The Macon County Commissioners met this morning at 8am in Franklin, NC. I was the only person from the local media present. During the meeting, Chairman Brian McClellan announced that Alan Bryson no longer wished to serve as the Macon County Representative on the Highlands ETJ Board. Chairman McClellan indicated that John Crow was willing to serve on the board. Commissioners agreed.
Vice Chairman Bobby Kuppers informed Commissioners that the Macon County Planning Board would not be able to make a report on the proposed steep slope ordinance as planned at the August meeting. He said that it would probably be the September meeting before the planning board would be prepared to report.
The Commissioners then went into a closed session to discuss a potential property acquisition and to preserve attorney-client privilege. The closed session lasted about 45 minutes.
When Commissioners returned from the closed session, they recognized Macon County Sheriff Deputy Judy Lau, Juvenile Investigations, for being recognized as Juvenile Officer of the Year by the North Carolina Juvenile Officers Association. Commissioners indicated that they would invite her back to the August meeting for a more formal recognition of the achievement.
Chairman McClellan announced that Commissioners were going to purchase property on the corner of East Palmer Street and Patton Avenue for $300,000. A motion was made to appropriate $320,000 to cover unanticipated costs in the property transfer from United Community Bank. Chester M Jones, county attorney, advised the county manager to hold off on signing the agreement until after an inspection of the property had been made. The motion carried unanimously.
Their were adjustments made to the budget in the area of health insurance policy and the 3% cost of living increase for county employees.
The commissioners recessed the meeting until 11.30am on July 5, 2011 to take place in the commissioners Boardroom.

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