The new session of the North Carolina General Assembly is well underway and here is the schedule for today. There are lots of committees meeting today, and there are sessions of the NC Senate and the NC House scheduled also. I have included links to bill histories, downloadable PDFs of the current versions of bills and links so that you can listen to the audio feed of these meetings live...provided they are taking place in a room that is wired for audio streaming to the Internet.
If you cannot listen to these meetings live, check back later to see if I have. If I have, I'll post the audio (and a download link) for the meeting in the calendar. You can also follow what is happening in the NC General Assembly by keeping an eye on the hashtag #ncga on Twitter.
If I haven't been able to listen, please check with Voter Radio. You should already besubscribing to their podcasts anyway. I do. ʘ‿ʘ
Link for audio webcasts by room. The old linking system no longer works.
10 MINUTES AFTER SESSION | Judiciary Subcommittee B -- CORRECTED (House) Make Synthetic Cannabinoids Illegal. (H12) SORNA Compliance. (H772) Amend Innocence Commission Laws. (H778) End Ct. Orders/Est. Local Intake Procedures. (H853) Habitual DWI Restoration Clarification. (H607) Immunity for Property Owners in Emergencies. (H842) The Baucum - Reynolds Safe Roads Act. (H850) | 1327 LB |
AFTER SESSION ON WEDNESDAY | Elections -- CANCELLED (House) Restore Partisan Judicial Elections. (H64) Optional Vote Centers for Second Primary. (H125) Pol. Comm. Treas. Training/Org. Rpt Req. (H346) Eliminate "Instant Runoff"/Public Financing. (H452) Bd. of Ethics, Lobbying, and Campaign Finance. (H710) Electoral Freedom Act of 2011. (H32) Nonpartisan Redistricting Process. (H824) | 643 LOB |
8:00 AM | Finance (House) Clarify Property Tax for Conservation Land. (H350) Utilities Commission/Criminal Records Check. (H340) Extend Time For Site Of Low/Mod. Inc. Housing. (H417) Protect Galax & Venus Flytrap/WRC Rule Fines. (H476) Authorize Add'l Person County Occupancy Tax. (H518) Prepaid Wireless/Point of Sale Collection. (H571) Electronic Monitoring Fee. (H662) Authorize Electronic Listing. (H896) Southern Shores Canal Dredging/Maintenance. (S145) Surplus Lines/Premium Tax.-AB (S321) | 544 LOB |
8:00 AM | Appropriations (House) Nonprofits/Criteria to Receive State Funds. (H100) | 643 LOB |
8:00 AM | Appropriations -- CORRECTED (House) Nonprofits/Criteria to Receive State Funds. (H100) Amend UNC Enrollment Funding Formula. (H252) High School Accreditation. (H342) ECU/Bd of Governors Dental Scholarship-Loan. (H357) Distribution Mod To Excise Tax On Conveyances. (H574) Study Efficiency and Cost Savings/State Govt. (H627) Capital Procedure/Severe Mental Disability. (H659) Teachers/Isolated K-12 Schools. (H815) AEDs in State Buildings. (H914) Consolidate DV Commission/Council for Women. (H757) | 643 LOB |
9:30 AM | Rep. Glazier/Press Conference | Press Room LB |
10:00 AM | Judiciary Subcommittee A -- CORRECTED (House) H-241 and H-732 are for discussion purposes only. Government Contractors Must Use E-Verify. (H36) Commercial Real Estate Broker Lien Act. (H174) North Carolina Firearms Freedom Act. (H241) Legal Services. (H714) AOC/Custody & Availability of Ct Records. (H859) Tort Reform Act of 2011. (H732) Devisee/Devise/Statutory Construction. (S252) | 1327 LB |
10:00 AM | Judiciary Subcommittee C -- CORRECTED (House) | 415 LOB |
10:00 AM | Commerce and Job Development Subcommittee on Business and Labor -- CORRECTED (House) | 424 LOB |
10:00 AM | Education/Higher Education -- CANCELLED (Senate) | 544 LOB |
10:00 AM | Commerce and Job Development Subcommittee on Science and Technology(House) Local Electronic Notice. (H307) | 1425 LB |
11:00 AM | Session Convenes (Senate) PUBLIC BILLS SECOND READING-ROLL CALL HB 200 Brubaker 7th Ed. APPROPRIATIONS ACT OF 2011. S Com Sub No. 3 5/5 Appro./Base Bud. 5/24 W/D Appro./Base Bud.; rerefer Finance; if Fav Appro./Base Bud.; if Fav Pens./Ret./Aging 5/25 Unfav House Com Sub No. 2; Sen Finance Com Sub Adopted w/ Comm Amds. Nos. 1-5 (Chgs title); rerefer Appro./Base Bud.; Fav, as amended w/ Comm Amds. Nos. 6-27; rerefer Pens./Ret./Aging 5/26 Unfav Appro./Base Bud. Com Sub; Sen Pens./Ret./Aging Com Sub Adopted; Cal 5/31 5/31 W/D Cal; rerefer Appro./Base Bud.; if Fav Finance; Unfav Pens./Ret./Aging Com Sub; Sen Appro./Base Bud. Com Sub Adopted; rerefer Finance; Fav SECOND READING SB 576 Hartsell, Tillman, Preston 3rd Ed. CHANGES TO FEES FOR TEACHER CERTIFICATION. Com Sub No. 2 4/14 Ed/Higher Ed.; if Fav Finance 4/27 Unfav bill; Ed/Higher Ed. Com Sub Adopted; rerefer Finance 5/12 Unfav Com Sub; Finance Com Sub Adopted; Cal 5/17 5/17 W/D Cal; Cal 5/19 5/19 W/D Cal; Cal 5/26 5/26 W/D Cal; Cal 6/1 | Senate |
