
I am working on the template of this blog today in order to chase down some problems that have developed with my template and widgets.

Macon County Commissioners

Coverage of the meetings of the Macon County Board of County Commissioners.

Franklin Town Board of Aldermen

Coverage of the meetings of the Franklin Town Board of Aldermen.

Macon County School Board

Coverage of the meetings of the Macon County School Board.


Photos from my photoblog.

nullspace for future use

nullspace for future use


Sunday, August 31, 2008

Overnight Updates for Hurricane Gustav and TS Hanna

**updates below widget**Here is a widget that will be constantly updated throughout the night to allow you to track the progress of these storms: The first rain bands are brushing the Florida Panhandle:Graphic Courtesy Weather Underground EVX NexRad Stati...

Hurricane Gustav Brings Out Crazies and Happy Democrats

I am beginning to think that a significant number of people have gone insane in the world.Here is a guy without any marbles (at all):And here is a former chairman and a Democratic Congressman (Don Fowler and John Spratt (D-SC)) of the Democratic National Committee laughing about Hurricane Gustav because he perceives political advantage from the lost lives and destroyed property of people living along the gulf coast:And, last (but certainly not least) we have Michael Moore...who is happy that a Hurricane is headed toward New Orleans:Do you need...

Little Known Facts About Sarah Palin, Part One

* Sarah Palin begins every day with a moment of silence for the political enemies buried in her yard.* Sarah Palin always beats the point spread.* Sarah Palin once bit the head off a live Osprey snatched from the air as it tried to fly off with a fish she caught.* Sarah Palin uses French Canadians as bait to catch giant king salmon.* When Sarah Palin booked a flight to Europe, the French immediately surrendered.* Sarah Palin knows who was on the grassy knoll.* Sarah Palin’s finishing move in the VP debate will be pulling Biden’s still beating...

Local Sportswriter To Ride Out Gustav

LAFAYETTE, La. – What started as a routine assignment covering the Appalachian State-LSU football game in Baton Rouge has become more of an adventure. I'm staying in Lafayette, La., just west of Baton Rouge and about 90 miles northwest of New Orleans, to help the Gannett newspaper here (The Advertiser) with Hurricane Gustav coverage. My assignment Sunday is to go out with a photographer to New Iberia, a nearby community that is under orders for mandatory evacuation, and talk to people about leaving their homes and the uncertaintity they face....

Vladimir Putin Shoots Tiger, Saves Journalists

Vladimir Putin, who is on a working visit to the region, arrived at the reserve on a helicopter. There he met with scientists working on research and preservation of the Amur tiger – one of the rarest predators on the planet. There are only about 450 big cats in Russia. ...snip...Then Putin was offered to travel to taiga and see the trapped tigress.‘Vesti’ TV channel journalists, who were waiting for the Prime Minister at the site, just five metres...

Evacuation of New Orleans Underway

Photo Credit: Trafficland.comThe evacuation of New Orleans appears to be progressing apace plans set in motion by the Governor of Louisiana and the Mayor of New Orleans.Trains with thousands of people headed to Memphis with evacuees and buses were lined 40 deep to take people without transportation out of the path of Hurricane Gustav.Here is an enhanced infrared image of Hurricane Gustav from the National Hurricane center, showing the bands of moisture...

Mumpower Remarks on Son's Arrest

ASHEVILLE – Congressional candidate and Asheville City Councilman Carl Mumpower dismissed his son from his campaign staff Friday after police charged the younger Mumpower in connection with a bar fight. Asheville police arrested Matt Mumpower, 24, on allegations he punched another man in the face about midnight at Wild Wing Café on Biltmore Avenue, according to a citation at the Buncombe County Magistrate’s Office.Both men were at the restaurant and bar for Thirsty Thursday, which features discounted liquor and beer. Mumpower told an officer...

Tropical Update: Hurricane Gustav Marches to the Gulf,
Tropical Storm Hanna Bears Down on The Bahamas

Evacuations are already underway in parts of Louisiana (including New Orleans) and may come soon for parts of Texas and other portions of Louisiana today.Here is the latest advisory issued by the National Hurricane Center regarding Hurricane Gustav:WTNT22 KNHC 310856TCMAT2HURRICANE GUSTAV FORECAST/ADVISORY NUMBER 27NWS TPC/NATIONAL HURRICANE CENTER MIAMI FL AL0720080900 UTC SUN AUG 31 2008AT 4 AM CDT...0900 UTC...A HURRICANE WARNING IS ISSUED...

