Once again, Heath Shuler is showing his complete political cowardice.
The entire nation is focused on how House members will vote on the Health Care bill but Congressman Shuler is silent.
No statement, no position - and voter phone calls, just as before the last House vote on Health Care. are being met with no position whatsoever.
(The Hill is tracking all statements from members to track how they are trending - Shuler somehow has evaded capture. They list the position of every Republican and all but 76 Democrats. Shuler is one of the 76 brave "undecided" )
He claims to be a "leader" of the Blue Dog Democrats - then why isn't he leading?
Either he is for it or against it. After a full year of debate, and already voting No on it once, are we really supposed to believe that he has no position?
He balonied the voters on this vote the last time, by telling them until the last moment that he was "still considering the bill", but then telling the press after the vote that he had in fact decided well in advance and informed House leaders and the White House of his vote.
Will he get away with this con game again?
He holds no town halls, he refuses to this day to give a position on the terrorist trials issue, now again he is hiding his position on this issue.
WNC deserves a leader!
Robert Danos
Henderson County GOP
I'll add my two cents...

Photo from a Town Hall in Sylva, NC in August 2009 Congressman Shuler refused to attend, despite being in the area
I remember that Heath Shuler (and his supporters) hit Congressman Charles Taylor pretty hard during the 2006 election cycle for not showing up in public, or showing up for debates. Now that Shuler is the Congressman, he has refused to show up in public for debate.
Witness an encounter I had with him on September 2, 2008 at Western Carolina University when he refused to even answer the question when I asked if he was going to debate his opponent in that race: (Footage of him and his supporters mocking Congressman Taylor for not showing up to debate is included)
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