The North Carolina General Assembly is currently in session and here is the schedule for today. There are lots of committees meeting today, and there are sessions of the NC Senate and the NC House scheduled also. I have included links to bill histories, downloadable PDFs of the current versions of bills and links so that you can listen to the audio feed of these meetings live...provided they are taking place in a room that is wired for audio streaming to the Internet. To assist you in keeping up with history the passage of the Appropriations Act of 2011 (HB 200), click here. To read more about the Governor's veto, click here. The NC House has scheduled a vote to override the veto on June 15th.
If you cannot listen to these meetings live, check back later to see if I have. If I have, I'll post the audio (and a download link) for the meeting in the calendar. You can also follow what is happening in the NC General Assembly by keeping an eye on the hashtag #ncga on Twitter.
If I haven't been able to listen, please check with Voter Radio. You should already besubscribing to their podcasts anyway. I do. ʘ‿ʘ
Link for audio webcasts by room. The old linking system no longer works.
12:00 NOON-2:00 PM | State and Local Government (Senate) Wilmington Civil Service Board. (S319) Winston-Salem/Council Meetings. (H170) Local Development for Winston-Salem. (H207) Acquiring by Right-Condemnation of Property. (H208) Town of Cramerton/Regulate Utility Vehicles. (H212) Wake Local Energy Efficiency. (H266) Wayne Sheriff Vacancies. (H328) Apex/Cary Annexation Into Chatham Restricted. (H358) Wilmington/Contributing Structures. (H403) Pinebluff/Preserve Land for Parks. (H410) Iredell Correctional Facility/DOT Storage. (H411) Oak Island/Wheel Locks. (H420) Mount Airy Charter Amendments. (H516) Forsyth/Winston-Salem Zoning Amendments. (H558) Guilford Board of Cty Comm. Districts. (H467) Rockingham/Taking of Foxes. (H463) CHANGE Winston-Salem/Forsyth Election Method. (H523) Burke School Board Recall. (H338) Wake School Board Presiding Officer Voting. (H498) Tryon Deannexation. (H486) Belhaven Recall Elections. (H291) Reidsville Elections. (H510) Expand Joyce Creek District Board. (H416) Pasquotank Hunting. (H362) Clarify Development Moratoria Authority. (H332) Columbia Municipal Early Voting. (H360) | 1124 LB |
8:00 AM | Finance -- CORRECTED (House) Amend Locksmith Licensing Act/Increase Fees. (H889) Increase Criminal Court Costs/Victim's Comp. (H911) Increase In Rem Foreclosure Fee. (S537) Clarify Mill Machinery Privilege Tax. (H751) Incorporate Castle Hayne. (S237) Increase Charitable Contribution Deduction. (H886) Conservation Easements Stewardship Funds. (S309) ESC/Jobs Reform. (S532) Small Business Assistance Records. (S385) Ignition Interlock Systems/Record Checks. (H761) Encourage Invest to Retain Art 3A Installment. (S345) Global TransPark Gov. Reform & Loan Repayment. (S409) Rewrite Landscape Contractor Laws. (S447) | 544 LOB |
8:30 AM | Government -- CORRECTED (House) Parmele Town Board Size. (S39) Municipal Systems. (S320) Out-of-State Law Enforcement/Special Events. (S600) Clarify Use of Position. (S620) Harkers Island Sanitary District Elections. (S250) Haywood Community College Leases. (S227) Greensboro Rental Property Utility Liens. (S177) Norwood Water Lines. (S472) Prohibit Involuntary Annexation of Farms. (S530) | 643 LOB |
8:30 AM | Rules and Operations of the Senate (Senate) | 1027 LB |
9:00 AM | Health Care (Senate) | 1124 LB |
9:00 AM | Sen. P. Berger & Speaker Tillis | Press Room LB |
9:30-11:00 AM | Judiciary I (Senate) Restore Confidence in Government. (H351) | 1027 LB |
10:00 AM | Education (House) Regional Schools. (S125) Convey Blue Ridge Corr. Fac to Mayland CC. (S159) Public-Private Partnership for Schools. (S243) Extend Small Business Center Incubator Period. (S287) Educ. Oversight Comm. Study of Teacher Tenure. (S423) Modify Teacher Career Status Law. (S466) Testing in the Public Schools. (S479) Modify Law Re: Corporal Punishment. (S498) UNC/Cherokee Language Credit. (S631) Modify Regulation of Proprietary Schools. (S685) Multiple Birth Sibling Classroom Placement. (S726) | 643 LOB |
10:00 AM | Session Convenes (Senate) | Senate |
