The North Carolina General Assembly is currently in session and here is the schedule for today. There are lots of committees meeting today, and there are sessions of the NC Senate and the NC House scheduled also. I have included links to bill histories, downloadable PDFs of the current versions of bills and links so that you can listen to the audio feed of these meetings live...provided they are taking place in a room that is wired for audio streaming to the Internet. To assist you in keeping up with history the Appropriations Act of 2011 (HB 200), click here.
If you cannot listen to these meetings live, check back later to see if I have. If I have, I'll post the audio (and a download link) for the meeting in the calendar. You can also follow what is happening in the NC General Assembly by keeping an eye on the hashtag #ncga on Twitter.
If I haven't been able to listen, please check with Voter Radio. You should already besubscribing to their podcasts anyway. I do. ʘ‿ʘ
Link for audio webcasts by room. The old linking system no longer works.
I am also just linking to the PDFs of the calendars for the NC House and NC Senate sessions since they are getting crazy huge the closer we get to Crossover Day. I'm betting that Crossover Day itself will be insane.

15 MINUTES AFTER SESSION | Health Care (Senate) Bills not heard at 11:00 A.M. will be considered | 544 LOB |
8:00 AM | Rules and Operations of the Senate (Senate) | 1027 LB |
8:00 AM | Finance -- CORRECTED (House) Modify Refundability of EITC. (H93) Rev Laws Tech, Clarify., & Admin. Chngs. (H122) Taxpayer Information Act. (H315) Retirement Technical Corrections.-AB (H376) Continuous Alcohol Monitoring Law Changes. (H494) Modify Mecklenburg County Local Taxes. (H508) Rendering Act Amendments. (H512) Global TransPark PED Study. (H841) Zoning/Temp. Family Health Care Structures. (H887) Increase Criminal Court Costs/Victim's Comp. (H911) Increase In Rem Foreclosure Fee. (S537) | 544 LOB |
8:30 AM | Appropriations/Base Budget (Senate) Global TransPark PED Study. (S409) | 643 LOB |
9:00 AM | Commerce (Senate) | 1027 LB |
10:00 AM | Judiciary Subcommittee A -- CORRECTED (House) Accident/Ticket 30-Day No Contact. (H87) Show Mortgage Payoff on Satisfaction Filing. (H203) Bill of Rights/Deaf/Hearing Impaired. (H625) Property Owners Protection Act. (H652) Tort Reform Act of 2011. (H732) Allow Nonattorney Ownership of PC Law Firms. (H832) AOC/Custody & Availability of Ct Records. (H859) | 1228/1327 |
10:00 AM | Commerce and Job Development Subcommittee on Science and Technology -- CORRECTED (House) | 1425 LB |
10:00 AM | Judiciary Subcommittee B (House) | 421 LOB |
10:00 AM | Education/Higher Education (Senate) | 544 LOB |
10:00 AM | Commerce and Job Development Subcommittee on Business and Labor -- CORRECTED (House) | 643 LOB |
11:00 AM | Health Care (Senate) | 544 LOB |
12:00 NOON | Pensions & Retirement and Aging (Senate) | 1027 LB |
12:00 NOON | Transportation (Senate) | 1124 LB |
12:00 NOON | Mental Health & Youth Services (Senate) | 414 LOB |
12:00 NOON | State Personnel (House) | 605 LOB |
12:00 NOON | Public Utilities -- CORRECTED (House) | 643 LOB |
1:00 PM | Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House -- CORRECTED (House) | 1327 LB |
1:00 PM | Finance (Senate) Extend Assessment Refund Period. (H167) Certificates Under Seal in Indigent Cases/Fee. (H243) Incorporate Rougemont. (H292) Repeal Savings Bond Payroll Savings Program.-AB (H313) State Treasurer's Investments.-AB (H318) Maintenance of Prisons. (H335) Amend Rutherford County Occupancy Tax. (H414) Swine in Transport/Regulate Feral Swine. (H432) Graham County/Cemetery Tax By General Law. (H532) Amend Moore County Occupancy Tax. (H545) Prepaid Wireless/Point of Sale Collection. (H571) Job Creation Act of 2011. (H619) Increase Payment of Unclaimed Property Claims. (H692) IRC Update. (S94) AOC Collection Assistance Fee. (S131) Operation of Mopeds. (S195) Restore Cigarette Tax Stamps. (S249) Rev Laws Tech, Clarify., & Admin. Chngs. (S267) Extend Qualified Business Venture Tax Credit. (S436) Rewrite Landscape Contractor Laws. (S447) Release Subdivided Lots From Tax Liens. (S486) Life Sciences Development Act. (S527) Rendering Act Amendments. (S599) Mutual Insurance Holding Companies. (S647) Div. of Criminal Information (DCI) Changes. (S699) | 544 LOB |
12:00 NOON | Elections (House) | 643 LOB |
2:00 PM | Session Convenes (House) | House |
2:00 PM | Session Convenes (Senate) | Senate |

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