The new session of the North Carolina General Assembly is well underway and here is the schedule for today. There are lots of committees meeting today, and there are sessions of the NC Senate and the NC House scheduled also. I have included links to bill histories, downloadable PDFs of the current versions of bills and links so that you can listen to the audio feed of these meetings live...provided they are taking place in a room that is wired for audio streaming to the Internet.
If you cannot listen to these meetings live, check back later to see if I have. If I have, I'll post the audio (and a download link) for the meeting in the calendar. You can also follow what is happening in the NC General Assembly by keeping an eye on the hashtag #ncga on Twitter.
If I haven't been able to listen, please check with Voter Radio. You should already be subscribing to their podcasts anyway. I do. ʘ‿ʘ
Here are some links to information on the budget process:
- 2011 Budget Information (HB 200 Bill Status History) -- Visit the Appropriations Committee websites below to view additional budget information.
4:00 - 5:30 PM | Joint Select Committee on Tornado Damage Response | 643 LOB |
7:00 PM | Session Convenes (House) PUBLIC FOR CONCURRENCE HB 306 Senate Committee Substitute - Ross - TRANSFER GENERAL STATUTES COMMISSION/REVISOR OF STATUTES TO GENERAL ASSEMBLY. (Senate Committee Substitute) (2nd Edition) LOCAL BILLS THIRD READING - ROLL CALL HB 97 Horn and Burr (Primary Sponsors) - UNION FIRE FEE SUNSET REPEALED. (Finance) (1st Edition) HB 367 Bradley and Bryant (Primary Sponsors) - ROANOKE RAPIDS DEANNEXATION. (Finance) (1st Edition) HB 486 Guice - TRYON DEANNEXATION. (Finance) (1st Edition) HB 573 Committee Substitute - Avila - RALEIGH/WAKE FOREST BOUNDARY. (Finance) (2nd Edition) SECOND READING - ROLL CALL SB 200 Gunn and Kinnaird (Primary Sponsors) - ALAMANCE/ORANGE 9% BOUNDARY. (Finance) (1st Edition) SB 201 Committee Substitute - Gunn and Kinnaird (Primary Sponsors) -ALAMANCE/ORANGE BOUNDARY. (Finance) (2nd Edition) PUBLIC BILLS SECOND AND THIRD READINGS HB 112 Committee Substitute - Dollar, Stam, Avila and Murry (Primary Sponsors) -REALIGN WAKE SUPERIOR COURT DISTRICTS. (Elections) (2nd Edition) HB 206 Ross, Jackson and Gill (Primary Sponsors) - MODIFY PROPERTY TAX BASE EXCLUSIONS. (Finance) (1st Edition) HB 582 Committee Substitute - Daughtry and Jordan (Primary Sponsors) - AMEND FELONY FIREARMS ACT/INCREASE PENALTIES. (Judiciary/B) (2nd Edition) HB 596 Committee Substitute - Hastings, Stam and Crawford (Primary Sponsors) TRANSFER SURPLUS PROPERTY TO RETIREMENT SYSTEM. (Finance) (2nd Edition) HB 623 Committee Substitute - McCormick, Stevens, Cleveland and Glazier (Primary Sponsors) - ELIMINATE AGENCY FINAL DECISION AUTHORITY. (Judiciary/A) (2nd Edition) HB 643 Committee Substitute - LaRoque, McLawhorn, Wainwright and Brawley (Primary Sponsors) - EXEMPT CENTRAL COASTAL PLAIN CAPACITY USE AREA FROM INTERBASIN TRANSFER CERTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS. (Government) (2nd Edition) HJR 697 L. Brown - STUDY STROKE PREVENTION IN ATRIAL FIBRILLATION. (Health and Human Services) (1st Edition) HB 877 Stevens, Blust, Folwell and Cleveland (Primary Sponsors) - CHECK OFF DONATION: GOVERNMENT FUNDING. (Government) (1st Edition) | House |
7:00 PM | Session Convenes (Senate) PUBLIC BILLS THIRD READING-ROLL CALL SB 426 Clodfelter 3rd Ed. MODIFY/CLARIFY PUBLIC FINANCE STATUTES. Com Sub No. 2 3/28 Finance 5/10 Unfav bill; Finance Com Sub Adopted (Chgs title) 5/11 W/D Cal; rerefer Finance 5/18 Unfav Com Sub; Finance Com Sub No. 2 Adopted 5/19 Passed 2nd Rdg SECOND READING-ROLL CALL SB 382 Apodaca 2nd Ed. REQUIRED WITHHOLDING FOR NONRESIDENTS. Com Sub 3/22 Finance 5/19 Unfav bill; Finance Com Sub Adopted SECOND READING SB 129 Brown STATE MINERAL IS GOLD. 2/28 Rules 5/19 Fav SB 143 Mansfield DETENTION FACILITY REQUIREMENTS. 2/28 Rules 3/22 W/D Rules; rerefer Judiciary I 5/19 Fav SB 713 Nesbitt 2nd Ed. SPIRITUOUS LIQUOR SALES/TASTINGS-DISTILLERIES. Com Sub 4/20 Rules 5/19 Unfav bill; Rules Com Sub Adopted (Chgs title) SPIRITUOUS LIQUOR SALES - DISTILLERIES. SB 727 Hise 2nd Ed. NO DUES CHECKOFF FOR SCHOOL EMPLOYEES. Com Sub 4/20 Ed/Higher Ed. 5/2 W/D Ed/Higher Ed.; rerefer Rules 5/19 Unfav bill; Rules Com Sub Adopted SB 730 Clodfelter 2nd Ed. TAXPAYER ACTION IF NO DOR DETERMINATION. Com Sub 4/20 Finance 5/19 Unfav bill; Finance Com Sub Adopted HB 98 McGrady 3rd Ed. BREWERIES TO SELL MALT BEVERAGES ON PREMISES. S Com Sub 5/3 Rules 5/19 Unfav Com Sub; Sen Rules Com Sub Adopted FOR CONCURRENCE SB 245 (Id H 425) Hartsell 4th Ed. MEDICAID BILLING BY LOCAL HEALTH DEPARTMENTS. H Com Sub 3/8 Health Care 3/17 Unfav bill; Health Care Com Sub Adopted (Chgs title) 3/21 Passed 2nd & 3rd Rdgs; To House 5/19 Rec'd for concurrence House Com Sub; Cal 5/23 | Senate |

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