
I am working on the template of this blog today in order to chase down some problems that have developed with my template and widgets.

Macon County Commissioners

Coverage of the meetings of the Macon County Board of County Commissioners.

Franklin Town Board of Aldermen

Coverage of the meetings of the Franklin Town Board of Aldermen.

Macon County School Board

Coverage of the meetings of the Macon County School Board.


Photos from my photoblog.

nullspace for future use

nullspace for future use


Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Joint Meeting Between the Macon County Commissioners and the Macon County Board of Education 02-26-2013

The Macon County Commissioners held a joint meeting with the Macon County Board of Education last night at the Macon Bank Corporate Center. Jack Horton, County Manager gave a brief overview of the background and history of the county's funding of education. Educational consultant Terry Bell gave a presentation on Safe Schools in Macon County regarding options and the cost (in the neighborhood of $400,000) of security updates in an attempt to...

Macon County Board of Education
Budget Work Session 02-25-2013

This is a video of the budget work session held by the Macon County Board of Education that took place Monday night. Please excuse the temporary problems I had with my camera at the beginning of the meeting. Here is a document that contains a cleaned up version of the information written on the white board that was used during the budget work session so you can follow along with Dr Duncan as he speaks about budget options. Board of Education...

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Macon County Board of Education 02-25-2013

The Macon County Board of Education met last night at 6:30 pm at the main office located on the Old Murphy Road. The video of that meeting is above and a version of the agenda is below. I also recorded the budget work session they had before the meeting and will be processing that video as soon as I can. Here is a brief look at some of the items the Board of Education discussed and acted upon last night: Recognitions •National Board Certified...

Friday, February 22, 2013

Joint Meeting Between the Macon County Commissioners and the Macon County Planning Board 02-21-2013

Video of the joint meeting between the Macon County Commissioners and the Macon County Planning Board that took place on February 21, 2013. Last night, the Macon County Commissioners held a joint meeting with the Macon County Planning Board to discuss goals and expectations for the coming year. Among the items discussed was a desire to begin a joint project with the Town of Franklin to expand water and sewer services, over the course of time,...

Thursday, February 21, 2013

The Linux Action Show: Wrath of Cron

Here is one of my favorite Linux Podcasts, The Linux Action Show, which is part of the Jupiter Broadcasing network of shows. An overview of cron, the little soldier in your computer performing duties for you every single day. Plus our ideas to play with cron, and the powerful things it's used for in the Enterprise. Plus Steam officially launches for Linux, and Valve turns on the love lamp for Linux gamers. Munich responds...

NC General Assembly 02-21-2013

If I cover today's sessions, I will embed the audio here at the top of this post. The current session of the North Carolina General Assembly is underway. Both NC Senate and NC House will be in session today, as well as rules committees of both houses, details of which are posted below. The NC General assembly has also introduced a new feature called the Chamber Dashboard that allows citizens to follow what is going on in the chambers in real...

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Macon County Commissioners 02-18-2013

The Macon County Commissioners met on Monday, February 18, 2013 in a meeting that was continued from February 12th. [video] The main focus of the meeting was discussion of the Employee Classification and Compensation Study. It was standing room only as county employees filled the room. That part of the meeting started at the 45 minute mark and lasted nearly an hour and twenty minutes as John Anzivino presented a power point that he and...

Friday, February 15, 2013

JPL Live Coverage of Asteroid 2012 DA-214

Live coverage of the passage of Asteroid 2012 DA-214 via the Jet Propulsion Lab. The coverage will be silent and the asteroid will not appear as anything greater than a point of light because, after all it is only 150 feet across and more than 17,000 miles away. Background information on the asteroid is below. Also, here is a statement from NASA regarding the asteroid that exploded over Russia this morning: "According to NASA scientists,...

Videos Capture Small Asteroid Explosion Over Russia

**update 4.54am** This blog post on Live Journal has a lot of good videos and photos of the asteroid explosion and aftermath in Russia. Included is footage of a door being blown out and office workers reacting as the window in their office is blown out. Also check out the comments, which are over 800 so far, some of them include photos and videos as well. A series of powerful explosion about 900 miles east of Moscow that injured more than...

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Macon County Planning Board Workshop

The Macon County Planning Board met last night and re-elected Karl Gillespie as their chairman and then had a workshop that serve as a training session for members. I found it to be very informative. If you wish to skip ahead to the training session, start the video below and move the player ahead to the 13 minute mark. I uploaded the video in HD, so you should be able to read all the slides in the presentation. If you can't, try viewing the...

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Macon County Commissioners 02-12-2013

**10.05am 2/1/2013** Here is the video of last night's meeting. The Macon County Commissioners will be meeting tonight at 6pm and I'll be there to cover it, recording video and providing a nearly live play by play of the meeting on both G+ and Fakebook. I'll post the video on this page sometime tomorrow afternoon. The agenda and 60 page press kit is below for your convenience. MACON COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FEBRUARY 12, 2013 AGENDA 1....

Franklin TDA 02-11-2013

**note** I haven't had time to finish the write up, but I am posting this anyway because people need to see what happened at this meeting... I'll start the coverage of this meeting off with an announcement that the TDA has been looking for three new members. They've posted info on the town website and have advertised with The Franklin Press and the Macon County News, but, to date, not had one person express interest in serving. So, I've decided...

Monday, February 11, 2013

Meeting Agenda for the February 2013 Regular Meeting of the Macon County Commissioners

The Macon County Commissioners will be meeting tomorrow night at 6pm in the Commissioners Board Room on the Third Floor of the Macon County Courthouse. I will be there to cover the meeting and will post a separate article that will contain links to the places where I will be posting a nearly live play by play. I have embedded a downloadable copy of the agenda below for your records. MACON COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FEBRUARY 12, 2013 AGENDA 1....

The Linux Action Show: Podcasting on Linux

Here is one of my favorite Linux Podcasts, The Linux Action Show, which is part of the Jupiter Broadcasing network of shows. We cover the state of media production on Linux, and share our tips to get your own podcast, powered by Linux, off the ground! And we answer a very popular audience question: how to record Skype calls under Linux. Plus: A mini-review of KDE 4.10, Gabe claims Linux is a "get-out-of-jail free pass" for the gaming industry,...

Pope Benedict XVI to Resign at End of Month

The Pope is to resign at the end of this month in an entirely unexpected development, the Vatican has confirmed. The 85-year-old became Pope Benedict XVI in April 2005 following the death of John Paul II. The reasons behind the head of the Catholic Church's surprise resignation have yet to emerge. Resignations from the papacy are not unknown, but this is the first in the modern era, which has been marked by pontiffs dying while in office. Source:...

Video: Jumping Tthrough Flaming Christmas Trees

Why? It's a human thing. Hat Tip: +Jesse Stay  From the video description: I wrote the song "Little Voices" with my friend Brenden. We're called Scott & Brendo!iTunes: | Amazon: us out on Facebook for free music: thanks to my good friends at Dark Energy for helping make this video happen! These guys designed a portable...