11:00 - 1:00 | Public Utilities (House) | 643 LOB |
11:30 AM | Sen. McKissick | Press Room LB |
12:00 NOON | State Personnel (House) | 544 LOB |
2:00 PM | Session Convenes (House) LOCAL BILLS THIRD READING - ROLL CALL HB 97 Horn and Burr (Primary Sponsors) - UNION FIRE FEE SUNSET REPEALED. (Finance) (1st Edition) SB 19 Tucker - UNION FIRE FEE SUNSET REPEALED. (Finance) (1st Edition) PUBLIC BILLS THIRD READING - NON - ROLL CALL HB 503 Committee Substitute - Insko and LaRoque (Primary Sponsors) - NUTRITION STANDARDS/ALL FOODS SOLD AT SCHOOL. (Amendment Nos. 1 and 2 Adopted - 5/24/11)(Education) (2nd Edition) HB 656 Committee Substitute - Guice, Ingle, and Faircloth (Primary Sponsors) - CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES/PHOTO IDENTIFICATION. (Judiciary/B) (2nd Edition) HB 709 Committee Substitute - Folwell, Dollar, Hager and Crawford (Primary Sponsors) - PROTECT AND PUT NORTH CAROLINA BACK TO WORK. (House Select Committee on Tort Reform) (2nd Edition) SECOND AND THIRD READINGS HB 165 Committee Substitute - McGee, Weiss, Earle and Howard (Primary Sponsors) - PLANNED COMMUNITY AND CONDOMINIUM ACT AMENDS. (Judiciary/A) (2nd Edition) HB 209 Ingle and Gillespie (Primary Sponsors) - AMEND SOLID WASTE FINANCIAL ASSURANCE REQUIREMENTS. (Environment) (1st Edition) HB 373 Committee Substitute - Dockham - INSURANCE CHANGES TO PAYMENTS AND GROUP LIFE. (Insurance) (2nd Edition) HB 542 Committee Substitute - Rhyne, McComas, Brisson and Crawford (Primary Sponsors) - TORT REFORM FOR CITIZENS AND BUSINESSES. (House Select Committee on Tort Reform) (2nd Edition) HB 603 Committee Substitute - Justice and McComas (Primary Sponsors) - PAYING OF OVERWEIGHT FINES BY PRIVATE PARTIES. (Transportation) (2nd Edition) HB 642 Committee Substitute No. 2 - Guice, Faircloth, Bordsen and Parmon (Primary Sponsors) - JUSTICE REINVESTMENT ACT. (Appropriations) (3rd Edition) HB 644 Committee Substitute - Murry, Dollar, Crawford and Wilkins (Primary Sponsors) - ESTABLISH PHARMACY AUDIT RIGHTS. (Judiciary/A) (2nd Edition) HB 661 Committee Substitute - Cook and Shepard (Primary Sponsors) - COMMERCIAL DRIVERS LICENSE/HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ENDORSEMENT EXPIRATION. (Transportation) (2nd Edition) HB 755 Committee Substitute - Committee on Agriculture - STUDY FOX LAWS. (Agriculture) (3rd Edition) HB 810 Committee Substitute - Steen, Brubaker, Owens and K. Alexander (Primary Sponsors) - CONSUMER FINANCE ACT AMENDMENTS. (Banking) (2nd Edition) HB 816 Committee Substitute - McElraft - SPAY/NEUTER ADVISORY BOARD/FUND. (Agriculture) (2nd Edition) HB 837 Committee Substitute - Carney and Justice (Primary Sponsors) - COMPLETION OF CPR BY STUDENTS REQUIRED. (Education) (2nd Edition) HB 855 Committee Substitute - Brandon - PERSONAL LEARNING PLAN FOR EACH CHILD. (Education) (2nd Edition) HB 916 Committee Substitute - Barnhart, Dollar, Burr and Insko (Primary Sponsors) - STATEWIDE EXPANSION OF 1915(B)/(C) WAIVER. (Finance) (2nd Edition) SB 307 Committee Substitute No. 2 - Hartsell - SMART CARD BIOMETRICS AGAINST MEDICAID FRAUD. (Health and Human Services) (3rd Edition) | House |
2:45 PM | Health Care -- CANCELLED (Senate) | 544 LOB |
3:00 PM | Mental Health & Youth Services (Senate) LME Minimum Population. (S578) | 414 LOB |
4:00 PM | Joint Legislative Committee on New Licensing Boards | 422 LOB |
2011 Budget Information (HB 200 Bill Status History) -- Visit the Appropriations Committee websites below to view additional budget information.
- New - Bill Text - Senate Committee Substitute for House Bill 200, Appropriations Act of 2011, approved by Senate Finance Committee on 05/24/2011, does not include Finance Committee amendments #1 - #5 and adopted Appropriations Committee amendments #6 - #27 from 05/25/2011 which can be found on thebill status page.

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