**7.46pm** I've added the tweets I sent during the meeting at the end of this post. I will work on getting the video of the speakers processed as soon as I can.
**May 23, 2011** Here is the full video of the public hearing.

There is no published agenda for this public hearing due to start at 6.00pm. The Commissioners will be taking public comment on the Macon County Comprehensive Plan that has been prepared by the Macon County Planning Board.
The meeting is tentatively scheduled to take place in the Commissioners Board Room on the third floor. If a lot of people show up, they'll move to the big courtroom on the fourth floor.
Here is the full draft of the Macon County Comprehensive Plan as prepared by the Macon County Planning Board. It is downloadable so that you can read it at your leisure.
Comprehensive Plan Rough Draft Final 42811
Here is a distillation of the recommendations (notice that i spelled it correctly, they did not) for those too lazy to read the full document:
Reccomendations 42811
I plan on being there and will be tweeting the meeting under my @wpig twitter account and using the hashtag #MaconGov.
Here is the widget to follow along if you aren't using your favorite twitter client:
And here are the tweets I sent out during the meeting:

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