worlds."Spoiler Warning! Read no further in this post if you haven't seen the movie and/or don't want to know!!!Normally, I don't care for "re-imagings" of movies or of books. I hold the original...