Image Swiped from Astute Bloggers
For the Lying Lefties and their Lapdogs in the media, the Washington Compost has a handy dandy map guide that allows us to estimate crowd sizes.

Does that look like 60 to 70 thousand to you? (A figure attributed to DC Fire Dept by several Lefties)
Not to me either.
It looks like an easy million plus. The largest political rally EVER held in Washington, DC.
I was at the rally and the picture you have is not from the 9/12 rally. First off, we were on the Capitol building lawn. Second, the road to the left of the Capitol is completely clear. That is the road we all marched down. I've got pictures of the event if you'd like to see them, including pictures of the areas where your picture shows no people. We have to make sure we get this right or the left will tear us apart.
Email me if you'd like some of the pictures.
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