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Paultards Hope To Steal Nomination for Ron Paul

I found this at the Daily Paul website:DELEGATES either vote for Ron Paul first round or go to the restroom . Do something just do not vote for a man you know is not qualified. You may be bound in the first round so sit it out. This will be your finest hour, the Supreme Court has ruled that you have the right and obligation to judge the facts of the case and also the judge the law being applied in a trial that applies here also. VOTE YOUR CONSCIENCE...

Raid Nets Buckets of Urine, Slingshots and Other Weapons From Anarchist Safehouse in Minneapolis

Ramsey County sheriff's deputies found weapons and devices to disable buses - among other items - in searches in the Twin Cities last night and today. Authorities said the items came from "key members of the RNC Welcoming Committee," a self-described anarchist group. Five people have been arrested and four properties have been searched, according to the sheriff's office. At 8 a.m. today, the sheriff's office executed search warrants at three Minneapolis homes - 2301 23rd Ave. S., 3500 Harriet Ave. and 3240 17th Ave. S. The FBI, Minneapolis police...

Warthogs Tear Into The Enemy in Afghanistan

A portion of an email from a Hog Driver: ...I just had a rather exciting flight. "Balz" and I launched to support standard tasking and were immediately retasked airborne to a Troops In Contact (TIC) situation near the location the French lost 10 troops two days ago. Unlike the French, these were Army SF supported with attack helos and us.From the second we showed up it was a running gun battle with the SF guys taking RPGs, sniper and Heavy machine...

Phony Palin Scandal Exposed

Kathy at Hang Right Politics has the scoop on the sordid mindset of the progressives, and their buddies in the Legacy Media:The Truth Will Set You Free The democrats are scrambling today to find just anything they can to taint Gov. Sarah Palin, the inspiring new addition to the McCain ticket. They can smell Obama in the toaster; the in the tank for Obama smear captains journalists in the media are questioning the firing of an Alaskan Dept. of Safety...

Tropical Update: Hurricane Gustav and TS Hanna


Friday, August 29, 2008

BTR: A Newt One on the Sarah Palin Pick

The gang at A Newt One discuss the stunning pick of Sarah Palin as John McCain's Vice-Presidential nominee:The show begins at 7 PM and is an hour long.ChatroomA Newt O...

Wherein This Blogger Apologizes To John McCain

First, Sarah Palin speaking at the rally in Dayton, Ohio:Dear Senator John McCain:Please accept my apologies for doubting you, and thinking you incapable of changing, incapable of respecting the conservative base of the Republican Party.Your choice of Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska shows true boldness and audacity.I will volunteer with my local party, and work to get you and Sarah elected to the White House this November, and I heartily endorse...

McCain-Palin 2008 in the Blogosphere

Senator McCain has restored my hope in his campaign by choosing Sarah Palin.Here is what I have found in my initial recon:First up is the North Carolina bloggers...Under The Dome reports that members of the NC delegation to the RNC Convention picked Palin, and Donna Martinez wonders what Geraldine Ferraro and Hillary Clinton are thinking, and the SithMonkey thinks the Biden/Palin debates will decide the outcome of this election, Lorie Byrd declares the pick perfect and links to others, and Jon Hamm live-blogged the speech. A Watauga Conservative...

Who Is Sarah Palin?

Now that the speculation is over, we can begin to investigate Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin.Here are a few videos I scraped together so you can judge her for yourself, instead of having the gatekeepers in the Legacy Media tell you who she is:Appearance on Glenn Beck (starts at 4 min 25 sec)Appearance with Larry KudlowAnd here are the first responses from some YouTube commenters:Conservative Voice USASo whaddya think of Sarah Palin?The more I read and hear, the more I like her. I'll be posting excerpts and links to people who know more about het...

McCain Veepstakes Thread
(Updated) It's Sarah Palin!!!

I was crestfallen when I saw on Drudge that Romney had been ruled out.Now, we find that Pawlenty and Palin are going to be in their respective states when the announcement is I am thinking he may very well go with Giuliani.I'll keep updating as I find out more.CNN thinks a private plane arriving in Ohio from Alaska may indicate Palin in the choice.**9.54 AM** I have tracked the flight from Anchorage to Hook Field in Middletown, Ohio.The...

Tropical Weather Update: Gustav and Hanna

We are nearing the peak of the Atlantic Hurricane season, and we have two active tropical storms, Gustav and Hanna. Both have the potential to strike the USA coastline, with Gustav heading toward the Gulf Coast, and Hanna showing signs to dogleg south of Florida in the next five days.Here are the 5-day cones of current thinking by the National Weather Service:GustavHannaAnd here is the odd spaghetti-models of the future path of Hanna:Photo Courtesy...

