**note** I am working on the video and documentation from last nights Macon County Commissioners meeting, so I will likely be unable to record any committee meetings or Press Conferences today.

The new session of the North Carolina General Assembly is well underway and here is the schedule for today. Lots of committees are meeting today, as well as sessions of the NC Senate and the NC House. I have included links to bill histories, downloadable PDFs of the current versions of bills and links so that you can listen to the audio feed of these meetings live...provided they are taking place in a room that is wired for audio streaming to the Internet.
If you cannot listen to these meetings live, check back later to see if I have. If I have, I'll post the audio (and a download link) for the meeting in the calendar. You can also follow what is happening in the NC General Assembly by keeping an eye on the hashtag #ncga on Twitter.
If I haven't been able to listen, please check with Voter Radio. You should already be subscribing to their podcasts anyway. I do. ʘ‿ʘ
Here are some links to information on the budget process:
- Links go the NC General Assembly website
- 2011 Budget Information (HB 200 Bill Status History) -- Visit the Appropriations Committee websites below to view additional budget information.
And here is today's legislative calendar:
8:30 AM | Appropriations on Department of Transportation (Senate) Topic: Global Transpark | 1027 LB |
8:30 AM | Appropriations on Justice and Public Safety (Senate) | 415 LOB |
8:30 AM | Legislative Committee on New Licensing Boards Draft Assessment Report: North Carolina Landscape Contractor's Licensing Board, Draft Assessment Report: North Carolina Board of Music Therapy, Draft Assessment Report: North Carolina Naturopathic Doctors Licensing Board | 423 LOB |
8:30 AM | Finance (House) [Live Audio] | 544 LOB |
8:30 AM | Appropriations (House) [Live Audio] | 643 LOB |
8:30 AM | Appropriations on General Government and Information Technology (Senate) Agenda: budget | 1425 LB |
9:00 AM | Speaker Tillis [Live Audio] | Press Room LB |
10:00 AM | Judiciary Subcommittee A -- CORRECTED (House) House Bill H-530 is removed. Senate Bill S-384 is added. Accountability for Publicly Funded Nonprofits. (H572) UI/Fix Aggrieved Party Definition. (H597) Eliminate Agency Final Decision Authority. (H623) Establish Pharmacy Audit Rights. (H644) Amend Grounds/License Revocat'n/Bail Bondsman. (H649) Street Gang Nuisance Abatement. (H673) Local Abuse of Authority Attorneys Fees. (H687) Chief Magistrate. (H691) Additional Name Change Requirements. (H805) Modernize NC Emergency Management Act. (H843) Conforming Changes/Persons W/Disabilities Act. (S384) | 1327 LB |
10:00 AM | Judiciary Subcommittee C -- CORRECTED (House) | 415 LOB |
10:00 AM | Judiciary Subcommittee B (House) Abortion-Woman's Right to Know Act. (H854) | 421 LOB |
10:00 AM | Commerce and Job Development Subcommittee on Business and Labor (House) | 424 LOB |
10:00 AM | Commerce and Job Development Subcommittee on Alcoholic Beverage Control (House) Presentation by ABC Moore County Board Member | 425 LOB |
10:00 AM | Education/Higher Education (Senate) [Live Audio] | 544 LOB |
11:00 AM | Health Care -- CORRECTED (Senate) [Live Audio] | 544 LOB |
11:00 AM | Transportation (Senate) | 1027 LB |
11:30 AM | Sen. McKissick [Live Audio] | Press Room LB |
12:00 NOON | Mental Health & Youth Services (Senate) Streamline Oversight/DHHS Service Providers. (S525) | 414 LOB |
12:00 NOON | State Personnel (House) [Live Audio] | 544 LOB |
