**note** The Appropriations Act of 2011 was passed this weekend with a veto-proof super majority with the help of several Democrats crossed over the aisle and voted with Republicans to make this the first bipartisan budget in decades in North Carolina. Download PDF of budget. See status history and voting record on HB200 that includes votes on all amendments. This is also the earliest in my memory that a state budget has been sent to the Governor to sign.

The session of the North Carolina General Assembly is well underway and here is the schedule for today. There are lots of committees meeting today, and there are sessions of the NC Senate and the NC House scheduled also. I have included links to bill histories, downloadable PDFs of the current versions of bills and links so that you can listen to the audio feed of these meetings live...provided they are taking place in a room that is wired for audio streaming to the Internet. I have also included links below the calendar to assist you in keeping up with developments in the Appropriations Act of 2011 (HB 200) as it winds it's way to passage.
If you cannot listen to these meetings live, check back later to see if I have. If I have, I'll post the audio (and a download link) for the meeting in the calendar. You can also follow what is happening in the NC General Assembly by keeping an eye on the hashtag #ncga on Twitter.
If I haven't been able to listen, please check with Voter Radio. You should already besubscribing to their podcasts anyway. I do. ʘ‿ʘ
Link for audio webcasts by room. The old linking system no longer works.
10:00 AM | Perinatal Health Committee of the Child Fatality Task Force | 1027/1128 LB |
4:00 PM | Joint Regulatory Reform Committee | 422 LOB |
4:30 PM | Education/Higher Education (Senate) 47th Senatorial District Local Act. (S159) UNC/Cherokee Language Credit. (S631) Multiple Birth Sibling Classroom Placement. (S726) Equal Education Opportunity Tax Credit. (S759) Report on Fitness Testing in Schools. (H334) Comm. Coll. Tuition for Members of Military. (H515) Amend Law Re: School Discipline. (H736) Establish Arts Education Commission. (H758) | 544 LOB |
7:00 PM | Session Convenes (House) UNFINISHED BUSINESS PUBLIC BILLS SECOND AND THIRD READINGS HB 832 Brubaker and McComas (Primary Sponsors) - ALLOW NONATTORNEY OWNERSHIP OF PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION LAW FIRMS. (Commerce and Job Development/Business and Labor) (1st Edition) LOCAL BILLS THIRD READING - ROLL CALL HB 552 Committee Substitute No. 2 - Moffitt and McGrady (Primary Sponsors) - GREATER ASHEVILLE REGIONAL AIRPORT AUTHORITY. (Amendment No. 1 Adopted - 6/3/11) (Finance) (3rd Edition) SB 431 Davis - FONTANA DAM INCORPORATED. (Finance) (1st Edition) SECOND READING - ROLL CALL HB 96 Committee Substitute - Stevens - ADDITIONAL ALLEGHANY/JACKSON OCCUPANCY TAX. (Finance) (2nd Edition) HB 469 Committee Substitute - Graham, Pierce and Pridgen (Primary Sponsors) - ADDITIONAL LUMBERTON AND ST. PAULS OCCUPANCY TAX. (Finance) (2nd Edition) PUBLIC BILLS THIRD READING - ROLL CALL HB 350 Committee Substitute - McGrady, Starnes, Brubaker and Harrison (Primary Sponsors) - PROPERTY TAX UNIFORMITY FOR CONSERVATION LAND. (Amendment No. 1 Pending) (Finance) (2nd Edition) HB 571 Committee Substitute No. 2 - Sager, Justice, Bryant and Brawley (Primary Sponsors) - PREPAID WIRELESS/POINT OF SALE COLLECTION. (Finance) (3rd Edition) THIRD READING - NON - ROLL CALL HB 342 Committee Substitute No. 2 - Blackwell and Holloway (Primary Sponsors) - HIGH SCHOOL ACCREDITATION. (Appropriations) (3rd Edition) HB 440 T. Moore - ADOPT OFFICIAL LIVERMUSH FESTIVALS. (Amendment No. 1 Adopted - 6/3/11) (Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House) (3rd Edition) HB 799 Martin and Killian (Primary Sponsors) - LICENSURE BY ENDORSEMENT/MILITARY/SPOUSES. (Amendment No. 1 Adopted - 6/3/11) (Finance) (1st Edition) | House |
7:00 PM | Session Convenes (Senate) LOCAL BILLS SECOND READING-ROLL CALL SB 237 Goolsby 2nd Ed. INCORPORATE CASTLE HAYNE. Com Sub 3/8 Finance 6/2 Unfav bill; Finance Com Sub Adopted; Cal 6/6 PUBLIC BILLS SECOND READING 3/1 Judiciary I 6/2 Fav; Cal 6/6 SB 203 McKissick, East SET ASIDE CHILD SUPP./LIMITED CIRCUMSTANCES. 3/7 Rules 4/14 W/D Rules; rerefer Judiciary II 6/2 Fav; Cal 6/6 SB 438 Apodaca 2nd Ed. CLARIFY MOTOR VEHICLE LICENSING LAW. Com Sub 3/29 Commerce 6/2 Unfav bill; Commerce Com Sub Adopted; Cal 6/6 SB 446 (Id H 515) Meredith, Preston, Brown 2nd Ed. COMM. COLL. TUITION FOR MEMBERS OF MILITARY. Com Sub 3/30 Finance 6/2 Unfav bill; Finance Com Sub Adopted; Cal 6/6 SB 578 Hartsell 2nd Ed. LME MINIMUM POPULATION. Com Sub 4/14 Mental Health/Youth Svcs. 6/2 Unfav bill; Mental Health/Youth Svcs. Com Sub Adopted (Chgs title); Cal 6/6 FACILITATE TRANSFER SPH BEDS COM. FACILITY. SB 659 Clodfelter 2nd Ed. WC/TAXI DRIVER/INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. Com Sub 4/20 Judiciary I 6/2 Unfav bill; Judiciary I Com Sub Adopted; Cal 6/6 SB 684 Apodaca 2nd Ed. POST-RELEASE SUPERVISION/SEX OFFENDERS. Com Sub 4/20 Judiciary I 6/2 Unfav bill; Judiciary I Com Sub Adopted (Chgs title); Cal 6/6 SB 743 Goolsby 2nd Ed. ENCOURAGE VOLUNTEER HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS. Com Sub 4/20 Health Care 5/24 Unfav bill; Health Care Com Sub Adopted (Chgs title); rerefer Finance 6/2 Fav; Cal 6/6 4/20 Commerce 6/2 Unfav bill; Commerce Com Sub Adopted (Chgs title); Cal 6/6 5/9 Commerce 6/2 Fav; Cal 6/6 THIRD READING SB 562 Daniel 2nd Ed. STANDARDS FOR SOME NURSERY STOCK PURCHASES. Com Sub 4/12 Ag./Envir./Nat Res. 6/1 Unfav bill; Ag./Envir./Nat Res. Com Sub Adopted 6/2 Passed 2nd Rdg; W/D Cal of 6/4; Cal 6/6 FOR ADOPTION SR 780 Apodaca CROSSOVER RULE. 6/4 Cal 6/6 | Senate |

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