Thursday Night Recap of the DNC Democratic Convention

Here are the videos of the speeches given on the climatic night of the DNC Democratic Convention in Denver, Colorado:Chairman of the Democrat National Committee, Howard DeanSay what you will about him. He has been a very effective organizer, cheerleader, and champion of new technologies. I can personally attest that the GOP will crush anyone who would attempt a similar revolution in effectiveness in our party.Now, comes a trio of videos honoring Martin Luther King, Jr:Here is Bernice, the only surviving daughter of Martin Luther King, Jr.Martin...

Thursday, August 28, 2008

McCain-Romney 2008

At least that is the way it would be if the majority of Conservatives (including me) had their say in the matter....

Mumpower Announces Operation Illumination

PRESS RELEASEThe recent ICE raid of Mills Manufacturing has created problems for area employers, illegal immigrants and those who support them. Asheville City Councilman and NC 11th district congressional candidate Carl Mumpower wants to add to those worries."No matter how many justifications folks find for misusing illegal immigrants, this is a bad deal all the way around," said Mumpower. "Anyone who helps flood America with an exploitable underclass labor pool; side steps the rule of law; burdens our...

Second Quarter GDP Surges
(Updated) The USA Is An Economic Powerhouse!!!

Real gross domestic product -- the output of goods and services produced by labor and property located in the United States -- increased at an annual rate of 3.3 percent in the second quarter of 2008,(that is, from the first quarter to the second quarter), according to preliminary estimates released by the Bureau of Economic Analysis. In the first quarter, real GDP increased 0.9 percent. The GDP estimates released today are based on more complete...

Barack Obama: Hugo Chavez Rising?

DENVER -- Police in Denver arrested an ABC News producer today as he and a camera crew were attempting to take pictures on a public sidewalk of Democratic senators and VIP donors leaving a private meeting at the Brown Palace Hotel.Police on the scene refused to tell ABC lawyers the charges against the producer, Asa Eslocker, who works with the ABC News investigative unit.A cigar-smoking Denver police sergeant, accompanied by a team of five other officers, first put his hands on Eslocker's neck, then twisted the producer's arm behind him to put...

Strategy Page Updates Military Forces Database

One of my favorite online military news resources, Strategy Page, has updated their online military forces database. Here are a few snippets of their observations:European Nations are still dominated by Russia. Despite the sharp (about 80 percent) decline in the Russian military in the 1990s, this still left them with the most powerful combat force in Europe. That's largely because most European also cut their military spending, and manpower, in...

Khalid Mansour, Another Nut From Obama's Past

Old videos appear to show a radical Muslim named Khalid Al-Mansour helped Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama gain acceptance into Harvard Law. Civil rights activist Percy Sutton recalled being solicited by a man named Dr. Khalid A-Mansour to write a letter of recommendation to help Obama gain acceptance into Harvard Law in this undated television interview available HERE. "I was introduced to him [Obama] by a friend who was raising money for him and the friends name was Dr. Khalid al Mansour from Texas,” Sutton said. “He is the principle...

Gustav and Tropical Depression Eight Update

A two-pronged tropical assualt may be in the works for the weekend after Labor Day.First, Gustav is out over open water after a brief interlude in Haiti. Here is the NHC 5-day cone forcast:And here is an ominous looking chart that shows both storms on a 5 day cone:Keep an eye on these two storms and be prepared if you live in the Southeastern USA. Gustav could reach Category Three strength by the time it hits the gulf coast. As always, I refer you...

Wednesday Night Recap of DNC Democratic Convention

Here are videos of the speeches given by Bill Clinton and Joe Biden last night, along with the surprise appearance of Obama at the end of Biden's speech:Former President Bill Clinton (after hearing him speak once again, I am glad that the DNC Rules Committee destroyed Hillary's momentum...that guy can charm birds out of the trees).Senator John Kerry (on the shortlist for SecState should Obama win?)Senator Joe Biden accepts the Democratic Party nomination for Vice-PresidentSenator Barack Obama pays a surprise visit to the DNC ConventionLater in...

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Drudge Says McCain Has Chosen

Hat Tip: The Drudge ReportScuttlebut has it the nominee has eight letters in the name based on signs observed at the RNC...To me that says, Giuliani, Huckabee, Pawlenty, Thompson or Petraeus. There may be more...or it could be a feint to mask a Romney pick (my personal favorite).WASHINGTON — Senator John McCain has decided on his running mate, two Republican strategists in contact with Mr. McCain’s campaign said Wednesday. He is expected to reveal...