I am sickened to think of the battles I have waged (and blood spilled) to destroy Socialism in other countries, only to find that my homeland has been under attack using subtle methods since before I was born by people who agree with every major tenet of Communism.
Here is a photo of Obama with some of those people bent on destroying our Republic:

The New Party was the creation of DSA (Democratic Socialists of America) and the radical community organisation ACORN-which was in itself something of a DSA front. In some areas the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) was involved, but in Chicago the CPUSA splinter group Committees of Correspondence (CoC)was more prominent. Carl Davidson is well aware that Marxists set up the Chicago New Party because he was one of them.
From Chicago DSA's New Ground of March/April 1995
On January 27th approximately 45 people attended the Chicago DSA and Chicago CoC organized public form at the ACTWU hall on Ashland Ave... Chicago DSA was represented by Co-Chair, Kurt Anderson and Political Education Officer, Bob Roman. CoC was represented by Carl Davidson, who is a member of CoC's National Coordinating Committee and Ronelle Mustin, an activist from the 22nd ward. The event was chaired by Sandi Patrinos, chair of Chicago CoC...
Carl Davidson wanted to focus on "voting patterns." ...To win elections, Davidson emphasized that there are two necessary coinciding factors. First, a passive majority... Secondly, a militant minority...
Davidson emphasized that in this historical period the Left's strategy must be electoral politics not revolution. Consequently the Left must galvanize the "majority" - the working class and poor... Moreover the democratic left needs get active in the New Party which has won 20 of 30 local elections. Thus a short-term strategy of working with the Democratic Party and in the long-term work with the New Party.
Source: New Zeal (This guy has done excellent work in digging up and making the connections of Obama's Radicalism. His blog should be required reading for all conservatives).
Hat Tip: Gateway Pundit
Related: Basic Facts About Chicago DSA
Barack cannot escape his past actions and associations, just like John Kerry felt the millstone of his past, so will Barack Obama. To quote Adama from Battlestar Galactica:
"Sooner or later, the day comes when you can't hide from the things that you've done anymore."
I know it was a part of the grand strategy to wait until October to start really pounding Obama on his past, but I think it should have been sooner...so that it would get out to a greater number of people, and a ground game used to explain it it to people. I don't think three weeks is enough time.
One thing I know for sure, is that we will have to rebuild the Republican Party from the ground up and establish a grassroots communication network of networks to make sure that we don't get blindsided by a RINO like McCain ever again, and we will be able to go around TV Networks that take sides in the political realm.
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