Let's keep our fingers crossed that the Internet connection is good enough to support a video feed. If it is not, you may monitor the meeting via the Twitter hashtag #maconnc.
Click here to see the TweetGrid I have set up for this purpose.
Below is a video player that will become active shortly before 2pm as I set up the equipment in the Commissioner's Board Room prior to the meeting. Below it is a social stream that will allow you to interact with me and (if anyone else is watching) with other people watching the meeting. Please no profanity or personal attacks. You can attack political positions, but not people. I'll give one warning before booting people.
This is all experimental, so everything may not work as advertised. If you like it, tell your friends about it, and they can join us at the next meeting of the Macon County Commissioners or at the next Town Board of Aldermen as well. I webcast those meetings, too.
The meeting is scheduled to start at 2pm today and a copy of the meeting agenda is below so that you may follow along during the meeting.
MARCH 22, 2010 - 2 P.M.
MARCH 22, 2010 - 2 P.M.
- Call to order and welcome by Chairman Beale
- Announcements
- Invocation
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Public Comment Period
- Adjustments to and approval of the agenda
- Public Hearings:
- Transit
- Community Transportation Program Grant
- Federal Transportation Administration section 5310 Grant
- Adjourn hearings - Adopt resolutions
- School Property - Iotla and Nantahala
- Transit
- Reports/Presentations:
- USFS - Mike Wilkins - Update on USFS Roads, etc.
- NCDOT - Wesley Grindstraff - Secondary Roads
- Old Business:
- School architects contracts and interlocal agreement
- New Business:
- Private Drinking Water Well resolution
- Highlands School Change Orders
- Veterans Memorial - Rock Work
- Consent Agenda
All items below are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion. No separate discussion will be held except on request of a member of the Board of Commissioners.
- Minutes
- Budget Revisions
- Tax releases
- Tax refund
- Tax Reappraisal Resolution (Correction)
- Economic Development Guidelines (Correction)
- Health Department - Billing Guide
- Highlands July 4th Fireworks
- Appointments (Pending)
- Closed session (If necessary)
- Adjournment/Recess
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