A portion of an email from a Hog Driver:
...I just had a rather exciting flight. "Balz" and I launched to support standard tasking and were immediately retasked airborne to a Troops In Contact (TIC) situation near the location the French lost 10 troops two days ago. Unlike the French, these were Army SF supported with attack helos and us.
From the second we showed up it was a running gun battle with the SF guys taking RPGs, sniper and Heavy machine gun fire. We took out two sniper positions with confirmed kills in the first 5 minutes. The helos were marking the locations they were taking fire from with WP (white phosphorus) rockets and we were cleaning things up with the 30MM.
I shot 1100 rounds of 30MM and my wingman shot 750. I then used WP rockets to get my #2's eyes on a heavy machine gun position so he could put a 500lb airburst on it. Which he did.
In the middle of the fight we were running low on gas so I sent Balz to the tanker and I remained on station single ship suppressing enemy fire on a helo trying to extract the team. I told Balz to have the tanker drag him as close to the fight as the KC-10 crew felt comfortable...
Source: Blackfive (read the rest and watch a video of an A-10 gun being tested)
Remember that we are able to celebrate this Labor Day weekend because of the guys and gals who are in the military. Here is a photo from 2007 of Sara Palin visiting with wounded troops in West Germany:

Labor Day is a holiday created by socialists, but we can take the opportunity to spend more time with our families while the Communists wax nostalgic for the days of Stalin, Lenin, and Marx. Use it as a teachable moment for your children if you are so inclined, in order to counteract the socialist drivel your children are being fed in public schools, if you have chosen to allow them to indoctrinate your children. You should consider home schooling your children, or enrolling them in a suitable charter school of correct ideological foundations.
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