**Updated** There are updates to this developing story at the bottom of the post.

A bear weighing about 75 lbs was shot in the head and left in the traffic roundabout in front of the WCU mascot (a Catamount) with campaign signs stapled to the Bear's head yesterday. The bear was discovered about a quarter to 8 am and removed by the NC Wildlife Commission early in the day.
Of course, lefties are trying to make it a race issue [Daily KKKos Diary] (I can't figure that angle).
The bear was likely there when I came through just before 7 am, and if it had been put there later...someone (several) would have seen it because the front entrance is a busy place from 6.30 am-ish onward.
If you know who did this, please call the WCU Police at 828-227-7301.
I still don't think it a news item worthy of flying a helicopter all the way from Greenville, SC just to video the campus from above. I guess we should all be thankful WLOS didn't find out in enough time to send an idiot with a microphone and a cameraman to cover the story...who knows, they still might later today.
**4.41 am** Ha! They did. Good thing I can't get WLOS from my house in Franklin.
**4.48 am** For all those lefty retards posting pics of infant cubs, this is the size of the bear killed and left at WCU...so you can dispense with the attempt to inflame public opinion even more with your basic dishonesty. It's bad enough to have retards kill and dump the bear without lefties giving them the response they very likely want...outrage.
**8.48 am** I have been trying to find the specific penalty listed in the North Carolina General Statutes regarding "wanton and willful waste of wildlife" cited by the wildlife officer in the WYFF story. So far, I have found nothing. If you know, give me a shout in the comments, and a link to the statute.What I have found is a list of black bears harvested during the 2007-2008 black bear hunting season, and here are some of the counties in this region listed by total number of bears harvested:
80 Macon (my home county!)
70 Graham
66 Madison
60 Haywood
48 Clay
39 Cherokee
38 Jackson (the county where the bear was dumped)
30 Transylvania
17 Buncombe
14 Swain
There were 2,006 black bears, 100 Wild Boar, 10,199 Wild Turkeys and 171,986 White-Tailed Deer reported harvested last season in North Carolina.
I have also been told by several people that there has been a rash of bear poaching in Jackson County lately, with several people finding carcasses of the unused portions of the bears dumped on roadsides. I am speculating that whoever did this may also be involved in the bear poaching...which would provide a more severe penalty for the disposal of the bear carcass, which is very likely a misdemeanor carrying a few hundred dollar fine at most.
**12.46 pm** A thoughtful soul has uploaded the WLOS report to youtube, and here it is:
Try improving your reading comprehension skills. Quote me where I said it was okay.
I didn't say it wasn't newsworthy, I said it was not worth sending a chopper all the way from Greenville, SC...HOURS after the crime, and HOUR after the body had been removed.
I'm embarrassed that a fellow "Southerner" does not take the time to read what I wrote, nor comprehend it...and would prefer jumping to conclusions based on their own limited template of what they "thought" I said.
I am a redneck, and proud of it.
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