There is hope in Buncombe County for all God-fearing conservatives. For Lefties there is a false hope. For Idiot Ron Paul Supporters, there is only loathing.
A tribute video I made for Chad and the Carolina Stompers last summer.
Congratulations to the Buncombe County Republican Party for an upbeat and productive County Convention! Today, Republicans elected a new Chairman, Chad Nesbitt, who has plans for major fundraising and organizational goals.
We also elected a 1st Vice Chairman, Chris Eck, and Secretary, Miah Siemion, both of whom have been serving as interim officers up until the Convention.
Source: BCGOP website
Hat Tip: Bugg Blog
Related: Scrutiny Hooligans
Lefties are cheering the selection of Chad Nesbitt as the new chairman of the Buncombe County Republican Party because they think it will be a disaster.
I think they are wrong and look forward to the rebirth of the Republican Party as a force to be reckoned with over the next year in Buncombe County.
Chad is an accomplished businessman and has a knack for getting things going and I believe he will do an excellent job of moving the BCGOP forward and being a cheerleader for the conservative activists in the formerly beleaguered Buncombe County Republican Party.
It makes me specially happy to think of the reaction of Asheville blogger Tim Peck to this news. In the past, he has been at the forefront of people hating on Chad and his happy band of crime fighters. I think I can hear his teeth grinding all the way to Macon County.
Yes, Tim. There is a God!!!
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