10:00 AM | Judiciary II (Senate) Motorcycle Safety Act. (H113) Checking Station Pattern Selection. (H381) Expand Access/Death Certificate/Adult Adoptee (for discussion only) (H846) Amend Various Gun Laws/Castle Doctrine. (H650) Capital Procedure/Severe Mental Disability. (H659) Handgun Permit Valid in Parks & Restaurants (for discussion only) (H111) | 1124 LB |
10:00 AM | Health and Human Services -- CORRECTED (House) This meeting is scheduled to last two hours. Expand Pharmacists' Immunizing Authority. (S246) Facilitate Statewide Health Info. Exchange. (S375) Local Human Services Administration. (S433) Task Force on Fraud Against Older Adults. (S449) Enact First Evaluation Program. (S437) Extend Reporting on Baby Boomer Preparations. (S451) Medicaid and Health Choice Provider Req. (S496) Facilitate Transfer SPH Beds Com. Facility. (S578) Conform Medical Record Laws. (S607) DSS Adoption Assistance Agreements Binding. (S644) Facilitate Locum Tenens Physicians. (S609) Revise Membership/Hearing Aid Fitters Board. (S670) Encourage Volunteer Health Care Providers. (S743) Birth Certificate/Stillborn Infants. (S770) | 1228/1327 |
10:00 AM | Judiciary Subcommittee C (House) | 1425 LB |
10:00 AM | Commerce and Job Development/Business and Labor Subcommittee (House) | 544 LOB |
10:00 AM | Sen. Kinnaird | Press Room LB |
11:00 AM | Commerce (Senate) Employers/Gov. Contractors Must Use E-Verify. (H36) Electric Cities/Uses of Rate Revenue. (H117) Commercial Real Estate Broker Lien Act. (H174) Real Estate License Law Amendments.-AB (H386) Transfer Emergency Foreclosure Program to HFA. (H484) NC Energy Independence Study. (H585) Improve Enforcement/General Contractor Laws. (H648) Homeowner/Homebuyer Protection Act. (H654) Payable on Death Accounts. (H686) Zoning St. of Limit./Ag. Dist. Change. (H806) | 1027 LB |
11:00 AM | Agriculture/Environment/Natural Resources (Senate) | 544 LOB |
11:30 AM | Transportation (Senate) | 414 LOB |
12:00 PM | Judiciary Subcommittee B (House) AOC Collection Assistance Fee. (S131) Allow Juvenile Record/Risk Determination/Bond. (S135) Detention Facility Requirements. (S143) Pretrial Release Violation/Arrest. (S311) Clarify Process/Reportable Offenses in Sch. (S394) Expunge Nonviolent Offense by Minor. (S397) Ordinance first reading vote. (S413) Modify Graduated Licensing Requirements. (S636) Post-Release Supervision/Sex Offenders. (S684) | 415 LOB |
12:00 PM | Sen. Nesbitt | Press Room LB |
12:00 NOON | Pensions & Retirement and Aging (Senate) | 1027 LB |
12:00 NOON | Transportation -- CORRECTED (House) DOT Bid Responses Not Public/Contract Awarded. (S750) Modify Weight Limits for Farm Operations. (S749) Clarify Motor Vehicle Laws. (S581) Amend Weight Limits for Farm Products. (S461) Real ID Compliance/Limited Duration Licenses. (S303) Commercial and Other M/V Law Changes.-AB (S271) Transportation Map Corridors/Condemnation. (S214) Roadside Campaign Signs. (S315) Single Trip Permits/Modular Homes. (S771) | 643 LOB |
1:00 PM | Insurance (House) Director and Officer Insurance for Treasurer. (S702) | 1327 LB |
1:00 PM | Agriculture (House) | 643 LOB |
1:00 PM | Finance (Senate) Personnel Records Technical Changes. (S554) Kinston Annexation Repealed. (H5) Rocky Mount Annexations Repealed. (H56) Farms Exempt from City Annexation/ETJ/Zoning. (H168) Authorize Various Special Plates. (H289) Housing Authority/Collect Unpaid Rent. (H339) Roanoke Rapids Deannexation. (H367) Register of Deeds/Fees. (H384) Guilford Tech. May Lease Property. (H409) Extend Time For Site Of Low/Mod. Inc. Housing. (H417) Rendering Act Amendments. (H512) Raleigh/Wake Forest Boundary. (H573) Electronic Monitoring Fee. (H662) Annexation Reform Act of 2011. (H845) | 544 LOB |
2:00 PM | Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House (House) Honor John McNeill Smith, Jr. (S5) Clarify Permit Req. Collection Agency E'ee. (S63) State Mineral is Gold. (S129) Wake Commissioners Districting/Vacancies. (S151) No Benefits for Illegal Aliens. (S205) Adopt Official State Sport. (S322) Required Withholding For Nonresidents. (S382) School Buses/State Vehicles/Tires. (S416) License Plate Agency Contracts. (S661) Swine and Poultry Waste RECs. (S710) Confidentiality/Investigative Info/Optometry. (S349) | 1327 LB |
2:00 PM | Appropriations/Base Budget (Senate) | 643 LOB |
4:00 PM | Legislative Committee on New Licensing Boards Community Association Managers Licensing Act (S373) | 422 LOB |
7:00 PM | Session Convenes (House) | House |

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