12:00 NOON | Public Utilities -- CORRECTED (House) [Live Audio] NC Energy Independence Search Committee. (H585) | 643 LOB |
1:00 PM | Finance (Senate) [Live Audio] | 544 LOB |
1:00 PM | Elections (House) [Live Audio] | 643 LOB |
2:00 PM | Session Convenes (House) [Live Audio] LOCAL BILLS SECOND AND THIRD READINGS HB 150 Committee Substitute - L. Brown - GREENSBORO CHARTER AMENDMENTS. (Government) (2nd Edition) PUBLIC BILLS SECOND AND THIRD READINGS HB 406 Jordan, Hill, Randleman and Mobley (Primary Sponsors) - VOLUNTARY AGRICULTURE DISTRICTS. (Finance) (1st Edition) HB 423 Committee Substitute No. 2 - Hurley - ENACT FIRST EVALUATION PROGRAM. (Health and Human Services/Mental Health) (3rd Edition) HB 490 Steen, Carney, Dockham and Barnhart (Primary Sponsors) - RENAME YADKIN RIVER BRIDGE. (Appropriations/Transportation) (1st Edition) HB 493 Committee Substitute - Howard, Blust and Randleman (Primary Sponsors) -LANDLORD TENANT LAW CHANGES. (Judiciary/A) (2nd Edition) HB 542 Committee Substitute - Rhyne, McComas, Brisson and Crawford (Primary Sponsors) - TORT REFORM FOR CITIZENS AND BUSINESSES. (House Select Committee on Tort Reform) (2nd Edition) HB 737 Samuelson, Earle, Steen and Brisson (Primary Sponsors) - STRENGTHEN CHILD SAFETY LAWS/CARE FACILITIES. (Judiciary/A) (1st Edition) HB 806 Committee Substitute - Jordan, Stam, Moffitt and Stevens (Primary Sponsors) -ZONING STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS/AGRICULTURAL DISTRICTS CHANGE. (Judiciary/B) (2nd Edition) | House |
3:00 PM | Session Convenes (Senate) [Live Audio] LOCAL BILLS THIRD READING-ROLL CALL 2/2 St. and Loc. Gov.; if Fav Finance 2/15 Fav; rerefer Finance 5/4 Fav; Cal 5/10 5/10 Passed 2nd Rdg 3/28 Finance 5/4 Fav; Cal 5/10 5/10 Passed 2nd Rdg PUBLIC BILLS SECOND READING SB 170 Hartsell 2nd Ed. CLARIFY NUISANCE ABATEMENT LAWS. Com Sub 3/2 Judiciary II 5/10 Unfav bill; Judiciary II Com Sub Adopted (Chgs title) 3/10 Judiciary II 5/10 Fav 3/21 Ag./Envir./Nat Res. 5/10 Unfav bill; Ag./Envir./Nat Res. Com Sub Adopted (Chgs title) SB 426 Clodfelter 2nd Ed. MODIFY/CLARIFY PUBLIC FINANCE STATUTES. Com Sub 3/28 Finance 5/10 Unfav bill; Finance Com Sub Adopted (Chgs title) SB 428 Clodfelter STUDY CONSOLIDATED ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION. 3/28 Program Eval. 5/10 Fav 4/4 Commerce 4/14 W/D Commerce; rerefer Ag./Envir./Nat Res. 5/10 Unfav bill; Ag./Envir./Nat Res. Com Sub Adopted (Chgs title) 4/6 Commerce 5/10 Fav SB 600 Clodfelter 2nd Ed. OUT-OF-STATE LAW ENFORCEMENT/SPECIAL EVENTS. Com Sub 4/19 Judiciary I 5/10 Unfav bill; Judiciary I Com Sub Adopted SB 613 Brown, Clary, Pate 2nd Ed. HUNTING & FISHING/ACTIVE DUTY MILITARY. Com Sub 4/19 Ag./Envir./Nat Res. 5/10 Unfav bill; Ag./Envir./Nat Res. Com Sub Adopted (Chgs title) SB 626 Hartsell, Bingham 2nd Ed. PED TO STUDY DENR ACTION/ALCOA CONTAMINATION. Com Sub 4/19 Program Eval. 5/10 Unfav bill; Program Eval. Com Sub Adopted (Chgs title) SB 648 Preston, Tillman, Hartsell 2nd Ed. AMEND LAW RE: SCHOOL DISCIPLINE. Com Sub 4/20 Ed/Higher Ed. 5/5 Unfav bill; Ed/Higher Ed. Com Sub Adopted; Cal 5/10 5/10 W/D Cal; Cal 5/11 4/20 Program Eval. 5/10 Unfav bill; Program Eval. Com Sub Adopted (Chgs title) SB 731 Clodfelter 2nd Ed. ZONING/DESIGN AND AESTHETIC CONTROLS. Com Sub 4/20 Commerce 5/10 Unfav bill; Commerce Com Sub Adopted SB 749 Rabon, Tucker, Rouzer 2nd Ed. MODIFY WEIGHT LIMITS FOR FARM OPERATIONS. Com Sub 4/20 Transp. 4/28 Unfav bill; Transp. Com Sub Adopted; rerefer Finance 5/10 Fav 4/19 Rules 4/26 W/D Rules; rerefer Commerce 5/10 Unfav Com Sub; Sen Commerce Com Sub Adopte | Senate |

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