Brook says he'll still be actively involved in the fight against illegal immigration - and you can bet your bottom dollar on that! Most websites and blogs retire within the first month. The longevity and dedication that Brook has shown in actively participating on the street level, hours shooting and editing video and researching and writing content show his passion. I don't think most people realize the time dedicated to such a task for no pay until they try it themselves and become burned out within weeks.
There really is no money in political blogging and especially in activist blogging, so we all must do other things on the side - and when it comes to careers and family, well that comes first.
I personally send a congratulations to Brook for his longevity and his dedication and wish him well in the future as he moves out of the Los Angeles area. He'll still be around on message boards and at rallies, so don't count him out.
Source: Diggers Realm
I will miss the Immigration Watchdog because it was a wealth of information, but I realize that Brook has to take care of himself first.
Good Luck, Brook!
I don't like what he has done. I agree that immigration watchdog was a wealth of information, but why did he delete it all, or make it unavailable?
If he wanted to stop doing what he was doing then why didn't he just stop updating his site. But he took down everything, all of his videos, all of his archived news articles...It takes nothing to leave your videos on youtube, it takes nothing to leave your blog up.
I find his departure close to the election a bit suspect. Of course I did not know him, but like I said, he could have easily left his resource available, but instead decided to remove it from use. That is suspect to me.
Let's say he wasn't bought. What does that say about him? "Now that I am leaving an illegal alien infested area, no need to fight illegal immigration any longer..." That doesn't say much for his supposed Patriotism.
I am attributing this suspicion to the fact that it would take 0 energy to leave what was available, available...
I agree that deleting videos takes work.
Maintaining a website takes money, and bandwidth and online storage takes money.
As a blogger, I can tell you that 99.999% of us do not make a dime from it, and instead, it costs us money and time.
If you want to see bloggers stick around...click on some of their ads and if they link to Amazon... buy something using their link.
If they have a donate button or tip jar, put $5 or whatever in it every once in a while.
Liberal bloggers can get hundreds of dollars in donations from sugar daddies (I know...I have a fake liberal blog with a donate button...and receive ten times the money from it than I do from all my conservative blogs and news sites put together.
Conservatives are stingy with their money when it comes to helping their own.
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