The new session of the North Carolina General Assembly is well underway and here is the schedule for today. There are no committees meeting today, and, since this Monday, the sessions of the NC Senate and the NC House will begin at 7pm. I have included links to bill histories, downloadable PDFs of the current versions of bills and links so that you can listen to the audio feed of these meetings live...provided they are taking place in a room that is wired for audio streaming to the Internet.
If you cannot listen to these meetings live, check back later to see if I have. If I have, I'll post the audio (and a download link) for the meeting in the calendar. You can also follow what is happening in the NC General Assembly by keeping an eye on the hashtag #ncga on Twitter.
If I haven't been able to listen, please check with Voter Radio. You should already be subscribing to their podcasts anyway. I do. ʘ‿ʘ
7:00 PM | Session Convenes (House) INTRODUCED BILLS (Reminder: Members may electronically cosponsor these bills until 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday.) HB 873 Jones, Ingle, Blust and Faircloth (Primary Sponsors) - AMEND JORDAN LAKE RESERVOIR WATER QUALITY RULES. FOR ADOPTION HR 317 T. Moore, Gillespie, Mobley and Avila (Primary Sponsors) - NORTH CAROLINA FAMILY AND CONSUMER SERVICES 100TH ANNIVERSARY. (Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House) (1st Edition) HR 667 Wilkins, Crawford, Brubaker and Luebke (Primary Sponsors) - HONOR GORDON P. ALLEN, SR. (Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House) (1st Edition) ADOPTION OF CONFERENCE REPORT SB 323 Conference Committee Substitute - Apodaca - STATE HEALTH PLAN/APPROPRIATIONS AND TRANSFER II. (Conference Committee Substitute) LOCAL BILLS SECOND AND THIRD READINGS HB 471 Moffitt - BUNCOMBE COUNTY COMMISSION DISTRICTS. (Government) (1st Edition) PUBLIC BILLS THIRD READING - ROLL CALL SB 281 Committee Substitute - Stein - MUNICIPAL SERVICE DISTRICT/STREETS. (Finance) (2nd Edition)(2) THIRD READING - NON - ROLL CALL HB 98 Committee Substitute - McGrady - BREWERIES TO SELL MALTBEVERAGES ON PREMISES. (Commerce and Job Development/Alcoholic Beverage Control) (2nd Edition) HB 808 Burr - REVISE LAWS ON ADULT CARE HOMES. (Amendment No. 1 Adopted - 4/28/11) (Health and Human Services) (1st Edition) SECOND AND THIRD READINGS HB 483 Burr, Pridgen and Ingle (Primary Sponsors) - DNA SAMPLES/ADDITIONAL FELONIES. (Judiciary/B) (1st Edition) | House |
7:00 PM | Session Convenes (Senate) PUBLIC BILLS SECOND READING-ROLL CALL HB 129 (Id S 87) Avila, Howard, Carney, Wainwright 4th Ed. LEVEL PLAYING FIELD/LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMPETITION. S Com Sub 3/29 Commerce 4/5 W/D Commerce; rerefer Finance 4/27 Unfav Com Sub; Sen Finance Com Sub Adopted 4/28 Hartsell Amd No. 1 Adopted; Purcell Amd No. 2 Failed; Mansfield Amd No. 3 Withdrawn; Brock Amd No. 4 Adopted; Atwater Amd No. 5 Withdrawn; Mansfield Amd No. 6 Tabled; Apodaca Amd No. 7 (Substitute Amd) Tabled; W/D Cal; Cal 5/2 SECOND READING SB 144 Meredith 2nd Ed. CASH CONVERTERS MUST KEEP PURCHASE RECORDS. Com Sub 2/28 Commerce; if Fav Finance 4/28 Unfav bill; Commerce Com Sub Adopted; rerefer Finance; W/D Finance; Cal 5/2Monday, May 2, 2011 SENATE CALENDAR Legislative Day 56 SB 311 East 2nd Ed. WARRANTLESS ARREST PRETRIAL RELEASE VIOLATION. Com Sub 3/10 Judiciary II 4/28 Unfav bill; Judiciary II Com Sub Adopted (Chgs title) PRETRIAL RELEASE VIOLATION/ARREST. SB 380 Jackson 2nd Ed. ETJ/CLARIFY DEFINITION OF BONA FIDE FARM. Com Sub 3/21 Ag./Envir./Nat Res. 4/28 Unfav bill; Ag./Envir./Nat Res. Com Sub Adopted (Chgs title) ETJ/DEFINITION OF BONA FIDE FARM PURPOSES. SB 519 Vaughan, Stein, Newton MEMO OF CONTRACT/DEEDS & DEEDS OF TRUST. 4/6 Judiciary II 4/28 Fav SB 607 Stein 2nd Ed. CONFORM MEDICAL RECORD LAWS. Com Sub 4/19 Health Care 4/28 Unfav bill; Health Care Com Sub Adopted SB 750 Rabon DOT BID RESPONSES NOT PUBLIC/CONTRACT AWARDED. 4/20 Transp. 4/28 Fav FOR ADOPTION 3/22 Rules 4/20 W/D Rules; Cal 4/26 4/26 W/D Ca | Senate |

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