**12.12pm** NC Highway Patrol Guide [PDF]
Excerpts that may apply to this situation:
In order to perform its traffic safety functions, the Patrol is required to use
wrecker services to tow disabled, seized, wrecked, and abandoned vehicles.
Members of the Patrol shall assure the impartial use of wrecker services through
strict compliance with these rules. In no event shall any Patrol member
recommend any wrecker service, motor club, or automobile membership service
to the owner or driver of a wrecked or disabled vehicle, nor shall any member
recommend the services of a particular wrecker service, motor club, or
automobile membership service in the performance of his/her duties. Members
shall, whenever possible and practicable, dispatch the wrecker service requested
by the motorist requiring such services.
The Troop Commander shall arrange for the Communications Center to maintain
a rotation wrecker system within each district of the troop (If the wrecker system
is administered by a local law enforcement agency, this shall not apply), which
shall include the following:
• Separate computerized small and large rotation wrecker lists and manual
rotation lists for the entire district whereby wrecker services are called in the
order they appear on a list
• A zone system within the district with a rotation wrecker list being maintained
in each rotation wrecker zone
• A zone, contract, or other system operated in conjunction with one or more
local agencies
• A combination of any such system
The Highway Patrol shall use the wrecker service requested by the vehicle owner
or person in apparent control of the motor vehicle to be towed. Patrol members
shall not attempt to influence the person's choice of wrecker services, but may
answer questions and provide factual information. If no such request is made,
the Patrol system in place in the rotation wrecker zone will be used, absent an
The Troop Commander, in his/her discretion, may deviate from any of these rules
in emergency situations if there are insufficient wrecker services of the type
needed within a district to meet the needs of the Patrol.
The Telecommunicator shall enter in the computerized list the name of the
wrecker service contacted and the response by the service to the request. The
date and time of the call is automatically recorded in the computerized list as well
as the identification number of the Telecommunicator making the entry.
In the event the computerized rotation list is not in service (CAD is down); the
member requesting wrecker service shall be notified by the appropriate
Telecommunications Center and a wrecker from the manual rotation wrecker list
shall be utilized. The Telecommunicator shall refer to the manual list that is
maintained by the Telecommunicator Center Supervisor at each communication
center. The wrecker service name shall be entered on the slip log; the slip log
shall indicate CAD down
**02-07-2012 at 4.42am** Here is the complete video of this meeting of the Franklin Town Board of Aldermen:
**11.24pm** Here is the video of the towing companies who came before the board regarding allegations that another towing company in town was receiving preferential treatment in the rotation schedule when vehicles need towing. I will have the full video of the rest of the meeting up tomorrow.
(This is a low resolution version processed for speed)
**9.49pm** Here is the audio of the meeting, which proved to be an interesting one. Several towing companies in the County came before the board to complain about what they believe is preferential treatment being given to another towing company. Several items of evidence were given to Aldermen to take into consideration. That part of the meeting begins at about the ten minute mark in the audio and continues for about 30 minutes. I am rush processing video of the tow truck section of the meeting out first in a low-res video, which should be out by midnight.
Download MP3

The regular monthly meeting of the Franklin Town Board of Aldermen is tonight and I will be there to cover it via my @WPIG Twitter Account. I will be using the #MaconGov hashtag. A widget has been embedded below that will allow you to follow along if you do not use Twitter.
I will have the audio up tonight, and hope to have the video up sometime tomorrow if the meeting doesn't last beyond two hours.
- Call to order -Mayor Collins
- Approval of the January 3, 2012 meeting minutes
- Public hearing 7:05 p.m. for William Knief re-zoning request
- Public hearing 7:10 p.m. for certain amendments to the Unified Development Ordinance and Wireless Telecommunications Facility Ordinance
- Board consideration on the following:
- William Knief re-zoning request
- Amendments to the Unified Development Ordinance and Wireless Telecommunications Facility Ordinance
- Public Session
- Street Closing request for the Annual Franklin Folk Festival- Theresa Ramsey
- Forward Ferrell Gas special use application to the planning board
- Forward Collins Lane group re-zoning request to the planning board
- Resolution to adopt a schedule of tax discounts- John Henning Jr
- Reappointment of Candy Presley as Chairman of the TDA board- Mike Grubermann
- Funds from sale of surplus property- Sam Greenwood
- Consider awarding bid on sewer plant renovation- Sam Greenwood
- Audit contract with Martin Starnes- Janet Anderson
- Monthly Reports enclosed in agenda packet

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