The new session of the North Carolina General Assembly is well underway and here is the schedule for today. Lots of committees are meeting today, as well as sessions of the NC Senate and the NC House. I have included links to bill histories, downloadable PDFs of the current versions of bills and links so that you can listen to the audio feed of these meetings live...provided they are taking place in a room that is wired for audio streaming to the Internet.
If you cannot listen to these meetings live, check back later to see if I have. If I have, I'll post the audio (and a download link) for the meeting in the calendar. You can also follow what is happening in the NC General Assembly by keeping an eye on the hashtag #ncga on Twitter.
If I haven't been able to listen, please check with Voter Radio. You should already be subscribing to their podcasts anyway. I do. ʘ‿ʘ
12:00 NOON | CANCELLED - Joint Legislative Program Evaluation Oversight Committee | 421 LOB |
9:00 AM | Session Convenes (House) [Listen Live] INTRODUCED BILLS (Reminder: Members may electronically cosponsor these bills until 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday.) HB 874 Luebke, Fisher, Harrison and Womble (Primary Sponsors) - INDEPENDENT ENERGY EFFICIENCY ADMINISTRATOR. HR 875 T. Moore and LaRoque (Primary Sponsors) - EXTEND CROSSOVER/LIFT RESOLUTION DEADLINE. (Without objection, introduced 5/2/11) HB 876 M. Alexander - INCREASE FEES/PSYCHOLOGY PRACTICE ACT. HB 877 Stevens, Blust, Folwell and Cleveland (Primary Sponsors) - CHECK OFF DONATION: GOVERNMENT FUNDING. UNFINISHED BUSINESS ADOPTION OF CONFERENCE REPORT SB 323 Conference Committee Substitute - Apodaca - STATE HEALTH PLAN/APPROPRIATIONS AND TRANSFER II. (Conference Committee Substitute) PUBLIC BILLS SECOND READING - ROLL CALL HB 200 Committee Substitute No. 2 - Brubaker - APPROPRIATIONS ACT OF 2011. (Appropriations) (3rd Edition) THIRD READING - NON - ROLL CALL HB 483 Burr, Pridgen and Ingle (Primary Sponsors) - DNA SAMPLES/ADDITIONAL FELONIES. (Judiciary/B) (1st Edition) SECOND AND THIRD READINGS HB 792 Committee Substitute - Folwell, Cook, McGrady and Glazier (Primary Sponsors) -GFELLER-WALLER CONCUSSION AWARENESS ACT. (Education) (2nd Edition) | House |
10:00 AM | Judiciary I -- CORRECTED (Senate) | 1027 LB |
10:00 AM | Judiciary II (Senate) | 1124 LB |
10:00 AM | Press Room LB | |
11:00 AM | Commerce -- CORRECTED (Senate) | 1027 LB |
11:00 AM | Agriculture/Environment/Natural Resources -- CORRECTED (Senate) [Listen Live] | 544 LOB |
12:00 PM | Sen. Nesbitt [Listen Live] | Press Room LB |
12:00 NOON | State and Local Government (Senate) | 1124 LB |
1:00 PM | Finance (Senate) [Listen Live] Operation of Mopeds. (S195) Alamance/Orange 9% Boundary. (S200) Alamance/Orange Boundary. (S201) State Treasurer's Investments.-AB (S215) Eliminate Means Test From 529 Deduction. (S247) Surplus Lines/Premium Tax.-AB (S321) Trusts and Estate Planning Changes. (S407) ESC/Jobs Reform. (S532) Changes to Fees for Teacher Certification. (S576) | 544 LOB |
1:00 PM | Rep. Folwell/Press Conference [Listen Live] | Press Room LB |
2:00 PM | Rep. LaRoque/Press Conference (Time Change) [Listen Live] Ref: American Heart Association | Press Room LB |
3:00 PM | Session Convenes (Senate) [Listen Live] PUBLIC BILLS THIRD READING-ROLL CALL HB 129 (Id S 87) Avila, Howard, Carney, Wainwright 4th Ed. LEVEL PLAYING FIELD/LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMPETITION. S Com Sub 3/29 Commerce 4/5 W/D Commerce; rerefer Finance 4/27 Unfav Com Sub; Sen Finance Com Sub Adopted 4/28 Hartsell Amd No. 1 Adopted; Purcell Amd No. 2 Failed; Mansfield Amd No. 3 Withdrawn; Brock Amd No. 4 Adopted; Atwater Amd No. 5 Withdrawn; Mansfield Amd No. 6 Tabled; Apodaca Amd No. 7 (Substitute Amd) Tabled; W/D Cal; Cal 5/2 5/2 Apodaca Amd No. 8 Adopted; Brock Amd No. 9 Adopted; Passed 2nd Rdg SECOND READING SB 380 Jackson 2nd Ed. ETJ/CLARIFY DEFINITION OF BONA FIDE FARM. Com Sub 3/21 Ag./Envir./Nat Res. 4/28 Unfav bill; Ag./Envir./Nat Res. Com Sub Adopted (Chgs title) ETJ/DEFINITION OF BONA FIDE FARM PURPOSES. 5/2 W/D Cal; Cal 5/3 SB 432 Hartsell 2nd Ed. REVISE PROBATE CODE. Com Sub 3/29 Judiciary I5/2 Unfav bill; Judiciary I Com Sub Adopted SB 488 Stein, Vaughan, Newton 2nd Ed. LANDLORD/STATE BAR NOTICE OF LEASE DEFAULT. Com Sub 4/4 Judiciary I 5/2 Unfav bill; Judiciary I Com Sub Adopted FOR CONCURRENCE SB 105 Jones, Rouzer, Newton 2nd Ed. INCREASE PENALTY/2ND DEGREE MURDER. H Com Sub 2/23 Judiciary II 3/22 Fav 3/23 Passed 2nd & 3rd Rdgs;To House 5/2 Rec'd for concurrence House Com Sub (Chgs title); Cal 5/3 INCREASE PENALTY/CERTAIN 2ND DEGREE MURDERS. SB 130 Brown, Allran, Blue 3rd Ed. WINE DISTRIBUTION TERRITORIES. H Com Sub 2/28 Commerce 3/29 Unfav bill; Commerce Com Sub Adopted (Chgs title) 3/30 Passed 2nd & 3rd Rdgs; To House 5/2 Rec'd for concurrence House Com Sub; Cal 5/3 SB 137 (Id H 120) Stevens, Vaughan 4th Ed. ESTABLISH FORGIVABLE LOAN FUND. H Com Sub No. 2 2/28 Ed/Higher Ed.; if Fav Finance 3/16 Fav; rerefer Finance 3/22 Fav, as amended; Comm Amd. No. 1 Adopted; Engrossed 3/23 Pa | Senate |
NC General Assembly News
- The initial release of the NC General Assembly mobile web site is now available at http://mobile.ncleg.net. Feedback is welcome using the Web Site Support form.
- Redistricting Information
- New - Sign up to Speak at the May 5, 2011, 7:00 p.m. Redistricting Public Hearing. Location details are listed on the sign-up form.
- New - Sign up to Speak at the May 6, 2011, 7:00 p.m. Redistricting Public Hearing. Location details are listed on the sign-up form.
- New - Sign up to Speak at the May 7, 2011, 9:30 am Redistricting Public Hearing. Location details are listed on the sign-up form.
- New - Sign up to Speak at the May 7, 2011, 4:00 pm Redistricting Public Hearing. Location details are listed on the sign-up form.
- Click here to see a complete listing of public hearing locations and dates.
- 2011 Budget Information (HB 200 Bill Status History) -- Visit the Appropriations Committee websites below to view additional budget information.

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